Boy calls cops on mum over chores

"Hello. My mother is putting me into forced labour," began Leon, not his real name, during a five-minute call to emergency number 110.
"What do you have to do?" the police officer answering the call asked the boy.
"I have to clean up the terrace. I've got to work the whole day," said Leon.
The boy's mother, who was standing next to him, explained to police that Leon had been threatening to report her for weeks.
"Just now, when he was told to pick up a few bits of paper lying round on the floor, he wanted to ring the police," she said.
"Actually, he plays the whole day long. Whenever you ask him to tidy away his own mess, he reckons it's forced labour. So I thought, just let him try."
That kids mum should take some advice from Russell:
its always the circumstances which makes you do things, if you dont have any good eateries around cooking is the only option left. more or less depends upon the way your are been brought up and taught, if the mother would have told his son in a lovable or understandable way perhaps he would have done. I will never force my kids to do anything, if they dont wants to But will certainly explain to them that we as parents will be happy also if they help their mother in simple ways......... and as of now they do understand.
don't blame your parents, see the current example, this kid's parents want him to learn something. but he is not willing.. may be/ or surely same was ur case, and one can learn even upto parents didn't teach me how to cook, and i still don't knw.. but am not blaming them, because i wasn't interested at all in this..
I had to face a lot of problems when i came to qatar as i had to do my laundry, cooking, cleaning...etc, etc...all by myself. I learned the hard way...if only my parents had made me do my things in early age i would have become independent long ago... It is a good practice to teach your kids in early age...
Guys your comments are more interesting than the actual piece of news.
Yes, children should help around the house - this is where a good work ethic in later years comes from!
yup, but if they call Lakhyia/Police then :p well i personally have same thinking as u have, kids must learn almost everything, this is the basic knowledge of the life, without this one suffer alot.. even i am in favor of lill bit cooking classes now..
I started selling newspaper on the street! Not because my parents asked me but I like to earn extra money for school.All my children knew how to fix their things because they learned it when they were young. Children should be taught to do this things when tehy are young to be responsible adult in the future.
I seeee the future of the west..
FS, so you made your kids to clean the terrace also?? :p
I wonder from where he got this idea..
There is nothing wrong in making children do small house making their their own room etc...a 11 yr old can very well clean the terrace too...
As han said...he is a lazy boy....and looking for excuses!!
Can I call the emergency number too? :(
Yup, i think they should be force to do so, else they wud be busy in games and sleeping all the time. better to keep them busy, so that there is no laziness and they also learn some good things
Hi britexpat, this is a lazy 11 year old who will eventually grow up thinking everyone else should clean up after him.
should children do chores.....?yes, and it starts with simple tasks, like putting the clothes in the laundry basket by colours, espcially uniforms, leaving the shoes in the shoe rack, keeping the school bag in its place, placing their own meal plate/glasses in the sink, there are many such simple tasks that each child can do. it teaches them a sense of responsibility.
infact, young children love to lend a helping hand, but its usually us as parents who dont let them.