The Booby Wall

I have a feeling that if the Piglet thread got banned this one will to, but it has nothing to do with Pornography or Sex! It's about Breast Cancer.
Here's the article
or visit before it gets blocked by Q-Tel. :P
Now when I first saw the article I assumed that the site was created by the Canadian Cancer Society and pictures of boobies being put on the site were those of breast cancer survivors, so I thought, ok that's not a bad idea, let women see the effects of breast cancer to encourage them to do self exams and get checked.
The site is put up by Schick Canada (the razor company) and most of the pictures are of perfectly healthy young women's breasts.
So...perhaps it's just me and my being influenced by my 2 years in a conservative society, but to me this just seems like gratuitous nudity. I personally, don't see how looking at a healthy young woman's breasts will make me want to touch my own, and even stranger, even though this site is supposed to be urging women to do self exams there are no diagrams and only basic instruction on what to look for.
Also Schicks logo is proudly displayed on every page. And they are advertising Schick Quattro specifically (which is a men's razor). it just me or is this site not about women and breast cancer at all?
You can say that again dude. I've had my fair share of fun with 'em. ;)
2400 QL Points!
Way to go Ray!!!
i remember when i use to visit my friend computer shop in Sofitel late 90's. we would get Pc to format them or add something new. and then i knew not even ninjas are saint :D
Well....then that's a whole new campaign. The Booby wall is focused at Canadian and persumably American women, though nutrition campaigns are also common. (Though in Canada all you have to say is Orange Juice prevents Breast Cancer and women run out and buy it by the gallons :P).
But even so, early detection is always beneficial.
"How come I can pick my ears but not my nose? Who made up that rule anyway? How come you say that's the way it is, that's just the way it goes, maybe you should decide for yourself what you can do and what you can say." Ani Difranco
Yeah right! And I am a saint!
I remember seeing your phone contents on the Al Zubara fort trip! :P
2400 QL Points!
Way to go Ray!!!
Maniacs here in the topic. well not me i was just telling you about Qtel block policy :)
Speaking of our region its different taking in account the lack of physical activity, low vitamin D/Folic acid and bad diet habits, even early detected BC in Qatari women is twice that of others.
sure.. they even don't care if you make a check-up or not.. all they want is you to post your breast on this
Whatever Makes You Happy...
[img_assist|nid=64082|title=Gemini Sign|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
Of course it's useful, UNTIL we have a cure the early you can detect breast cancer the earlier you can treat it. Early detection saves lives. At least it saved my grandmothers and 2 of my aunts.
"How come I can pick my ears but not my nose? Who made up that rule anyway? How come you say that's the way it is, that's just the way it goes, maybe you should decide for yourself what you can do and what you can say." Ani Difranco
I don’t see the early check is really useful. Even early discovered lumps needs chemo.
What we needs is a cure. A REAL ONE. Breast cancer survivors lives their life with fear, continues migraines & heartburn
Genesis ... agree with you !! but such website are making fun of women by asking them to just post your BOOBS posing naked ?
My point of view is that they should have the system to collect the true data from the various hospitals and upload the genuine picture if needed for awareness purpose.
This option of uploading freely is become more of a Booby Shop for men ;-), one of my colleague saw these pictures and said :-
"OH dam it, i know these boobs very well (pointing to one photo), she was with my in Ramada Hotel last week ;-)"
This is lame and not really supporting breast cancer at all. And to think some marketing executives at Schick actually all sat around at some conference table and said "yeah, that Booby Wall is a good idea!"
No one says it was a joke genesis, what I was asking is if this campaign really does anything to raise awareness of Breast Cancer.
"How come I can pick my ears but not my nose? Who made up that rule anyway? How come you say that's the way it is, that's just the way it goes, maybe you should decide for yourself what you can do and what you can say." Ani Difranco
Breast Cancer is not a joke.
Having various members of my family infected by it. I’ve been raised seeing the fear of vomiting in the eyes of my mother, the suffocating nausea, the mood swings. And no, it’s not the chemo only. It’s the other small things like heart burn that ruins the day.
Seems like more of Booby Shop ;-) except 2 - 3 cases most women seems to be posing for entertainment purpose ....
What tomorrow if some comes with an idea of Bally Wall for men? lol
My thoughts too Qatarisun. I mean to me it would be more meaningful if it was pictures of women after surgery for breast cancer, something that makes me WANT to check my breasts. That site didn't make me want to check my breasts.
"How come I can pick my ears but not my nose? Who made up that rule anyway? How come you say that's the way it is, that's just the way it goes, maybe you should decide for yourself what you can do and what you can say." Ani Difranco
One of our guys almost tied up with Hamad's anti-smoking unit for one of our DJ parties! LOL. I had to intervene and stop it obviously cos the Hamad guys would be shell shocked to see an event actually promoting smoking instead of advising against it.
I suppose few people want to be associated with a 'cause' just to get that extra mileage whether or not you are even closely doing anything for it afterwards. In our case, had my friends convinced me about this idea we'd be definitely tied up with anti-smoking campaign. Perhaps in Schicks case, their CEO or top-shot somehow must've felt it was the right thing to be associated with.
2400 QL Points!
Way to go Ray!!!
...I even couldn’t watch it to the end… lol...
I think they want to advertize themselves using the “Breast Cancer topic” shield… nothing else...
Whatever Makes You Happy...
[img_assist|nid=64082|title=Gemini Sign|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
then if its about that twin tomb then no comments from me :?
LOL. But this isn't about Q-Tel's censorship DaRude. :D
"How come I can pick my ears but not my nose? Who made up that rule anyway? How come you say that's the way it is, that's just the way it goes, maybe you should decide for yourself what you can do and what you can say." Ani Difranco
there are sites that are not blocked by Qtel but then again when i open them the next day to check if its blocked or not and yea they do block it .their flitering isnt that strong. sites which you still can visit should be .ru , .fr , .du ;)