Bride runs off after arriving in the UK

Another poor soul taken for a ride :O(
A charity worker who spent £5,000 bringing his new Jamaican bride to the UK was left heartbroken after she abandoned him within 20 minutes of walking through his front door.
Johnny Gannon spent thousands arranging a visa for 24-year-old Patrice Chambers so they could live in marital bliss in his council flat in Perth, Scotland.
But as soon as Patrice arrived in Perth, she sent trusting Mr Gannon, 57, out to buy Pot Noodles. When he returned she grabbed her bags and told him she was going.
Heartbroken Mr Gannon, who married Patrice in Jamaica early this year, believes his new wife fled to Bristol to meet a Jamaican boyfriend with whom she had organised the scheme.
He told the Daily Mirror: 'I was looking forward to spending the rest of my life with Patrice but I think she had planned all along to do this.
He has reported her to police and plans to contact the UK Border Agency and now he is considering how he will tell his mother.
My sources confirmed the following:
The poor men did not want to admit to her, he was "NOT CAPABLE" and did carry a tiny worm, she was not happy at all with those findings. Viagra ws not responding.
She decided to visit "Doctor BOA Holmes" for her satisfaction and personal pleasure.
What a *itch. Karma will get her in the end.
Poor Old Guy "Bite only what you can Chew"
The old guy probably didn't use his head :-/
To be honest, I am at a loss as to understand how HE exploited her. He went to Jamaica on holiday and met her. He fell in love. He knew her for some time before proposing. He then helped her financially to come to the UK. There are numerous such cases around the world..
Marriage is not what it used to be. These days when the other one says I do. You must really ask with who?
I would say she exploited him more than he did her....old fool that he seems to be.He did not quite get what he paid for.
Brit i know she was not a minor but hey " exploitation is exploitation " regardless of age
then she wouldn't need to use the old bear to get to the UK. anyone with enough money in the bank and a good job can come to the uk
She was not a minor, so the relationship was mutual. If you google the full story, she supposedly owned a small bar on the beach..
how abt when he was using her back in the mud huts of hot Jamaica? should the whatever agency track him down for that? it's very clear this gurl was in some sort of a relationship with this old granpa so it must mean she either was really in love with him ( 'n in thsi case running away makes no sense ) or she was in it for the money "the fat old nut had only to show the goods to a a poor 24 yr old gurl in Jamacia to own her for a sex pet" but unlike other sex pets this one had a brain 'n eventually she turns the table on him. ya go gurl!
She definitely used him and I hope that the Border agency can track her down and deport her. However, I don't give it much hope..
The only person who was exploited in this union was the 57 year old man GP. I know lots of women with older men, and they are quite happy and not feeling exploited at all.
pligram doesn't matter if ur 24 or 16 it's still exploitation. Many 16 yrs old are mentally mature enough to make their own decisions doesn't mean it's ok for them to be with older men . and at the age of 57 that could be her own father ! pff
57 not 75. In all honesty a 33 year age gap is not THAT uncommon, and 24 is not 16, she's old enough to make her own decisions. And obviously she's smarter than him.
First of all .... what is a freaking 75 yrs old Daddy doing with 24 yrs young girl?When I ask myself this question the first thought that comes to my mind is " Sexual Exploitation "! Many young gurls from such countries are constantly being abused and exposed to all kinds of exploitation from well-to-do fat Grandpa's who travel to those poor countries under the disguise of the Tourist's hat and trapping young gurls in to paid relationships! Utterly desgusting
Lets hope his mother doesn't read the Daily Mail or he just told her.
I wonder what would have been the comments here if it happened to be Saudi 57 year old marrying a 24 year old.
What's wrong with a 24 y/o having a 57 y/o man? Age doesn't matter..and it's not enough basis to make a valid point in saying that bec.of the age gap this is bound to happen...I don't give a damn in age gaps.. It has nothing to do in loving people and staying happy with them..
Poor guy. Maybe she just didn't like the idea of living in council flat in Perth. I'd probably do a runner too if I was faced with that.
the funny thing that he was worrried bout tellin his mother, hehehe, damn diis man is very stupid, its clear that she made her mind to do so, coz life in jamica is like hill, so, i don't blame her for real she did wt it take to stay alive, nd to our poor friend, stop worriying bout your mother, coz the whole world knew wtt happend to you even us in qatar, is she dump not the see dat, hehe,GOD Help u, next time try sum1 whose in ur age and alreeady living there wid u, so all u can do then, got drunk and awake the next day happy, hehethat why i love the girls, they are just like a snipers, Mark=> Hit=> shot in a head directly no mssing, BAng u have been Punked hehehe
What a fool he was and what a complete and utter *itch she is. How many more times is this going to happen to men and women?
Sorry Brit, but one sentence is enough to set alarmbells off: he sent her 700 quid for paperwork and they were stolen. THAT is enough on its own. And she does not have a happy smile on the wedding photos. As a woman I can smell fish miles away ;)
Maybe he bought the wrong pot noodles :(
Full story..
Brit - he might have been, yes. But considering her nationality, age and (probably) penniless status he should have been more careful. We don't get to read how she 'lured' him into falling inlove with her. A case amongst million others, unfortunately for him.
I am sure he feels an idiot, but he was truly in love and taken for a ride.. (pun)
Serves him right to be a complete idiot. 'Happily ever after' is not the end of this love story (surprise, surprise!)
well done...........
this is the UK we are talking about. She will claim assylum and as per the EU Human Rights law , she will be allowed to stay ..
sad thing is, this happens more than get reported...
All he has to do is to report her to the police and inmigrations and her visa will be nulled. He is the sponsor, not her.
a 24 year old girl married to 57 year old man... this was bound to happen!!
awwww...what a very tragic lovestory :'(