Campaign for Real Beauty

By Che Guevara •
The Dove campaign for real beauty is an amazing intitiative that seeks to empower women and young girls with distorted notions of beauty as a result of the media's obsession with what women should look like: Check out this link to view a short film released by Dove: You can also check out the Dove website: (US) (UK)
PErsonally I think beauty is about simetry, armony and a healthy natural look. We have already too much pressure to look beautiful, and the media that in one hand portrays unhealthy, skinny sickly and unnatural looks, and in the other unrealistic, perfect and impossible to achieve looks, does not help.
I saw this on ABC news tonight...I think that it's awesome. I mean, anyone can look like hollywood with the money, tools(ahem...photoshop), and right people.