Bosses can fire women for being "Hot"

So, Its official. Men have difficulty controling their emotions and hot women can lead us astray..
A dentist acted legally when he fired an assistant that he found attractive simply because he and his wife viewed the woman as a threat to their marriage, the all-male Iowa Supreme Court ruled Friday.
The court ruled 7-0 that bosses can fire employees they see as an "irresistible attraction," even if the employees have not engaged in flirtatious behavior or otherwise done anything wrong. Such firings may be unfair, but they are not unlawful discrimination under the Iowa Civil Rights Act because they are motivated by feelings and emotions, not gender, Justice Edward Mansfield wrote.
An attorney for Fort Dodge dentist James Knight said the decision, the first of its kind in Iowa, is a victory for family values because Knight fired Melissa Nelson in the interest of saving his marriage, not because she was a woman.
"These judges sent a message to Iowa women that they don't think men can be held responsible for their sexual desires and that Iowa women are the ones who have to monitor and control their bosses' sexual desires," said attorney Paige Fiedler. "If they get out of hand, then the women can be legally fired for it."
greek-latin-english combi
expired hash:
"important ad"
"wall of text"
"ghat cause"
"se time"
Nice try at getting people to have a serious conversation.
Back to topic well this is very important ad I previously stated in my wall of text. But the real issue is if a person thinks they'd ghat cause harm to someone they should try and stop themselves, but here he might have harmed the other party, so he did right and wrong at the se time.
Today I discovered some....Tamara Ecclestone?!
Are you kidding me, man? No one will EVER hire such an employee!
She will be fired 5 minutes after she starts any job (well, not all jobs)
Its too HOT discussion, feeling really hot after my greentea.
Your quote
"so what makes a woman (person) "hot"?
Face? Body figure? Clothes? Perfume? Hands? Lips? Short skirts? High heels".....
Its actually combination of all with an attitude to flaunt and seduce men for personal gains.
strom... LOL, what to do?? Lot of rum, you know :P
Haji, dont confuse me now..Fine, i'll take both !!
or Kate Upton, Captain
@brit well its wrong for sure, I think I have not explained my point well, if this is the criteria we all started to follow, a boss can terminate an employee, as he felt attracted towards her, then in certain jobs /occupations all one has to deal with is attractiveness i.e. makeup artists, models and many more, one is left with no choice.
Exercise self-control.
@Mr. Lost , when you are onshore we can classify as you hibernate most of the time
Im talking about Irene Sofia Esser .. ;)
"a chick on a frying pan "
Are you talking about chicken, or having a Venezuelan "chick" sit on a frying pan?
Strom .. We CAN Classify.. wallahi :P
you are missing the point. It has nothing to do with degree of hotness. The issue is that is it right for a boss to fire an employee if they believe that their close proximity may lead to an affair ?
Hajji ... we can never classify what is HOT , i agree what is turnon for some is a turnoff for others ....
"I am too sexy for my shirt" as sung by Right said Fred! now he sang that song almost 20 years ago!
Jokes apart, this is ridiculous, the next thing we will know, male makeup artists refuse to work with models, as they are “HOT”. Office boys refuse to serve ladies as they are “HOT” … come on we are talking about women here not some bread.
Control is the key of happy working and co-existence
a chick on a frying pan is considered "HOT" by me
true you can't have an ugly b... in marketing or sales..
well silvermist
I wanted to know what those 7 judges were considering when they approved firing "hot" women
I mean one man's "hot" is another man's "cold"
By the way, in some fields of business, "hot" women are a must in certain positions.
(No dirty thoughts, anyone. "Positions" here, means "job titles")
No conflict here......
its common interest and opposite attraction
could this be deemed as Conflict of Interest?
YES,Hajji,I would say all of the above,or atleast the first four in your
Have a great day everyone!
I could never blame poor Bill Clinton after I saw Monica ;D
I agree these are sexist and gender bias, but how one could ControL the emotions :(
What a stupid Hypocrite.
is it me or do you gossip like a girl? lol
Do you like guys?
nothing against that but a woman would kill to a have a best friend like you!
And ironically some of these lost souls would still dare to criticise a country like KSA for avoiding mixed workplaces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, here's the twist ..
She worked for him for nearly 10 years. Toward the end of her employment, Knight (the Dentist) complained to Nelson her clothing was tight and “distracting,” the decision read. She denied her clothes were inappropriate.
At one point, Knight told Nelson that “if she saw his pants bulging, she would know her clothing was too revealing,” the decision read.
During the last six months of Nelson’s employment, Nelson and Knight, both married with children, started sending text messages to each other outside of work. Neither objected to the texting.
Knight’s wife, who was employed at the same dental office, found out about those messages in late 2009 and demanded he fire Nelson.
In early 2010, he did just that. In the presence of a pastor, Knight told Nelson she had become a “detriment” to his family and that for the sakes of both their families, they should no longer work together, the decision read. Knight gave Nelson one month’s severance.
two times, I can understand the feeling of poor 'Hot' woman.
This is injust and I protest.
So knowing that tastes and definition of beauty varies from one individual to another, did these overly smart judges took into account that anyone can say about anyone hot and fire them?
Prove me wrong! I love obese ones! ..
the world is ending ladies and gents,
You're a man of this world.. You've done it ..
So, would you get rid of a 'hot" employee thus removing any future issues ?
Very wise
QDCL the mods are definitely from Kerela not sure of the Gender though..:)
I put then the topic will be more interesting.
so what makes a woman (person) "hot"?
Face? Body figure? Clothes? Perfume? Hands? Lips? Short skirts? High heels?
All of the above?
haji this is the question.... sniff sniff sniff
I would have had to fire you if you worked for me :O)
It is clear that women have to be careful on how they dress, act, smell, smile etc in order to ensure that we are not "distracted" ..
Absolutely ridiculous....He should be fired NOT her.
My comment got deleted, obviously the mods are women from Kerala...
This discussion is really getting me worried .. :(
Storm...are you pretty sure that you are categorized as "Hot"?
This can be serious, if you guys don't take it as a joke. Like the point someone made about Bisexual, like let's say your boss is Gay can he fire you because he was attracted to you. Also the same applies to bisexuals. But this man actually did something right, and wrong at the same time. The man was making sure he won't cheat on his wife, like he knew he was going to be unfaithful if the oppurtunity was given. This man adimitted to his "weakness" which a lot of people don't do. So can we really criticize this person?
Here, they were hire more good looking asst. than firing them. :)
I m still not fired what does that mean????? :-( .... i think by boss is a G** (ego satisfaction)
What about Women bosses with hot guy as employee???
Do you think my job is secure, brit?? :(
Men are behaving in this way for the past 4000 years.
For their own weaknesses ... they keep blaming on women.
Some had chosen to live in caves as a solution.
Hmm I’m just wondering was the dentist bisexual would he have felt the need to fire an attractive male assistant? If not then yes, the firing was motivated by gender.
I am starting a "Hot, Fired Women Association".
I will hire each one of'em.
1. Does the make up and dress makes the woman hot?
2. Does this "hot" woman try to seduce the dentist by smiling and flirting?
3. Can the dentist face such a "hot" woman outside the work place?
4. Can emotions be controlled?
5. What does "hot" woman mean? Does it mean beautiful woman?
6. Is it fair to fire woman because she is beautiful?