Calling all IT wizards...wanted your IT lingo

By blueocean222222 •
Hello Guys...!
Needs your wizardly IT terminologies and meaning/description such as "protocol", "cookies", "DNS", etc. I do encounter these stuff from time to time and try to google them but your layman's explanation should be more comprehensible.
Thanks a lot guys!
Looking forward for the help from all the wizards.
will be expecting it blue . . . .
" In my opinion only. . . nothing personal"
C u 1 of these days!
"Whatever God does, He does it in love. he never take one thing away from you without giving you back something better".
with regards to your question about plumkiwi's invitation... yes... why dont you join qlfilex group.. "QLFilex" means ql filipino expatriate... im sure you will enjoy being one of us if you will join...
eventhough the group name say the word "filipino", it does not mean that only filipino could join us...
anybody who is filipino and loves the filipino as well is very much welcome...
this comradeship in ql will pave way to a lot of opportunities of meeting and knowing more people in the group...
Very helpful additional input!
"Whatever God does, He does it in love. he never take one thing away from you without giving you back something better".
hi blue.. as far as i know... and according na rin to my own survey.. hehehe...
As far as I know, In information technology, a PROTOCOL (comes from the Greek protocollon, which was a leaf of paper glued to a manuscript volume, describing its contents) bale ano sya, special set of rules that end points in a telecommunication connection na ginagamit sa pag communicate.
Protocols exist at several levels in a telecommunication connection.
For example,
may protocols para sa data interchange sa hardware device level at protocols para sa data interchange at the application program level.
Sa standard model ito yung tinatawag na Open Systems Interconnection (OSI), there are one or more protocols at each layer in the telecommunication exchange that both ends of the exchange must recognize and observe.
Protocols are often described in an industry or international standard..
in connection to my comments...
What is OSI…
OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) is a standard description or "reference model" for how messages should be transmitted between any two points in a telecommunication network. Its purpose is to guide product implementors so that their products will consistently work with other products.
The reference model defines seven layers of functions that take place at each end of a communication. Although OSI is not always strictly adhered to in terms of keeping related functions together in a well-defined layer, many if not most products involved in telecommunication make an attempt to describe themselves in relation to the OSI model.
It is also valuable as a single reference view of communication that furnishes everyone a common ground for education and discussion.
Can u tell me about the filex group?
"Whatever God does, He does it in love. he never take one thing away from you without giving you back something better".
blue join the filex group. . . .
Good day . . .
" In my opinion only. . . nothing personal"
Great help!
"Whatever God does, He does it in love. he never take one thing away from you without giving you back something better".
I just noticed that life in Qatar, in the Middle East in general is quite different from our home countries where friends and new acquaintances are not hard to find.
The limits within the bounds of our accommodations and the lifestyle/workstyle of home-office-home and the lack of some kind of affordable wholesome places to go during weekends is so pronounced that meeting new good friends is not easy.
QL gives this great chance to form a group and meet up one day for a cup of coffee (may sound boring for the high energy souls... smiles....), unwind, exchange views and jokes... just simply chill out. some kind of groupy groupy stuff, just like that.
Anyone? WANTED: A great Organizer!
Have a great day guys!
"Whatever God does, He does it in love. he never take one thing away from you without giving you back something better".
Hmmmm nice idea BLUE. . . . anyone interested?
" In my opinion only. . . nothing personal"
are you serious with those questions?
DNS is Domain Name System, one of the main components of you Active Directory environment. Every client that you have is normally on a work group, joining it to a Domain will create a registry with that client name and IP on the DNS and .... there is a lot more to talk about ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
.... just a thought to ward off some boredom in this unique world where we are now.
Ideas are welcome!
Thanks in advance.
"Whatever God does, He does it in love. he never take one thing away from you without giving you back something better".
coelacanth is a pure gold, ya? he is The One .... for IT education.
"Whatever God does, He does it in love. he never take one thing away from you without giving you back something better".
NOW we are really talking pure LAYMAN'S TERM!
YOU are a very good educator? Are you also on the academe? You should!
Finally found one i could pester from time to time. LOL! I should get your permission to include me in your directory of friends here.
More power to you!
"Whatever God does, He does it in love. he never take one thing away from you without giving you back something better".
Very helpful indeed!
McDo? Loving burger and murder them every minute i guess!
Who is serious? LOL...
"Whatever God does, He does it in love. he never take one thing away from you without giving you back something better".
You never stop with your wits and humour! Nyways.. here for you! Cheers!
"Whatever God does, He does it in love. he never take one thing away from you without giving you back something better".
you can also discuss this in this group..:)
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
nice coelacanth, you explained it very clear.
Thx Coelacanth u saved me my 2 cents :)
Protocol in layman's term, is how you communicate with one another. Say for example, a Filipino, English and Arab "talking" to each other. If they talk differently, they will not understand each other. That's why a standard protocol was set on the IT field to facillitate "standard" communication among all equipment. Example is Macintosh, Novell and Windows. Before, macintosh uses the Appletalk protocol,Novell Uses IPX/SPX and Windows uses TCP/IP. since Windows dominates the market, a standard communication was established, and hence the TCP/IP was being used by everyone in order for them to communicate with the rest of the world.
Cookies, in layman's term is the bits of information left by website to facilitate faster browsing. Imagine yourself eating a cookie...have you eaten a cookie without the crumbs falling off? If someone saw a crumb of cookie on your table, they'll know you ate one. Like QL, they store cookie on your pc to make it easier for you to be identified when you open the website, and be logged in automatically.
DNS, stands for "Domain Name Services", is the service which enable us to type "" instead of numbers. Imagine your celfone, you store the number with a name. When you are searching for a contact, you don't look for the number, you look for the name. it makes your life easier in finding it. DNS converts the IP address (number like to a fully qualified domain name "". so next time you visit a website, you just remember the name, and the DNS will take care of converting the name into address to locate it for you.
just my 2 cents.
It's not because things are difficult that we don't dare, it's because we don't dare that makes things difficult!
Cookies are very small files that contain information about your visit to a web site. They are sent by a server and are stored on your computer. Hope that helps you.
'protocol' is about how you have to behave.
'cookies' come in a tin box.
'DNS' means 'dynamic noise silencer'.
Mean that? You are not an IT, are you? LOL..
"Whatever God does, He does it in love. he never take one thing away from you without giving you back something better".
Maybe you should look here!
IT for Idiots