British people under oppression in Qatar
A few days ago, I met a british guy who expressed his oppression in Qatar, due to the Alcohol being not available in market or pork being haram and lack of women in this country lol... I found that funny.
I wonder how people like this end up in Qatar and what I dont understand is what kind of "Oppression" is this???
It is a pity that rezymalik an PM say bad things about your thread,, they can hijack a thread,, but god bless if you do... you posted some very good and interesting comments that could help all.. people like them piss me no end thanks again selfish
It is always the lost that need my guidance
britexpat, I agree. The issue of pork, more than alcohol, in my experience is something that Muslims take very seriously and that is that as far as I am concerned. I am just grateful to live in an Islamic society for the reason that it is tolerant, safe and in the main, respectful of my values. If that means that I have to respect the rules then that's fine by me. This is one Brit who feels empowered by Qatar, not oppressed. That is not to say that some are oppressed here, but not Brits. They have a choice, if they don't like it they can return to a country where they will be cared for the state in times of need, not have to leave their families for up to 5 years at a time and know that if they didn't, their children might not eat or be educated. We have it so easy, we should be applauding the brave men who sacrifice everything for their families. It''s not about religion, it's about the way the world works. If you have a maroon passport, you are rich and safe. (and possibly a moaner!)
Is it possible that we could just say that the Qatari government has the right to decide what products are sold in its retail outlets, without going into the old religious issues?
Maybe it is a $ issue...
If you compare how much alcohol is consumed vs how much pork is it about the same? Perhaps the country figures it can make a lot of $ selling alcohol, and not so much pork? Just a thought.
Veni, Vedi, Visa! ~ I came, I saw, I shopped!
We all believe what we believe on how we were raised...
I'ts a big world out there and everyone does everthing different...Just don't be extreme with anything and you will be fine...Just hold your belief and we will find out when we get to the promise land...I feel I am already in the promise land and gonna enjoy all this life and world has to offer while I am here...
Doesn't that make sense??? Your either with me or your with me right..Bless all of you...Nothing wrong in believing the hereafter...But nothing wrong with living for today...Make friends not enimies...Love ya all
You can't teach experience...
PM i respect u and ur right to have an opinion. I actually like the discussions with u, it helps me improve my knowledge.
Well may be in the books u follow its not written, but according to my leader its a clear fatwa stating that pigs are najis.
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
You can't teach experience...
You can't teach experience...
That the reason for the no pork issue has little to do with religion and has more to do with region . Pigs don't have functioning sweat glands so don't do so well in these areas as they need a water source (mud puddle preffered) to keep themselves cool. Given that before modernization came to these areas there was little to no water during the heat of the summer so no way for them to cool off....So given this I might add , would give anyone that doesn't know this pearl of wisdom it would appear that hey are filthy animals ( and correct me if I am wrong but I have it on good authority that in both the Torah and Qu'ran the word used is filthy not disgusting) and if you take into consideration that Judaism, Islam and Christianity (yes even hard line Christians don't eat pork) came out of this region....well Draw your own conclusions.....
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
Alexa here:
This is what Najis is according to Islam:
In Islamic law, najis (Arabic: نجس) are things or persons regarded as ritually unclean.[1] According to Shi'a Islam, there are two kinds of najis: the essential najis which can not be cleaned and the unessential najis which become najis while in contact with another najis.[1]
Contact with najis things brings a Muslim into a state of ritual impurity (najasat), which requires undergoing purification before performing religious duties, such as regular prayers.
Islamic law
According to the Shafi'i school of Sunni Islamic jurisprudence, as systematised by al-Nawawi in his book Minhadj, the following things are najis: wine and other spirituous drinks, dogs, swine, dead animals that were not ritually slaughtered, blood, excrements, and milk of animals whose meat Muslims are not allowed to eat. Spirituous drinks are not impure according to the Hanafi school, while living swine are not impure according to the Malikis.[1]
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
With todays exchange rate? Last year it was 7.38 to the GBP, today 4.94. Oppressed? not me, I'm rich. And on a serious note, I am rich. My husband works in a nice warm school and I got to come here with him. When the Brits are working on the Dukhan road and sleeping in labor camps, that's when we'll be oppressed. Although much more of Gordon Brown and you never know, it may happen...
Well according to the authentic hadiths Pork and Dogs are at the same level as urine, blood, feces, non-believe, alcohol and semen. Disgusting is a stronger word, the right word is ritually unclean.
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
PM well we have alot of different ideas and opinions, I dont think we should get into any arguments anymore. I respect ur thoughts and I hope u do the same for me.
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
Alexa I dont say pigs are disgusting, Islam does. It's not just in Qatar, alot of countries consider them disgusting... its nature is like that. In any case we can agree to disagree. U have ur opion and I have mine. If I was to think eating pork is a bad manner, would u stop eating it??? u wouldn't and I never stopped u from doing so, infact I join u guys cuz I respect ur beliefs and I have mine, so whats wrong with accepting my beliefs?, we can all be ignorant in that case.
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
You can't teach experience...
You can't teach experience...
PM now i dont know how did u guys started talking about Pork and haram food lol. but my idea was to share this thought and see what u people think about it, not to start up a discussion. Personally a british guy saying "British people are oppressed in Qatar" is least of my worries and concern, i just found it hilarious for him to complain this way... To be honest, I am mocking him.
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
lol PM u r evil :P
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
You can't teach experience...
Well that's good for you thexonic, but I don't think that would fly for every Muslim or Jew out there.
i am not getting angry, but he started first...
any how, i have to leave. i know this topic never comes to an end... Halal and haraam is as like distinguish between good and bad... i must say like this.
and PM, not everything on the streets of US is haram, My uncle has preached in Michigan, LA and Austin, the muslims cut the meat themselves and the chickens, there is specifically halal meat shops for muslims.
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
PM i didnt know that, thanks for telling me, i'll avoid eating fish too. I do eat chicken, but Chickens are not as disgusting as pigs. Islam allows chicken to be halal, then their shit might be clean too if they eat it. Same goes for fish. But PIgs and dogs are specifically mentioned to be najis (disgusting) in islam besides being haram... so u might wanna do ur researches before u come and point fingers at me. Now we all know why pigs and dogs are disgusting. Dogs for licking their genitals and pigs for just being disgusting and its in their genes to be dirty and disgusting.
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
did i ask you something, twice or three or four. it's does any matter to you...?
This is not the first time, its actually twice in 1 day. Calm down mate calm down.
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
You can't teach experience...
PM & Gypsy
PM i wrote exactly what he said, i found it funny to be honest... the guy was actually serious and I had to share that on QL. Now I dont know if he was a little drunk or what was wrong with him, but thats what he exactly said.
Gypsy, I doesnt bother me as much, I am this close to almost quit eating meat or beef or chicken... and become a vegetarian. Hence if i am in a country like usa where everything on the street is haram besides the muslim shops, then I would avoid eating meat, beef, chicken and stick to fish or veg.
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
did i say something to you, or enquired about rania...
just chatted with her once, and you are making me guilty.
saying me a school kid, this is not fair....!
So thexonic you wouldn't consider that a country not allowing you to eat Halal meat is opressing you?
I hope that explains why pork is haram.
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
Rezy, first of all u need to seriously stop smothering people and quit being desperate.
U r in probably much more older than I am yet u act like a school kid... u need to start acting ur age and secondly read the date and time on which rania posted her last comment.
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
Our eyes are placed in front because it is more important to look ahead than to look back , similarly here's a choice for every one to judge for the right or wrong stuff,, availability of alcohol could be in every country, accordint to rules and regulations, i am not with the point that pork should be available in muslim countries...
Not to mention able to afford food like most the slave labor here...Go back home dude
You can't teach experience...
Gypsy hahaha... well i donno if that's oppression or a blessing, its a blessing to me, but for him it might be an oppression... and he was talking for all the Brits in Qatar...
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
so the new topic is ,,,,
The rich get richer and the poor get children
Seriously though, ok the comment about alcohol and lack of women is just stupid. A) Alcohol is available, it's just controlled. MOST countries control the availabilty of alcohol and where you can and cannot drink it, so that's hardly oppression.
HOWEVER, I do believe he has a slight argument about the illegality of pork, as it is a staple food in many cultures.
just breaking the ice...
fill ur own tank..follow instructions above..peace men..
get to go...
being an auto engineer,, i could post a no. of comment's on car, but i avoid coz its not the right time...and no one have here much common sense about the automobiles. they just drive it, they are not aware,wht stuff is operating in their wheels...
HAHAHA! That's not how I'd describe anything that comes from Q-Tel PM ;)
but it's kinda not related to the thread topic...
sowri rezy...well..thats really quite long but helpfull....
tanya please dont write bulky comment's, no one have the time to read this huge essay... avoid buddy..
what has "Alcohol being not available in market or pork being haram and lack of women in this country " got to do with oppresion anyway? it's understandable when kids whine about things, but when grown ups do, now that's a different thing...
Tips on Filling your Vehicles...
This is a Message received from a friend:
I don't know what you guys are paying for petrol... but here in Durban, we are also paying higher, up to 47.35 per litre. But my line of work is in petroleum for about 31 years now, so here are some tricks to get more of your money's worth for every litre.
Here at the Marian Hill Pipeline, where I work in Durban, we deliver about 4 million litres in a 24-hour period thru the pipeline.
One day is diesel; the next day is jet fuel, and petrol, LRP and Unleaded. We have 34-storage tanks here with a total capacity of 16,800,000 litres.
ONLY BUY OR FILL UP YOUR CAR OR BIKKIE IN THE EARLY MORNING WHEN THE GROUND TEMPERATURE IS STILL COLD. Remember that all service stations have their storage tanks buried below ground. The colder the ground, the denser the fuel, when it gets warmer petrol expands, so buying in the afternoon or in the evening.... your litre is not exactly a litre.
In the petroleum business, the specific gravity and the temperature of the petrol, diesel and jet fuel, ethanol and other petroleum products play an important role. A 1degree rise in temperature is a big deal for this business. But the service stations do not have temperature compensation at the pumps.
Compiled by Ramesh Patel on 16.03.2008 @ 10:00Hrs. Page 1 of 2
WHEN YOU'RE FILLING UP, DO NOT SQUEEZE THE TRIGGER OF THE NOZZLE TO A FAST MODE. If you look, you will see that the trigger has three (3) stages: low,
Compiled by Ramesh Patel on 16.03.2008 @ 10:00Hrs. Page 2 of 2
middle, and high. In slow mode, you should be pumping on low speed, thereby minimizing the vapours that are created, while you are pumping. All hoses at the pump have a vapour return. If you are pumping on the fast rate, some of the liquid that goes to your tank becomes vapour. Those vapours are being sucked up and back into the underground storage tank so you're getting less worth for your money.
ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT TIPS IS TO FILL UP WHEN YOUR TANK IS HALF FULL. The reason for this is, the more fuel you have in your tank, the less air occupying its empty space. Petrol evaporates faster than you can imagine. Petroleum storage tanks have an internal floating roof. This roof serves as zero clearance between the petrol and the atmosphere, so it minimizes the evaporation.
Unlike service stations, here where I work, every truck that we load is temperature compensated, so that every litre is actually the exact amount.
ANOTHER REMINDER, IF THERE IS A FUEL TRUCK PUMPING INTO THE STORAGE TANKS, WHEN YOU STOP TO BUY, DO NOT FILL UP - most likely the petrol/diesel is being stirred up as the fuel is being delivered, and you might pick up some of the dirt that normally settles on the bottom.
Hope, this will help you get the maximum value for your money.
what does it mean hala is halal, the person having postpaid is not halal? hhehehehee
rania, are you there? i wanted to chat with u
Don’t drink and drive. You might spill your beer
Harrasing me about my smoking may be hazardous to your health!
Duh! Sorry, I was actually just typing an email to our admin assistant to get me a Hala card....I should check and make sure I didn't send her an email to get me a Halal card. :p
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
whz up!
Just a question thexonic, if you weren't allowed to purchase or bring Hala meat into the country you lived in, and in fact it was illegal to consume it, would you consider yourself opressed?
I mean, theres just too many Bars, Clubs and restaurants to choose from, and as for which joint of Pork or pack of Bacon to buy......Hmmmn, what to do ?
The agony of choice......
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
Well jauntie, may be u should show him places where they sell tea and cookies around doha, to give him that "English" feeling. May be he will not feel oppressed after all. By the way didn't I mention that he is not my friend, its just someone I met. Those are the words that came out of his mouth. I know u dont trust me, but thanks for sharing your opinion.
Novita: love you too.
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
lol red poppycock, u just gave my thread a boost, did u just call me a lebanese female????
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
That is why people dont like them that much, honesty is the best policy..
It is always the lost that need my guidance
LOL, you are sick!!
I think she meant "Popie Cock".. i won't go any further into the description..
People from the south would say sometimes"Yoe," because of our black heritage.
Minnesota has being invade and colonized by Canadians!
Only people in Eastern Canada say "eh"! And people from Minnesota, or so I've been told.
Veni, Vedi, Visa! ~ I came, I saw, I shopped!
Dear jauntie
Good Morning Sra.
I like to mention that Lebanese Females are 100% right all the time. They understand the boys from England and America. Those 'hips don't lie.'
Do you know what is a poppycock?
well said jauntie ...
I don't find it a thread with a topic of any worth since we only have our dear friend Thexonic's word for what a n other person may or may not have said.
It's second hand information and therefore I dispute the title which suggests there is truth in the statement.
And, anyway, 'oppression' is the wrong word for what Thex is describing the other person as saying. 'DEpression' may be more likely :D
Shall I start a thread with the heading: LEBANESE PEOPLE UNDER OPPRESSION IN QATAR saying that some Lebanese person I spoke to the other day said ......
Load of poppycock - sorry Thexonic but I prefer to hear information first hand not gossip via the grapevine.
Phew - glad I got THAT off my chest (back to my morning cuppa now :D
You are asking a loaded question EH !
"Then when I meet some Americans, either they are so British or Canadian."
What's wrong with being Canadian?
Veni, Vedi, Visa! ~ I came, I saw, I shopped!
I feel like a minority being oppress here in Qatar.
Way too many people from India and Pakistan, Always carrying a conversation with that funny intonation of words from the UK.
Then when I meet some Americans, either they are so British or Canadian.
The Worst case scenario, watching all those Britons sun bathing in Spain, when they are done, they still look like red boil lobsters. The next day still more pale than ever. Just admit to it, Having no dark skin is part of your DNA.
I better revive the New world order, Communist Party in England, at least we will have something in common, The People and the party.
...I did not lead them to believe Qatar should have such 'haram' stuff but rather tell them the 'reality' of the country...and the main purpose of the expatriates: to work for a certain income.
There's a big difference between an expatriate and a tourist.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
We are led to belive that Qatar is a land of Bacon Butties, China Dolls , Rumpee Pumpee at Garveys and loads and loads of drinking at the Rugby Club..
When we get here , we find otherwise..
Archer, seriously dude lol
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
Better eat that In Uk..
Supernurse still not used to QL's culture, any thread that has more than 25 posts is meant to be hijacked or drifted away. How r u anyway????
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
ur comment wasnt in its right place, so dont start it :))
in a very friendly and polite way :))
actually Rania, the thread is still open therefore it isn't closed, you are not the author therefore you don't decide whether its open or closed.....
SN, story said commented on closed done :)
mmmmm, righto....interesting topic too, well it was when the last interesting post was posted at 18:32.....
this is good enough
Rania, let wolfie come, i'll feed him some fresh fish soup with pineapple in it :P
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
Shame, this thread could have been quite thought provoking!.......
anyone : HE or SHE?
more explicative pleaseeeee :)
dracyyyyy, helloooooooooo.. you seem hungry, did you eat anything? i mean anyone?
He's on the way....
i think wolfie will be here very soon Mr. Awesome
I'm sorry Rania, I thought u could handle it :P. I'll behave next time honey.
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
Yeah well it's okay, one has to have some limits.. :P
I'm sorry Queen, its not my fault u couldn't handle my awesomeness ;) next time i'll try to be less awesome :P
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
i think now is a good time, since im ill and it's all becos of you mister :(((((
Rania, I'm ready when u r ;)
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
Mr. Awesome, ill kill u with my bare hands then :-D
Rania, lol I agree with that, i'd rather have a death sentence with a Queen than be in Afghanistan :P.
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
call me ONE.
lolll... Afghanistan is like a death sentence then
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
If i didnt know any better, I'd agree with that guy lol
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
hahaha... sending him back to riyadh would actually be something... Wonder what he'd do in afghanistan :P
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
Sorry RP, my meticulous English faultered for once there...I ofcourse, meant, bugger orf.....
thexonic, this is! now thts wht you call oppression...
perhaps he does not know what oppression is - oppression is when
1. one is brought to work in companies under false premises and not paid what one is owed
2. oppression is when one has to slave for hours together in hot/cold weather without any rest or protection and no place to voice one's complaints
3. oppression is when children who have done no crime are subjected to rockets and missiles for fights between their fathers and they have no say about the matter at all.....
I could go on
It's more of a culture shock rather than oppression.
As far I am concern I have too much..
Also get the drink when you want, not a fan of pork but know someone who can supply yes even in Doha..As far as the company is concern..well say no more..
I think I am better off here and enjoying myself than I ever did back home..
Send him to Riyadh and see if he still bitches about Qatar then!
Did you Google it first?
Tell him to get the hell out if he doesnt like it here
If he didn't know this before he came out, then he is a muppet. Someone who has willingly moved to a country, that is different to their home country is not under oppression, they jusr didn't fully research it!!
If he didn't know this before he came out, then he is a muppet. Someone who has willingly moved to a country, that is different to their home country is not under oppression, they jusr didn't fully research it!!
'Bugger of Back"
Is that a new British Burger?
He should bugger of back then....
The only thing I am upset about is the fact that I do not have a female companion here.
Then he should seriously consider whether or not to stay here, simple as that , and stop wingeing.