Can you come up with some “Alternative Facts” ?
Just when you think that politics cannot get any worse, along come the White House staff with some “Alternative Facts” :O(
OK, we all know that most politicians tell “untruths” – much like real estate agents – but this really is scraping the barrel..
So, what about coming up with some of our own “Alternative Facts”
For example:
The first man on the moon was from Mars
I once dated Jessica Chastain
The world is flat
Rizks bought zafira and I a coffee and cake
Can you come up with some others ?
Brit has a tiger pet in his flat...
Rizks is having a 2nd branch of his coffee shop.
''Expansive''?.I would say bullying.
It is their job to highlight the truth. As we've seen from the election run up - Trump and his team are all too ready to be expansive with the truth and the press corp just let them get away with it ...
Either develop a backbone and stand up to trump or leave him be
To boycott is no solution. Free press is the hallmark of mature democracies. And why shouldn't they attend briefings..isn't it their job?
I am at a loss as to why the press panders to Trump and Conway - Perhaps it might be better to boycott the briefings and just print news
Conway was out there to 'CON' viewers, but got a nice reply from Todd-'Wait a minute, alternative facts? Alternative facts—four of the five facts he uttered are not true. Alternative facts are not facts—they're falsehoods''