Can FIFA sink any lower?

Can an organisation so surrouded by corruption, led by a mysognitic master manipulator continue in it's current form? Only politcians and peadophiles command less respect from FIFA.
In what is a multi billion dollar business, how long can this continue in a game loved by billions but run by the lowest of the low.
Former FA chairman Lord Triesman reveals that he has experienced anti-Semitism and witnessed racism within the walls of Fifa
Unhappy: Lord Triesman was the victim of anti-Semitic comments at Fifa meetings during his three years as FA chairman
Lord Triesman has indicated that he was the victim of anti-Semitic comments at Fifa meetings during his three years as Football Association chairman.
Speaking ahead of the opening on Thursday of ‘Four Four Jew’, the Jewish Museum’s exhibition on the faith’s relationship with football, Triesman disclosed that he had heard similar disparaging remarks aimed towards black delegates at the same meetings.
Triesman, asked whether he had felt like “the only Jew in the room” at Fifa sessions, said: “Yes, I have actually.
"It is not because I go around looking for anti-Semitism. It is usually because somebody has made a comment that he believed was funny, or that was maybe intended to be harsh, and I have thought: ‘I’m the only person who is supposed to be the object of that critical remark.’
“It just happens. I have seen it done to black people, on the occasions when they might be the only black person in the room. When it happens you kind of gulp.”
Fifa has sparked controversy of this nature before, not least from senior vice-president Julio Grondona.
Pressed in 2003 on why there were no Jewish top-flight referees in his native Argentina, he said: “I do not believe a Jew can ever be a referee at this level. It’s hard work, and Jews don’t like hard work.”
Jack Warner, meanwhile, the disgraced former vice-president forced to resign last year over his role in the cash-for-votes scandal, blamed his removal from the world governing body on “Zionism”.
btw if u noticed that they asked the nepalese working in karwa & qatar financial district or good companies...they should have gone a further and done survey in those companies who are worse the B,C, D grade and then GT will get their answer
I will save the GT article on my phone and show it to then every time they start crying about how badly they are treated and stuff like that.
BTW have they mentioned that they have to pay for the food to eat in the canteen only and that they are not allowed to cook
Good point Fubar, next time one says he is underpaid, overworked and badly treated I will show him the gulf times article and say look at your gym. LOOK AT IT DAMN YOU, A GYM! I don't even have a gym.
Then maybe he will give me a discount rather than the normal western rip off price.
nomerci I also read in the Gulf Times that all the Nepalese taxi drivers are happy and well paid.
I'll remind them of this next time (if there is a next time) I take a Karwa and they try to cheat me.
Zionism is racism
The simple answer to your question is "Yes"
Can't wait for Blatter's memoirs to come out.
Boxbe and babu are good examples of what is wrong with some countries in this world and why they do not develop. Quick to scream racist at the west if something is not to their liking but if the racism or bigitory goes in their favour they are all for it.
Fubar, if you read GT, today, then you know that is a horrible lie. And conspiracy.Ya.
About the Asian workers, that is.
Who mentioned Israel?
Does Israel run FIFA is that what you are saying? Otherwise your comment is on the wrong thread, unless you are a jew hater.
FIFA and its management should operate in a way that is open, fair and democratic and that is good for football, good for the people and in a way that people and workers involved in this festival are treated in a fair, honest and humane manner.
I just don't understand the reasoning that on the one hand there is great prestige in holding FIFA 2022, and at the same time saying that FIFA is fundamentally corrupt.
How can the two go together, unless you are saying that there is prestige to being involved with corruption.
keep fifa keep corruption aside...but iam happy it is awarded to QATAR
Boxe I don't undertand what atheism has to do with FIFA, you need to let you own prejudices go and stop airing them in public. It makes you look bad.
As for saying you don't care about FIFA being corrupt as long as this corrupt organistion keeps the WC in Qatar, wow. What an admission to make that you are happy with corruption as long as you benefit from it. I hope your employers do not read this.
On the upside, thanks to FIFA and 2022 there has been a small acknowledgement of the horrible working conditions in Qatar for Asians.
That was something that the governments and rights bodies could never achieve.
FIFA has more power than a lot of Presidents.
Yes, I am pretty sure they can. And it would in no way surprise me if they do. Or better said WHEN they do.
bored of fifa admin and bored of media talking against qatar...iam always in the support of qatar and in the end will be held in qatar...Jai qatar...:)
Bored of Fifa administration.
I just hope that no one from 2022 is reading this!
They are really getting upset about being accused of corruption.
boxbe stop ! n strictly follow "let the barking dog bark alone"
Am I understanding this.
FIFA is Corrupt - therefore Qatar was awarded the bid through corrupt means?
That's a big accusation to make against the 2022 Supreme Committee.
So you will sell your soul to racism and bigitory as long as Qatar gets the world cup. How very sad and it says a lot about you.
let the barking dog bark alone...face palm
babu on the let the barking dogs bark thread you were against racism and anti religious remarks. Are you now saying it is ok if the targets are jews and black people.
How sad.
The same Lord Triesman who has been one of the most vocal critics of Qatar 2022?
The same Lord Triesman who said:
"It's a mess that never should have happened. We knew the facts in advance."
And who has openly accused FIFA ExCo members of requesting bribes to vote for Qatar?
How is FIFA irrevelant to Qatar and QL, did you not here that FIFA awarded the 2022 WC to Qatar?
You must have been busy at home making sure the women in your house did not escape...
lol boxbe
TFS..irrelevant to qatar and qatar living