Can you describe these people?

By Straight Arrow •
Those people have these things in common:
educated people are same as those who are educated.
drunk are same as those who are not drunk.
who respect are same as those who do not respect.
bad things is same as good things.
There is no difference between god and bad.
Can we describe them?
Good and bad is subjective. There are very few things that all cultures, religion and people would agree on as fundamentally bad. The only one I can really think of is Murder.
What do you think about the people who does not know what is good or bad?
I suggest let list the good things and agree to do it, and list the bad things and stop doing it.
nye panimayo
no comprendo
ana mish fahem
nichts verstehen
don' understand
these are all the same so what are you on about
A wise young crackpot knows no fear - Ian Dury.
I think you're going to have to be a bit clearer Khalid. Nobody can understand what you're talking about.
I mean between Good and bad
I think what he meant to say was Dog and Dab.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
There is no difference between god and bad.?????????
SmokE !!
Work is a Work, you should respect the work ur doing and not calling it Dirty. After all its a hard job.
lol smoke .. Rizks YEP :)
is it Pajju ? :)
So what is your problem pajju? Someone has to do your dirty work around here. :P
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
smoke and rizks , u guys hijacked allready :)
I definitely don't get it.....Fasting effect maybe kicking in....=>
A crowded elevator smells different to midgets...Confusius say
I agree i love this job !
BUT too much working in this Ramadaan makes me weak...:)
So in a year i only get one month to take a bit of rest.....:(
If you love your job here then dont complain about him opening up such threads so that u can do your job with all your dedication. Why isnt ashwindork here yet?
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
khalid dont eat too much after fasting....
SmokE !!
its ONLY in QL, i do my job with utmost dedication and LOVE and no wonder the beloved MODS are happy with my job and in return they sent me lovely PM's.....:)
Rizks i thought you like to hijack useless threads? Dont tell me u dont want to do your job in QL also? Dont make the mods fire u :P
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Khalid, please dont create like this kinda threads again in future so tat it gives a chance to the honorable Hijackers to do their part...:)
lol smoke, like there's anything to discuss eh... sai, come back now... :(
And some people actually want to get involved in discussing his bullcrap?
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
sai here only ... lil busy :)
where is PAJJU?
really missed u guys... :)
sai, you are not alone... :P
i think im LOST!!!
living up to the name of the tiger
now go sleep
Last year
when's the last time u ate or slept??/
I have discovered there are some people who do not have reference at all.
So for these people there is nothing called good or bad.
I wanted to say that these people consider some stubid things from my point of view.
I forgot to put not.
with not the sentence will be:
Educated people are same as those who are not educated in every thing.
Who ever said bad word will not harm me but will harm his/her self.
Describe Khalid - he who willingly and consistently puts the non-in-sense.
well i can imagine what's wrong with you so my advise revisit your post after Maghreb prayer you will know what you have to do
enjoy your iftar
Tell me the truth, You are not from that planet we call 'EARTH' you are from a far distant planet named Anuses Mutants''
Graduated from Xavier Institute for Higher learning.
I guess humour, just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder...or understanding, in this case. By Alexa ( as I do not plagiarize)
seems that fasting has a huge effect in u (mentally).....
Let It Be.....
Khalid !!
Please dont torture us with this kinda posts.
Have mercy on US- we (Muslims ) are FASTINg.....:(
...wait, let me just take my portable rossetta stone...
excuse me, from what planet are you?
Bulilit, bulilit...ang liit liit :P
yep MJ wat we can do ? we really helpless right ? :P
lol Pajju badly...
"educated people are same as those who are educated" -- WTH... :P
so MJ u need banadol ?
ok now i have a headache after reading that...
duh..kindly double check on your post..making comparison from one to another is a sign of differences...
DIFINITELY there is a big difference..cant you notice?
Ramadan kareem my frind.
maybe some food n drink might help you khalid
No one else will take the time to sadly but, Khalid you have to understand good and bad are not absolutes, unlike education and drunkenness. Those two are absolutes. Even education can be relative, I've seen a lot of "educated horses" in my time, people so profoundly dumb that their PhD's only serve to question the merits of the institution that granted them. Drunkenness however is quantifiable, we measure it with blood alcohol units. It is like kilowatt hours, like cellphone minutes. It has a unit of measurement.
You cannot use these analogies if you don't have a firm grasp on them. Good and bad are relative from person to person, from culture to culture, and from religion to religion. Of course we all have some core morals in common, we have some fundamental ideas we all share, but respect too is relative. What is disrespectful in one culture could easily be respectful in another. Looking someone straight in the eyes in the west, or here, carries different connotations...
"educated people are same as those who are educated"
Yeah, funny that.
I think his fast is getting to him :S
get something to eat and drink quickly!!!
Khalid... re-phrase it if you want any comment on this
hmmmmm.... ?
I didnt get you Khalid:)
Khalid, you OK this morning? lol
Can i buy a Vowel?
Sorry Khalid, that makes no sense whatsoever.