Can you answer

Can you answer these questions?
1) why do you sit no more than an inch off my bumper in traffic queues?
2) Why in traffic queues and/or slow moving traffic do you keep flashing your lights at the car in front?
3) Why in traffic queues and/or slow moving traffic do you keep sounding your horn?
4) Why do you drive no more than a few inches off my bumper when already doing or exceeding the limit?
5) Why are you unable to make your mind up where you want to go until the last possible second and the last possible metre and end up cutting across 3 lanes of cars?
6) Why do you pull out in front of me when there are no cars coming behind?
7) Why do you drift across the lane dividers?
8) Why do you drive with your foot on the dashboard?
9) Why do you rotate your hand in the air when angry?
10) Why do you still not secure your children safely in the car?
I'm sure I have forgotten a lot more "why's". can you add to them?
is there anything wrong with where someone put his other leg while driving?
"Using the vehicle for the wrong purpose 3 points".
What could that be, wrong purpose?
I heard that having sex in a car leads to deportation?
Great response.
Why do people post threads about new camera installations and new fine structure here and then get comments like thanks for the info, if you drive as per the rules, you shouldn't really worry about them. Then it makes me wonder even more when the same people complain about rash driving..
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
gud observation emgee , u r really jobless..
Old is Gold :O)
Because the sky is so high
Camels had no bumpers and they never hit another.
Camels had no headlights, its fun to have one.
Camels had no roads, it was too wide and good enough.
Camels had no lanes on the dunes, why now
Camels had no speed at all, wow it feels good now.
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
I have no right to answer...
my car it's 16 years old one..:(
1.Because I can.Yes we can!
2.Just checking my light. Hundred times per day.
3.I'm keeping the beat with radio music by hitting the horn button.
4.Just physics:at maximum speed,your car is making a air suction cone and I'm trap inside.
5.I make up my the last meters.
6.For fun.You facial expression - priceless!
7.What's a line divider?
8.Is not entering in the gloves compartment.
9.Not rotating, just releasing the anger by some yoga movements (huuuuuuummmm-shaaaa-laaa)
10.I can't.
PS: take it as a funny response, I'm innocent, I drive a Sunny... :(
This morning at around 7:30 while I’m driving to office in Salwa road there was a lady with two kids in the back seat and she is still having her makeup while driving :)
Moral: Lisence brings questionnaire!
"Think 100 times before you take a decision, But once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man" - Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Why in traffic queues yu are making some housekeeping in your nose
why do you keep asking/saying so many queries in single thread....!