Bush Fires in Oz

Some of you may not know and there are others that couldn't give a crap, but Victoria in Australia is facing it's worst bushfire season since "Ash Wednesday" with 130 confirmed dead with the possibility of that rising to over 200, but amongst this tragedy there are some truly amazing stories of heroics and survival. here are some from todays news that I thought would share.
A teenage boy near Healesville northeast of Melbourne saved the lives of his older sister and eight small children by dragging them out of a burning house and driving them to safety on a tiny tractor. For more see link below:
A farmer who faced death as a ring of fire descended on his rural Victorian property says his prized horse saved him by knocking him into a creek. For more see link below:
My heart goes out to all these people - I have been watching the news and its just tragic.
I thought he started using guns after retirement...
I have been watching this story on CNN! How horrible and authorities suspect that someone might have intentionally set the fire(s)!
How senseless and tragic. I hope they find this (these) sick people and justice is served. God help the victims and the survivors of this tragedy.
This is tragic......and there are more bush fires reported all around Aust but Vic is the worst. My heart goes out to them :((
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