Booklet on Qatar's essential rules and practices for new arrivals
Qatar is a growing melting pot of scores of nationalities, however most of them, particularly the new ones are unaware of the local customs and cultural practices for which a brochure is needed to be handed over to them right on their arrival on the Airport. The brochure should cover the following:
1. Road Crossing Manner
2. No noises for the neighbors
3. No Alcohol drinking
4. Carrying ID card while going out
5. How to get a driving license
6. No selling of items on the streets and residential areas
7. Some basic Arabic and English words and Signs
8. Contact of Labor department and QHRC
9. No spitting on the roads and streets
10. Where to find the pharmacies and clinics
11. No bicycle riding in the night
12. Safe ways for walking on the streets.
13. Employer's name and contact number
14. Keeping additional copies of Passports and ID Card
15. No viewing of dirty movies
16. No staring at the women
And so om+++
17. No garbage through or littering outside
18. No nose spitting on the roads, streets
19. Doha Map with location of key contact points
20. Info. about the nearby hospital or clinic