Bystanders WATCH as young woman is stabbed 20 times by her ‘stalker’ in brutal killing

People watched as a young woman was stabbed 20 times by her ‘stalker’ in a brutal killing.
Police named the victim as 21-year-old Karuna, who worked as a school teacher, and said she had previously been harassed by her attacker.
Graphic CCTV footage of the attack, which took place in Delhi, shows a man grab Karuna and fling her to the ground before repeatedly stabbing and kicking her in the head.
Numerous people are filmed walking along the street in the Burari area of Delhi during the attack, and at least one man appears to approach the assailant before backing away.
However, many others stop and watch the events unfold while failing to intervene.
People eventually stepped in when the man, named in local media as 34-year-old Surender Singh, tried to flee the scene.
Police deputy commissioner Madhur Verma said Singh was “chased by the public and handed over to police.”
He has since been charged with murder.
Verma also revealed that Singh had a history of harassing Karuna and that she had filed a police complaint against him.
The graphic CCTV footage was published online and Indians reacted with outrage.
Indian actress Dolly Bindra wrote on Facebook: “It’s a shame to all of us that (those who were) present there watching (were) not helping – and today the girl is no more.”
The stabbing is the second instance of a woman being fatally attacked by an alleged stalker in the Indian capital in two days.
On Sunday evening, 28-year-old Laxmi was stabbed to death in front of her house by a man who then killed himself, the Times of India newspaper reported.
Her family told reporters that she had previously filed a police complaint against him for stalking.
Now , this is not just an issue in India, but in many other countries including mine. WHY are people unwilling to intervene to stop such crimes ? Is it just because they’re afraid to or have we become self centred and selfish ?
11 out of 23 posts on a single topic from just one person! Possibly, there may be some more tomorrow since night has set in and people need to sleep.
Allah: Thank you for giving us night time!
WE should do what is required & should not do what is not required to do ....... it is very simple ..............
Brit is right, we are losing our humanity ......... humans are less human ........ but birds are full birds ............ stones is still a stone .......
that's very true Brit...
zafirah: We are losing our humanity. We would rather take photographs of an incident and share with others , then step into help another.
it's indeed a very sad reality Brit... nowadays - to each his own... to avoid any troubles for themselves. or as accha said depends on the rule of the country.
One day if a guy wanted your help to open up an ATM chest in the middle of night ............. I am so sure you will bring him a big screw driver .......... and may give him a polythene bag & lift to the main road .......... because you saw him in the need ...........
Brit, I pray you live away from a nuclear station ..... otherwise you may open or close a wrong valve and be the reason to send the town to the heaven before the sun rises .... ....... ..... and if you are living near a prison you may also enter it to help a crying convict .......... .... & put yourself in a trouble ............ please......... put some limits on your rights .........
Brit, Can you stop a guy loving his GF ? .............. Are you entitled for it .......... ? ...............
I would try and save anyone I could .. I'm sure they would want me to
Brit, You see a air force plane crashed just in front of your eyes ......... what would you save from the site .......... ? ? ....... The air force guys will mind touching their items .............. ........
Rizk, You are a baby still ....... just play around for the next decade ....... come back in Sept. 2026 ...........
Britey, not only his logic is skewed - he himself is skewed....:(
MM: Your logic is skewed. Offduty policement, doctors and nurses including those from ICU have been known to help out when needed in the community
MM - STRANGE, you have still not hit that 'report' for all my comments .
Please go ahead !
MM are you high on something today ?
Sorry, its not only today...tats your routine way of commenting....:(
Go on, we have quite good stamina to tolerate your nonsense here...:(
Same way if you find a colleague collapsed on the floor what would you do ........... ? .......... You don't know he was hit in the head by your boss, or he had an electric shock from the water dispenser ....... ...... or there was a heart attack ........ or a serious phone call from his GF ........... ????
The answer to your query is a no and a yes. It is not that people have become self-centered to intervene while such crimes are taking place. But yes, they are afraid ---afraid of the law, afraid of the system that is in place to handle such cases.
The system in my country would have the police questioning the person or persons who would had got involved in stopping the crime. They may be needed to appear at the court hearings every time the date was set for the hearing to take place, and it may take several years for the verdict. Till then, all witnesses would be required to attend. The story does not end there. The police itself would be asking those who intervened questions like, "Why did you not call the police? Why did you people decide to be a hero? Did you people want your faces appear on the TV news channels as heroes? If you people are going to take the law in your hands, what would we police be doing then?" The questions are endless and hard and dirty and many a time people who came to the rescue would end up cursing their luck later on for having got involved in the matter. As such, people just shut their eyes, kill their conscience when they see something like this taking place, and move on.
That is how things work in my part of the world.
Rizk, You put in some thinking. You are an ICU Assistant .............. you are on the way to your hospital ......... What is expected from you ? ....... You must reach at the Operation Theater or ICU room where your duty is . ............. If you try to be over smart by helping the strangers on the way ..... you are risking your life & your job ....... your hubby won't like that ........... your kids won't like that .......... your mom n law won't allow it ..........
as expected with MM's meaningless comments...:(
anyhow, feeling SAD for Karuna may her soul RIP.
these days people really have become afraid, selfish etc. any crime or accident they will just stand there -take a selfie and share it in the social media sites and friends rather then helping or stopping the crime....:(
If you are in a bank & cashier is in the toilet we can just jump over the counter & attend to the 3 - 4 customers before the guys returns to his seat .......... It is funny indeed ...... we should help the immigration staff in the airports at rush hours ...........
Brit, Should we go to border & help the army .... Should we enter the Operation Theater to help the surgeons ....... Should we also jump in a war ship to do the Public Role ..... ...... ??? ..
The police can't be everywhere ..
My question is - are we too scared or self centred to intervene when we see a crime being committed
We 've police for that.