Book your space in lunar cemetery
For $9995, book space in lunar cemetery
MIAMI: A US funeral business that specializes in launching cremated human remains into Earth's orbit has begun taking reservations for landing small
capsules of ashes on the moon, announced the founder.
"Celestis' first general public lunar mission could occur as early as 2010 and reservations are now being taken," said Charles Chafer, Celestis founder and president. "We can send up to 5000 individual capsules to the lunar surface," he said.
The company hopes to install a cemetery on the lunar surface to hold cremated remains of the dead, or a smaller symbolic portion of them, which one day could be visited by relatives of the deceased, said Chafer.
For transportation, Celestis has made deals with two other US private space companies, Odyssey Moon and Astrobotic Technology, which are currently working on making commercial flights to the moon.
For sending a tiny, one gram portion of cremated remains to the moon, the company charges $9,995 dollars.
must cost a lot to book for reservation
a good idea for business