Blood Donation - A Positive Behaviour!

Yesterday, there was a Blood Donation camp at Nepalese Embassy. It was initiated and managed by Nepalese workers independently and the Embassy provided space only.
Although there was raining outside and people came by their own means of transport (collectively arranged taxis), about two hundred people gathered there to donate blood. It has worth mentioning that most of the Nepalese work around average 12 hours per day and 6 days a week. Spending the rest day in queues to donate blood is admirable.
A nine members team from Hamad Hospital screened all donators with their medical records and collected blood from 103 Nepalese.
A good spirit and a positive behavior about life! Well done Nepalese.
great job. keep it up. this is a service to human wherever you are and whomsever the blood is donated. the blood is life. your blood is saving other human being in a dare need of that. i also enjoy and feel very happy enternally whenever i donate it.
with most of us that we don't visit our embassies. I also got registration with my embassy through my company's mandoob but couldn't find time to visit the embassy nor I needed it in last many years.
Actually, Nepalese have more than 300,000 work force here in Qatar and most of them are in labour class. Many of them have to visit their embassy for one or another reason including but not limited to passports, sponsorship problems, wages claims and death certificates etc.
Their embassy encourages their people to participate in events of social welfare. As their population here is significant, number of events they do is also more than any other nationality although most of the events are managed by group of workers independently and the Embassy provide them space only.
[img_assist|nid=54691|title=|desc=Wherever you live; live everywhere.|link=none|align=centre|width=|height=0]
put you on antibiotics for that rash? If not, then please head to your general doctor and get one. Once it clears up, you will be able to donate. I have to wonder tho, how a doctor can diagnose just from looking at a rash and not doing a test...unless its like a staph(which has pretty obvious symptoms)...and if its that, then certainly get some antibiotics..that's contagious. And..infection doesn't mean your blood is dirty..just means its got bacteria in it. Good luck..
Couple of days back I was at the HMC visiting a friend. There I decided to donate my grade A+ blood. I go to the doctor and tell him that I want to donate some blood. He asked me do I have any infection or disease. I told him that I have a rash, he looked at it and said its an infection. And as my blood is infected he will not accept my blood coz it is dirty.
Very encouraging. Is it normal for embassies to arrange such activities?
Honestly, I know nothing about my embassy here. And surely my embassy does not know I've been here for years..!!
wow.. thats must be something humble and yet very sanity about this.
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand