Bout Bloody Time

** Frankly I would have been out after woman number one, not number nine!
More woes for Tiger Woods as his wife Elin moves out
Sophie Tedmanson
As more women come out of the woodwork alleging affairs with Tiger Woods, and details about his mysterious car crash two weeks ago continue to emerge including that he may have been under the influence of alcohol and subscription drugs at the time, it seems his wife has had enough.
Elin Nordegren has reportedly moved out of the family’s $US2.6 million (£1.6 million) home in Windermere, Florida, where the world No 1 golfer is understood to remain in seclusion after revelations of his extra-marital trysts.
According to the celebrity website, Ms Nordegren has moved into a house nearby as the couple, who have two young children, try to work on their marriage amid the international headlines about Woods’ “transgressions”.
There were also reports Ms Nordegren’s mother, Swedish politician Barbro Holmberg, has been in the US since the weekend to support her daughter.
Woods, 33, has been linked to up to nine women - including a British television presenter – since it was first reported he crashed his Cadillac into a fire hydrant outside his home on November 27 after reportedly arguing with his wife.
Days after the crash Woods was linked to a New York night clubber, other women – including a Las Vegas party girl and a Florida waitress - began to come forward, selling their stories to tabloids with tales of trysts with Woods.
Woods has not spoken publicly but released a statement on his website last Wednesday saying he had let his family down.
“I regret those transgressions with all of my heart,” Woods said. “I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves.”
He went on to say: “I am not without faults and I am far short of perfect. I am dealing with my behavior and personal failings behind closed doors with my family,” before pleading for privacy.
To add to his woes, it was also reported that a Florida Highway Patrol trooper suspected golfer Tiger Woods had drunk alcohol and had taken the prescription drugs Ambien and Vicadin on the day of his car accident, according to a subpoena request by the officer which was rejected by a state prosecutor.
The subpoena request made by Trooper Joshua A. Evans said: "The driver lost control of his vehicle, crashed and was transported to the hospital. A witness stated that the driver had consumed alcohol earlier in the day and the same witness removed the driver from the vehicle after the collision".
The subpoena request did not name the witness, but Woods' wife had told police it was she who pulled him from the car after using a golf club to smash the window of the vehicle.
The subpoena request added: "Also, the same witness stated that the driver was prescribed medication (Ambien and Vicatin (sic)). Impairment of the driver is also suspected due to the careless driving that resulted in the traffic crash."
...being the male of the species got the better of him...better than the balls for sure. But give the guy a chance you people.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Im with olive, one time wouldve been enough for me. I wouldve kicked his sorry ass out the door. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
He had a beautiful wife & kids. How could he do what he did? Did he not think of the pain he would cause his family?
Nine ?? And that too over a long term. Its time she packed her bags & left.
I've never seen Blazing Saddles Brit. :)
I would've left after the first one too. I give 100% in a relationship and expect the same back.
True FS, she'll probably stay with him for the money although she'll use the children as an excuse.
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
Not wishing to get into the gory details, but remember the scene with marlene Dietrich in Blazing Saddles ??
I can't see any prenup that wouldn't fork out to her for his affairs, so I don't see why she should stay with him.
Brit if he was an ordinary man..dont think any wife would he is a billionare..she might!!
as Olive said one or two mistakes can be pardoned...but 9?? I doubt..
I think nine affairs is a little past stress and unloved.
Nothing new with the rich and the famous...
yea she will forgive and everyone will forget...
When you love someone and they make a mistake, then you have to sit down and talk to find out the reasons for their transgressions.
Perhaps he was under stress or feeling unloved. Who knows ?
He made (at least) nine mistakes! And it's not like they were one night stands either, they were long drawn out affairs! If I was here I'd take him to the cleaners.
He made a mistake. I'm sure they'll talk and she'll forgive him.