Briton slain over Philippine love triangle

MANILA - A British man who went to the Philippines to propose to a woman he met in an Internet chat room was stabbed to death by her jealous lover on Sunday, police said.
John Lorne McDonald's would-be bride, Nanqueen Romero, 31, also sustained multiple wounds after being attacked by her Filipino lover, police said in a statement.
McDonald organized a party at Romero's home to ask for her hand in marriage, police said, but it was not clear if she had told him about her Filipino boyfriend, Anselmo Locastales, who turned up and attacked the couple.
Locastales is on the run, police said.
The British Embassy could not be reached Sunday and no personal details about McDonald were immediately available.
Impoverished Filipino women often use matchmaking websites to find foreign husbands in the hope of escaping the country for a better life.
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So far so good. However I must say,judging solely by my friends' situations,and I may very well be wrong, men tend to be less cautious in these matters.They more or less tend to believe what they hear from the women and their parents and don't go all out to find out more about the person they actually intend on marrying.
Good to hear.. I hope they will be very happy together...
They got and spoke to referees, the local imaam,friends and co workers of the guy etc..that's one way to check. Also their parents actually hired a person whom they knew well to act detective! Need I say more.. Of course this is all done only when the proposals reached a serious level and of course its not foolproof but Alhamdullilah it worked for them!
Visper thanks for the offer, might even consider that. I am really looking for my retirement home along with a caring wife in a place somewhere in the Phils!..:)
I don't know which site your friend used, but in reality , it is very difficult to do research and background checks. Yes, you can visit and see the partner, but that is about it.
One of my previous bosses met a girl via pen pal (before the internet days).. He went to see her. Met her family and they arranged to get married. Two days before he was supposed to fly out for the wedding, she called him to say that "she had met someone richer than him" and would be marrying him instead..
This is not an isolated case. This is not the first time internet dating has resulted into something deadly.Go check out the web on how many times women have been raped,killed,deceived etc by people they'd known virtually for ages! Yes I have friends who found spouses via the internet as well,and Alhamdullilah they are great guys too, that doesn't mean its not risky.Rather one has to be very cautious in how you handle it. Do much research and background checking specially if the other person is not from your locality or country. My friends too did much researching as did their parents. Fact is the world is not getting any safer!
Uk, u can build your villa in my titled lot.. :))
Padre.. Thanks for The offer I only need one so I can buy my Villa in her name?
So there's a battalion to welcome Ukeng at the airport :-)
I will introduce you to 1000 Vispers! Lol!
Ah.. My father is in Phil Army.. But he's a good man.. Killed only hundred.. hahahaha
good-looking guys are unwanted there. We have so much precisely the reason I'm out of the country! To lessen good-looking guys there! Lol!
Padre dont scare the shit out of me.. I know visper she only has little brothers..not sure about her Dad though!
I am not pointing fingers at anyone. I am just pointing towards a place where you can find some truths about internet dating. You don't want to find out, it's your choice.
Flor, I am not being judgemental here. I just said what I thought as I read the story. I agree, too many speculations.
Here is the link to the news which even doubts that he was there to marry:
Ok Visper I'll speak to my Travel Agent again and rebook my flight.
But you have to promise to take care of me in Phils right? After all I am a Brit and looking for True Love. My country has advised me not visit your country, But for true love I am ready to take this risk!
Will you be there to receive me at Manilla Airport?
Visper father own a machete and all her brothers use to toy around armalites! Lol!
Don't worry Uk, i am very single.. No boyfriend back home.. No one will attack u. :P
the word "lover" in the news may mean "a suitor", so this bad news should be treated as isolated one.
And who said she invited him, maybe he persisted to visit? Too many speculations!
Two boyfriends? Happens everywhere....but why kill the poor guy?
That girl should have known better than calling this man to her country if she already had another BF there.
Internet is a good place to relieve yourself.. Virtual world no harm done..:)
Lafanga's pointing at us without realising those other 4 fingers pointing back at him. Crap.
without reasons. Your insinuations are very offensive! ANd you are talking about a different nationality. Look at your own first!
no need to judge it "risky". A very good friend of mine (a Muslim Indian guy) find his love thru this kind of medium. So no need to worsen the situation. It's anyone's business how to find his/her partner, let's leave it that way as long as it's the legal way!
I am just asking you to see what they chat about..
As for sex chat, there is one for every country..
If you want to live in denial be my guest.. I haven't even told anything yet and you guys are turning defensive.. Just hang around the chat rooms for a day or two.. Interesting.
Look at the left upper portion of this page and you'll see the Indian Chat Advertisement!
Poor guy...yes internet dating is risky biz but had he even actually done all the background checkups he could,(perhaps he may have been aware of the other man?)no one could have foreseen this!
Legal_pad.. I sorry to inform you that after reading this thread I shall be cancelling my trip to the Philipines. Can you tell Mary, Avelin, Beng, Janet, Rosey Analiza that I prefer virtual rather than in person so no one gets hurt..:)
On a serious note.. Thats awful for Brits like us loooking for true love in remote exotic places..:)
Why believe someone else. Just go there and see for yourself.
Obviously YOU use Yahoo Chat, so tell us...
Does anyone use Yahoo Chat here?
I am not saying anything, just go to yahoo chat rooms and you will see what Filipinas do or don't do.
of media!
In my opinion, the story highlights the dangers of internet dating and also that there are men/women out there who may prey on lonely hearts..
This happens in many countries - not just the Philippines..
what "impoverished"? If they have access to computer, they are not impoverished. And don't jump to conclusion that the word "lover" means as lover (maybe a suitor). So the British guy was not betrayed. It was an unfortunate incident but no need to degrade the Filipinas. She, too, sustained wounds in the attacked!
Check the facts first!
nachu - take note of the word 'often' in that sentence. Im sure you know what it means...
How can you propose to someone who you've talked to only on a computer screen? He was an idiot....Everyone knows about the dangers of Internet dating.
I took that sentence from the newspaper itself, when i read i felt that its right. and i am sure u must have noticed the same here in qatar
i disagree with you Nac, love can take you anywhere... Heart chooses a place in seek of love... not for citizenship...:)
This is right in that story
"Impoverished Filipino women often use matchmaking websites to find foreign husbands in the hope of escaping the country for a better life"
her lover have become a serial killer, who goes after her... ;)
Aren't you the best friend ever :-)
aneehs i might take off my cloths...m feeling HOT....:(
She never said she came with a double offer...
rizk is allien from the other world..but planet earth is the only place he survived!
so ladies be gentle on him.he might take off in universe with his spaceship soon or anytime.
peace rizk
lol Vispery !
Human bee? Huge bum you have there.. lol
i was not knowing you're human Rizks. LOL :)
Visper no i am a human bee....:)
Rizks, are you Indian? I said no Indian, Filipino, Arab, Briton and American boyfriend allowed.. :D
Exactly Speedysid & Gloomy
Colt...I have that catalogue you asked for ;-)
may the soul of the briton rest in peace. another internet love story ended in a tragedy, a very sad love ending indeed. =(
honestly snessy, i hate people who "takes all the chances". they pollute the world. :(
Its the desire to have many things all at once...It is sad that people take relationships for granted...
Visper i dont mind...:(
but then when will u have time for me ? :(
Rizks, i thought you like lesbian. :(
Yes Gloomy, I think it is desperation too, but their morals shouldn't allow them to have a boyfriend at home and away :-(
It's sad that he had to die that way. He must have been over the moon throwing that party thinking he'd found the right one :-(
I'll just stick with the mail order brides ;-)
Visper plz stay as it is orelse i will hav a difficult time then....:(
Don't have a BF...get a Husband!! ;)
Internet dating is dangerous to women as well, many of them end up as wife, maid and nurse rolled into one not to mention mental and physical abuse.
I feel sorry for the Briton, may he rest in peace.
i agree snessy. desperation i think is the cause. :(
sad but quite true.
WK, i will turn myself to lesbian if u turn to gay..
It's really sad, the poor guy didn't deserve to be killed. I remember going into an internet cafe in Thailand and there were lots of girls there with chat room sites and translation pages open. They're just trying to better their lives, but this isn't the way to do it.
Visper if you want to turn Lesbian just say so, don't make excuses :-P
Ok guys time to work. see you in the afternoon.
Topic, a lesson for me.. Not to have a Briton boyfriend or American or Arab or Indian or Filipino boyfriend.. Better not to have boyfriend at all..
Oops sorry I thought you were..
Well fine then, we won't keep it a secret ;o)
no need to keep secret if you going to date me,
im not
we going to announce to the entire Ql.ok
such risks are everywhere in the world..the lady would either have a bf (sleeping cell)or a dominating brother back home.
travelling all across the globe to court is exciting but not free from dangers..
Its nt a secret anymore mann!! :P
Our dates?? u have a date tree??
I like rich dark chocolate....
& No one is poor, every one is born with a smile :D
she..sorry visper
lol gloomy maybe I will risk it with you guys
aneehs ok I will keep our dates a secret :P
Because they think I'm rich with rich white boyfriend.. I don't even pay my food at the party and my entrance in the resort because i am poor. :(
Now I'm confused!
Speedy,he dating....someones gurl..
Why will U receive death threats??
I received two death threats last night after high school reunion.. :(
more aggresive back pretty sure of that.the news is the be careful.
so if you going to date any filipinas just keep it a secret.
that's a horrible love story. i feel sad about the matter. :(
WK, you're safe if you'll come with me in the Philippines along with my hubby.
I have received warning calls from couple of over zealous boyfriends here too but I can handle them here, not sure about their home country :P
ha ha ha..back there and here you mean.
aneehs I know but I want to avoid Phils as they may have crazy boyfriends back there ;) need to go to Phillipines,here also in Doha lots of beautiful Filipinas.
Oh wow.. I should avoid ever going to Philippines just in case...
Question is how many boyfriends she got?poor bloke,may his soul rest in peace!
He went there looking for love and companionship and was betrayed..
of a leap into the unknown dont you think brit? anyhow poor bloke :0(
The dangers of internet dating :O(
Thats a sad end to their love story. May his soul rest in peace.