Please advise, I have this good idea to process my immigration request as a skilled worker to Either Canada or Australia, Kindly advise me which among the two Countries you would recommend please, Further since the immigration process is never easy do I need a Lawyer for the assistance please so to go through comfortably without issue? Please advise.
Oh such an importang part of a divorce is choosing a lawyer. When I had a divorce I just wanted to get through this without hurting myself, my ex wife and our kids. That's why this is so important to have an expirienced lawyer who knows what to do. I found my divorce lawyer here - [url=https://]StateDivorce[/url] Check this site. Maybe you'll find the one.
In Saudi i met a few people who never left and got their Canadian passports :O)
lol flan, just admit, you don't want more immigrants, so you? :)
brit, your joke also applies for Australia, even easier :) One of my colleagues just came back from Australia - she is originally syrian - with australian citizenship. She had to live there for only 1 year to get a passport. In Canada, you have to live 3 years in order to apply for citizenship.
Depends what you want. If you're looking to stay in the Middle East, then emigrate to Canada.. :O)
Better migrate to Singapore.
You don't need any assistance (I did every thing by my self and many of my friends are there), especially for Canada.
Canada migration fees are less, only 395 $ CA for you and 152 $ CA for each person with you.
But according to what I get from Australia migration site, the fees are more than 2500 $ AUS.
You have to make your choice between Canada : -20 deg or Australia a Hot country (but not hotter than Qatar I guess... :).. )
for canada immigration call mr karl chebil 555-26187
They may need a canoe, a *hit load of bleach and good insurnace cover!
Mind you Canada ;-/ they may need a 'sense of humour kit' and a 'get a life kit'.
I, as a Brit got all of the above from e-bay so I am struggling lol
What's your nationality.
Many of my friends migrated to both Oz & Canada and none of them ever needed a lawyer.
OZ is a bit damp at the moment, canada might be a better option.
A word from the wise your English is lacking. You may want to do something about that before you apply.