Can a mother be so heartless?

The mother accused of strangling her two young children told an emergency operator she killed them because they were autistic and she wanted "normal kids," according to a tape released on Wednesday.
mothers are model of sacrifice how a mother can do this even mother is most careing person in the world it is just bcz now mothers wants their kids can be the best model of the world they only can raise them when they are normal and they are doing for them best but they dont want to live with those kids who need their attention for whole life now the mothers dont have Patience to let those kids become part of thier life
its just bcz now mothers are not for thier kids they wants kids for them
OMG... Devil in man
Another evidence for a living devil.
ice maiden, it's KALYUG (To Hell.. and Back!)....
A mother-child bond is supposed to be the strongest of bonds. If a mother kills her own child, how can we expect other people to not kill one another. What is the society coming to?
Having no words to express myself on this sad tragedy.
its not surprising that autistic children were born to the women who had such a cruel mentality.
it is believed that autism happens due to repeated mental traumas felt by the foetus in the womb. thats the reason the expecting mother is asked to be happy and pious during her pregnancy.
people who believe in after-life, say its the trauma felt by the soul in its previous birth.
autism can be cured to some extent.
drmana, nothing new for me...Because i've seen such cases in INDIA where a woman killed her half a month old baby and her 10yr old son just in order to get elope with her BOY FRIEND..
In other case, a woman gave poison to her three kids(all girls)so that she can get SON in her next pregnancy...
A father killed his five kids all below aged 10 in a remote area of UTTAR PRADESH(INDIA)because he used to hate his wife...
There are many news of such horrific incidents...I call these people as SICK MANIACS and B#$&%@Ds....
I don't even want to click that link to the article, the poor babies... :(
So so sad really. May Allah grant the lil ones paradise & may the mother gets what she deserves..Aameen!Cos if she is truly insane then of cos its not going to be just that she be put to death.
pretty morbid midnight reading for us huh? i wonder what andrea yates and dena schlosser talk about in their room?
these texas cases are getting most of the publicity though. i immediately assume these murders are due to mental illness because it is not only against reason, moral and civil laws for a mother to kill her children. it is against the laws of nature as well. a mother's instinct is above all to protect her young. no mother in her right mind would do that. the others look obviously crazy but susan smith and darlie more or less have the markings of a psycopath, which is pretty scary.
but I just remembered there was an Irani mother in Texas who killed her infant son not long ago:
Maybe Gkramer can shed some light. What's up with texas? ;)
but its 1am and I have nothing better to do
I checked out several cases of filicide and there are so many of them in the US
Susan Smith
Andrea Yates
Darlie Routier
Dena Schlosser
and now Saiqa Akhtar
BTW... four of the five in Texas
but she looks pretty blinkered to me in that photo, whereas Smith had her wits around her enough to construct a fake story.
You may be right... It seems that they are going for insanity..
and her husband kept wanting to enlarge their family. He and their parents clearly saw she was losing it but no one took it seriously enough to step in, help her out, get her in treatment and on anti=psychotic medication . I can imagine a woman feeling abandoned and overwhelmed, but can't imagine why the families don't take it more seriously. I wonder what kind of family this woman had around and if they tried to get her help.
I think the Texas thing is a coincidence because these things have happened other places. As a society, though, I think we are getting more removed from our families and neighbours so the support system and awareness is not always there.
I don't think the insane should be executed, but I don't think they should be free wither.
very interesting case...
is it a mere coincidence that both incidents happened in Texas?
I think its unfair that we judge an insane person, but do you think we as a society are responsible for putting such twisted ideas albeit unintentionally in to a sick person's mind?.. just a theory of mine
I found it interesting that the Yates case inspired the Desperate Housewives series...makes sense, there is something dark about it inspite of the cheerful setting
If I was her lawyer, I would claim insanity but she should get the death penalty.
She deserves the death panelty. Let's see what sort of defence her attorney comes up with.
my bad, the correct term is postpartum psychosis. one other similar case is andrea yates. copying from this wikipedia article:
Andrea Yates methodically drowned her 5 children in a bathtub in her Clear Lake City, Houston, Texas house on June 20, 2001. Her mental health began to deteriorate with the birth of each of her children, combined with other external stressors. She attempted suicide twice and was hospitalized twice in a psychiatric facility in 1999 after delivering her fourth child. Yates was warned against having any more children, but conceived approximately 7 weeks later. 3 months after the birth of her fifth child and shortly after the death of her father, she began to rapidly degenerate. She was hospitalized twice more, and eventually released with orders that she should not be left alone. During an hour when her husband had left for work and her mother-in-law was scheduled to arrive, she killed all five of her children. She was consequently committed to a high-security psychiatric hospital. Her case attracted a great deal of media attention, particularly to the concept of serious mental illness following (and also caused by) childbirth.
i don't think it's about her children's condition per se. it may just be one of the reasons that triggered it. childbirth, for some women, brings an awful lot of changes in hormone levels and the stress it brings may be too much for some people to handle.
Can I use profanities in here..
yv2r I am sure the mother has the same twisted reasoning like you. Better kill them young before they grow any older. You can't detect autism before birth so you are recommending killing the kids. Better stop explaining your twisted mind.
I ment,in such an advaced science in the begining it elf they should have terminated instead of killing now. my second point kids are no way responsible,and parents must think twice.
It is not offend any one in person,if hurted any one I apologise,my concern only for innocent kids and bad fate of kids and kids alone,dont read in between the lines and think in a mean sense,I am sorry if you still dont understand.
yv2r your post is very sad to read. If she had killed them the moment she came to know they are autistic, would that have been the right thing to do??
You crazy sick person. Kids born only because of parents' pleasure??? You are a sad sad person.
why did she give birth to the kids,she could have terminated intially instead of killing now innocent children,
What ever it is kid is kid,they did not asked parents to give birth to them,because of their(Parents) pleasure kids were born.
Very sad to read
spare a thought for all parents with children who have special needs
but the poor babies.... It's hard to imagine someone slowly going crazy or depressed after birth and no one picking up on it.
Lafanga, probably, but it usually takes a long time before they are executed. Will give her enough time to reflect. If she is not killed by her inmates before that. They usually don't like sickos like her.
Better to throw her in a cell and throw away the key so that she can reflect on what she has done for a long long time but I guess she is heading for the death row in Texas.
kids are kids no matter if they are not normal.... the mother is mentally ill.... :(
probably a really bad case of postpartum depression?
sick biatch. Good thing they have the death sentence in Texas.