Britain equal century-old Olympic gold recor

Britain equal century-old Olympic gold record
By Andrew Cawthorne 21 minutes ago
BEIJING (Reuters) - Britain notched their highest gold medal tally in a century on Tuesday with two more victories in cycling and one in sailing for the 2012 Olympics hosts.
That cemented Britain's unexpected third place in China, with 15 golds the best since the 1908 London Games and the perfect way to fire up enthusiasm at home for the next Olympics.
Hosts China are way ahead on 40 golds, their seemingly unassailable lead helping dull some of the national pain over the withdrawal through injury of track idol Liu Xiang.
The United States are second with 25 golds on Day 11 and face a near-impossible task to catch China, whose medal haul reflects their new global economic and political might.
While China's rise may be inevitable, given it has one fifth of the world's population to choose from, Britain's success was more surprising. Even traditional rivals were impressed.
"They're certainly serving it up," Australia's Olympic Committee president John Coates said. "Their new-found cockiness has got some substance to it."
Nowhere have the Britons been cockier than on bikes.
The world may try to pull the winter games out of Sochi in 2014.
MP - How does the song go? "God save the queen, the fascist regime"? That wasn't a Yankee spy was it :P
labda06 - I'm alive, I just had to fix my cross eyes and carpel tunnel hands from being on QL too long :)
Congrats on your Olympic success. I guess it took a couple of generations for the Yankee gene pools splashed liberally over the UK during WWII to work their way down to produce world beating athletes.
Many congrats to our Limey brothers. Remember, you have set yourselves quite a benchmark to exceed in London, England in 2012.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
Mr. Paul said:
So basically, im fantastic,the best,brilliant etc cos im not a stupid, dumb a$$, inbred , mutant, banjoe playing, tobacoe chewing, obese, coffee swilling, illiterate, yankee doodle dandy
Did i miss anything ? " :D
Mr. Paul
Are you a ventriloquist?
Could you sign me the Yankee Doodle one more time, with your notorious and heavily accentuated personality?
Here is the song for you to sign for everyone in QL
Yankee Doodle went to town
A-riding on a pony
He stuck a feather in his hat
And called it macaroni.
Yankee Doodle, keep it up
Yankee Doodle dandy
Mind the music and the step
and with the girls be handy!
The song was the American reply, after they defeated the British during the American revolution in the Battle of Lexington and Concord, They force every capture british soldier to dance to the beat of the Yankee doodle until they drop tired.
In calling me Yank, it is a good melody to my ears, specially when is coming from the English.
Yes, you did miss something, you still a very common British fellow.
Cheers and have a good day Mr.
of the medals table if you do it gold medal per head of population....
easily win that.
Nah, Russia's never boycotted a winter Olympics. Like Canada, it's the only one we ever do well in.
and Russia (if they don't boycott the games)
LOL, well the States will make for some decent competition, as will all the Scandinavian countries. :)
grinds to a halt in turmoil....
You guys really make an interesting thread.
Wow, moose riding! That should be interesting! LOL
╬ Everybody is happy everybody is free
We'll keep the big door open, everyone will come around
Why are you different, why are you that way? ╬
The next Olympics is a winter one and in Vancouver! So we're going to kick y'alls butt!
Be proud..
The canadians weren't expected to do that well anyway.. Its the taking part that counts..
I hear that next olympics , they are intoducing Moose Riding ... you've got a Chance there
But, cos yer nosey, FYI, i live in a 4 Bed, 5 bathroom villa with pool, games lounge/bar, in a quiet area of Beautiful Bahrain.
I have an English passport and a good accent, and talk the real language of life.
So basically, im fantastic,the best,brilliant etc cos im not a stupid, dumb a$$, inbred , mutant, banjoe playing, tobacoe chewing, obese, coffee swilling, illiterate, yankee doodle dandy
Did i miss anything ? " :D
plus, yer have the Queen on yer cash, so top notch all round i would say....
*in a very tiny, whisper from somewhere down past the Burmese in the medal tallies* CANADA ROCKS! :P
Agreed tallg
btw, getting back to the subject of the thread, Britain's medal haul isn't that surprising.
Every Olympics the former head of the Italian Olympic Committee, Luciano Barra, forecasts the Olympic medal table using the results of recent world championships in each sport.
His results are surprisingly accurate and he predicts GB will finish fourth in the table this Olympics with 48 medals (18G, 10S, 20B).
Well, I don't think the overpaid oart applies anymore. Our currency is a joke now and is virtually worthless. But the oversexed and over here part? Yeah I think that still applies more than ever.
Poor Paula, I would have liked to see her win after what happened to her in Athens. She is a tremendous athlete with a lot of heart.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
The phrase used in WW2 for the yanks was :
"Oversexed, overpaid and over here"
Does it still apply here ??
She wasn't expected to win as she was coming back from injury (leg fracture) and hadn't prepared as much as she would have liked to.
Its true what you say about us Yanks leaving our genes all over merrie England in the 1940s. Maybe we should claim the UK's 12 gold medals as our own. After all, the Brits are just expatriated Americans with very pale skins and bad teeth.
But what happened to Paula Radcliffe? I thought she was going to win a gold in the marathon for England. What happened?
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
Did you guys watch the woman's Olympic Marathon run?
Did anyone witness the moment when the Rumanian runner TOMESCU Constantina won?
Then the British runner YAMAUCHI Mara, who almost drop out of the race, for the second time in her olympic career for injury related issues?
I honestly believe the English runner needs to retire for good.
I hear St. Patrick was an Englishman!"
Its a strange phenomenon..
Marshall Tito, Enver Hoxha, Slobodan Milosevic, Nicolae Ceausescu all kept their countries in toe.
As soon as they went, all hell broke loose.
My Tito,
The Fidel Castro of his time.
The only person who united the former Yugoslavia.
Good one.
I hear St. Patrick was an Englishman!"
Don't touch my neighbour Dracula:)
I am watching you!
I did watch a movie about Dracula sailing into England, dammed bastard was pretty good in causing havoc among the british girls, poor english mates did not know what to do with him.
Unfortunately for Dracula, he was hunted down by an American at the end of the movie. I believe the American rescue and made love to the british girl at the end of the movie.
During World War 2, too many yanks did spread their DNA in the UK.
All those Tommy soldiers, either were dead or handicap from fighting and losing. Instead of the British calling us, their cousins, we should call the brits our brothers and sisters.
I'm curious about the female vampires that act in that movies, they all have that funny english accent from UK.
I hear St. Patrick was an Englishman!"
Batcave with a carport etc..
Yep! saw it on the movie..
You want to sublet ?
Good one.
Never expect it, that one.
I hear St. Patrick was an Englishman!"
my cave is bigger :)
Good Morning my Engrish mate.
I believe this forum is about the British Olympians, the funding and the olympic events.
Keep it civil or I will start my revolution against the Union Jack again in QL.
I do own a 2950 square feet house, double car port, 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, build in 2.0 acre of wooded land back in Georgia.
Someone told me that you live in some "Flat" house in the UK?
Have a nice morning...
I hear St. Patrick was an Englishman!"
Any nation who throws crates full of tea into a harbour ,
and spends billions on going to the moon, just to get bring back some rocks needs to be feared and admired..
Mr. Paul I thought dumb yankee's played for new york :P
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
people shoot at a yankee passport !
How ever did a country full of inbred, web toed mutants ever get to be the worlds police, i will never know.
RP, you just stay in yer log cabin, playing yer banjoe....
SouthLand where have you been man? Too quiet...
LOL Yanks vs. Brits...QL Comedy Central
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
dweller - and the large amount of lottery funding that the cycling team have received.
The words shoulder and big chip spring to mind...
Could you imagine swimming in that polluted river in London?
Probably the swimmers will grow some kind of Gills and fins.
Then, they will be ruling the Waves.
I'll take my chances with the Mississippi.
In the other hand, the USA won the gold in the woman's eight in canoeing, never had won it, No USA woman team had won it, since the 1900's.
I'll give the Brits credit for the dismounted horse event and many other events. It was superbly executed with precision and steadiness. They won the gold in that event, the last time they won that event, it was in 1930's.
I'll prefer the UK, Australia or any country in any event, specially when the USA is not competing, instead of the Red assers with one star,
I hear St. Patrick was an Englishman!"
My bad, "you rule the waves", where's your surfboards dudes? ;) I guess in less than a week it'll be all eyes on London. Ya gonna shut the city down for a month to work on that smog? ;)
largely to David Brailsford's (Performance Director)management of the cycling team
You forget the words "Britania rules the waves"
Its been a while, but WE ARE BACK!
They win a little dingy race and the quote is "They rule the high seas again"! :P
I hate those britons full of cockamania bull crap!
I hear St. Patrick was an Englishman!"