bye bye qatar

By Narasimharaju •
hi all, i am very sad that i am leaving qatar today. this is my last day in qatar. wished to settle here. just 1 year back i was very happy. Now the days are changed. Because of 'qatar living' i met so many good people. you all give good advice to others problems. Reacts very well. Anyhow very sad to leave you all and especially my sweet heart hubby. I remember some members like brit, wild, achha, MM, LL. Bye bye to all of you.
may god bless you all with health, wealth and lots of happiness.
Such is the way of things here .. Poorer workers get abused ...
My husband's company not providing noc because his salary is bellow 10000. What I feel sad is, He is working from more than 7 years, is he not alligible for noc.
Don't leave me alone with MM, Riyal2Rupee, KHAN, humbles, prize and AmAm :O(
WT: Please don't say that ... Qatar and QL will not be the same without you...
I hope that you will keep in touch
Narasim: May the Lord shower his blessings upon you and may your future be full of joy
Dead serious, omar.
are you serious WT?
I will leave, too, around September. Qatar has changed too much to the negative. 20 years ago it was quite a paradise.
what happened? At least tell us what drove you out?
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