Branded Perfumes

By Formatted Soul •
Anyone bought branded perfumes from these people on QL who are selling 100 ml bottles for 100 riyals? Are they real? How can they sell QR.380 perfume for 100 riyals?
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tester perfumes are almost always fake. It is another way of delivering fake products to the market. Otherwise you would question why these are cheaper!
I have bought fake one and guess what, it makes you after one or two hours smell bad, so the only advantage in my opinion for such cheap perfumes that it makes you take shower again.
Devilden u can try some shops in souq near Fanar.
I heard Gypsy Gal bought one ..wink?
can some one please suggest me a shop or place where i can buy some tester perfumes
see our web sight and search compani selling all branded perfume original and discount price u need qatar door delivery contact 30256885
CLEARANCE SALE All international branded perfume wholsale price start from 80QRto160QR GRAB IT WE HAVE LOW STOCK.CONTACT;77257143
Maybe they are selling samples..
It is very very very very very hard to distinguish the real thing from fake nowadays. I recall a case in Saudi, where employees at a upmarket department store were substituting fake perfumes for real and pocketing the difference. The customers did not know any better.
i called and bought from this guy a 100ml DAVIDOFF COOL WATER, the tester he is showing might be original but the item in a package smelled unreal and last only for a few minutes.
i would prefer to buy from market.even if its expensive.
Could be real. Not all cheap stuffs are fake. Maybe its overstock and got discounted now.
Could be real. Not all cheap stuffs are fake. Maybe its overstock and got discounted now.
LP.. bcos people from certain countries stink as per people from some other certain countries..:)
Why do people spend money to smell?
approx in the same range... max it wud go for Qr.150... a perfume which goes about Qr. 250 in the market, i got it for Qr. 120 or something...
Rizks I am interested, only if you offer your tasty karak chai with it for free..:)
I have brand new sealed packed "Tasty Popadums' with me...let me know if you are interested FS ? :)
Probably fell off, from the back of a Lorry!
better buy from from the shops. its 100 percent sure .....maybe they are immitations and they said its original to make money.
and CL said, they are real.
captain lost are they all the same price as they mentioned QR.100? Mine is 3 times that in the market..:(
Oh, btw i never bought it thru QL... and packing..they are packed in plain White boxes...
Could be real as sometimes overstocks are sold at discounted prices
For personal use packing is not required.
I want to know from someone who actually bought them and if they smell and last the same as the original one.
FS...these are Testers .. basically given free to sellers for Free... and with Not for sale tag... recently people started to make business out of them... they bring it from mostly from dubai.. and sell i here.. and yes i tried them and they are as good as original branded perfumes :)
Could be real as sometimes overstocks are sold off at discounted prices
No branded stuff ever comes cheap...simple as that.
but it will be tester without original packing.
Many of the them are working in perfume shops and get these tester free of charge.
good value for money for personal use.
oh i hav not bought one yet frm them...dont know if its REAL ?