bringing a maid along

Hi, I'd like to start a forum on domestic help and rules and regulations regarding bringing or hiring one. I have an Indonesian maid currently working with us (in Malaysia). Mu husband has been offered a job in Qatar. We have a 19 month old child. As we are yet to be familiar with issues surrounding domestic help in Qatar, I would greatly appreciate some information. Our maid has an Indonesian passport while we carry Malaysian passports. Are we allowed to bring her as a maid into Qatar and if we do, what do we need to know and do so that she is legal. She is very wiling to follow us to Qatar. In fact she's as excited as we are. My son is also very attached to her.If we cant bring her, is local domestic help available as live in maid and if there are available, how do we get one and how much is the expected salary. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. alternatively email me at [email protected]
You do not have to go through an agency to get a maid. You can do all the process by yourself or have someone to chase your application with the immigration for a minimal fee. Agencies charge a hell of money.
If she is not brave to come here by herself, then I can get her for you. Give me a ticket and some pocket money and I will take care of getting her safely :) My daily rate is 2000$. You see how can I save the money of paying to the agency
Cheer up. Things will be sorted out in a way or another.
Have a nice day.
Ehmmm... worst scenario, if I have to send her back to Indonesia, then I have no alternative but to get another maid through agency in Qatar. She is not brave enough to go to Qatar by herself. I'm taking it easy now, if she is meant to work for my family, we'll find the way out to bring her together. If not, there might be a blessing in disguise. Thank you and do let me know if something useful comes up. Have a nice day....
And you are welcome anytime.
I know the headache of relocating. Did it 4 times till now. You are lucky coz the internet is available and the groups/forums provide good info.
We did relocate without having much info about what we were expecting.
Anyhow. Will let you know whenever I come across something helpful or a new idea.
What do you think about giving her a mobile phone and some pre-paid sim card to contact her when papers are ready (worst scenario) provided that she knows how to use gsm and there is network coverage in her area.
Have a nice day.
Thank you KellysHeroes. That gives a big help to me... at least I will get myself fully prepared in case I want to bring her under the tourist visa. If she goes back to Indonesia, it is very difficult for us to communicate because there is no phone line and letters take months to arrive. Has been with me for a year and she plans to go back after 2 years of service. At least I have another alternative... thank you again for the information and do let me know if you have other advise. Thank you again.
Hi anmn1524.
I have no idea about the so-called "calling visa"
What I know is that your husband (assuming he is the one having the contract here) will have his work visa. Once he lands in Doha he will start the process of having his residency stamped on his passport after getting medical checkup and security clearance. After that he can process your visa together with the kids. Once you arrive here and go through the same process of your husband (medical and security) then you will have the visa stamped on your passports. After that you can start the visa process for that maid.
Please do not faint. There are shortcuts. Guess what the embassy guy was talking about is that you get a visit visa (like tourist visa) and all of you travel together to Doha then here you start processing your residency. In such case, you have to travel to Bahrain and return to Doha to stamp the residency visa (family visa). In this respect there was a system of paying a fee of about 500 QRs and your visa will be stamped without leaving the country. Later this was stopped. I dont know if they have re-instated this system.
Regaring the maid, guess you can get her a visa (sponsored by the company) or if you can get her a visit visa (tourist) then process her papers and apply the same procedure that was applied on you (wife and kids).
Alternatively, you send her to Indonesia for her annual leave while you settle here and legalize everything.
Thats all talks.
Hi KellysHeroes, I want to know whether she can travel together with me to Qatar under the 'calling visa' (as told by the officer in Qatar Embassy Indonesia)? If yes, then I don't have to worry anything. Because I know that once she is there, I can always process her working permit once we get our resident visa. If I'm out from Singapore, she must go back to Indonesia (she comes from a remote area). I'm aware that local help is always available in Qatar but having so many experiences with maids really make you go mad... The current maid is good with children, honest and hardworking. She can speaks english since all the maids that come to singapore is required to have basic understanding and qualification in english. Pls help, if you have any info on this. TQ
Once you have your visa (residency) stamped on your passport, you need to apply for a permit to bring a maid. This has to go through a committee. Your husband salary is not a problem, but you need to justify the need for that.
After getting the approval (requires at least 2 weeks) you can apply for her visa. All you need is passport copy.
Local help is available through some service comapnies and cost is at least QRs 2000 per month for live-in maid.
I think the salary of Indonesian maid is around QRs 600.
Jaelee, thank you for replying. FYI, currently i'm staying in Singapore. If that is the case, then I have to send my Indonesian maid back because in Singapore once I cancel my employment permit, her working permit is automatically cancelled. I was told by the Qatar Embassy in Indonesia that i have to get letter of sponsor from the company, then apply the 'calling visa' at the Service Immigration in Doha. With this she can travel with me together and once we arrive there, we have to apply the working permit.... I think I have to check with other Qatar Embassy in Malaysia (just to confirm). If u hv any info, pls let me know....thanks
Just check, but I think you will have to have your own residency permit sorted before you can sponsor anyone.
nina please email me and let me know your experience n procedures in bringing maid together to Qatar. I have already email u at [email protected]. Hope the email address is correct.
Thanks heaps Davidb. I wil make sure I have the appropriate documentation.
Take care.
I've just spoken to a guy who works here (bahrain) - who used to work in Doha. He can't see any problems with you bringing your maid - he thinks the salary limit is something like 3,000 QAR.
You will still need to come to Doha first and arrange for her work permit and visa. So make sure you bring copies of her passport, birth certificate and any medical records - just to be on the safe side.
Good Luck
Sorry Nina - I can't help you in regard to salaries - But I do know people in similar situations who have done this. There are plenty of other people on this forum who hopefully have a better idea.
Good Luck
Thanks Davidb. Didn't think i'd get a reply so quickly. My husband's basic salary is 13000 QR. I heard that the salary needs to be in a certain bracket before you can sponsor anyone. Is that true and if so does my husband's salary qualify. thanks.
The short answer is that you can do it as long as you sponsor her. You will have to arrange her visa from Qatar - I don't know what charges apply - maybe someone else can help you there.