Blackberry or IPhone plans
Anybody have recommendations on a Blackberry / IPhone data plan for international usage? I will be using the phone for data purposes more so than voice purposes (particularly BBM if I go with the Bberry Storm). And want to see if there was a good local plan that would allow preferably unlimited international data?
Any recommendations? Thanks!!
pre paid is for voice alone. but Vodafone RED prepaid allows you to use your EDGE/3G for data at a rate of QR10/MB. as an offer they give 300MB free during the month of September. if you are looking for mobile broadband on prepaid, sorry doesnt exits yet.
I see their pre-paid voice minutes packages, but haven't seen anything on pre-paid data packages for smartphones...unless i'm missing something....?
Yes Qtel and Vodafone got prepaid packages.
I am happy with iPhone. BUT, live with Apple restrictions on the apps you can install even on jailbroken one...
Acai Berry is mashallah! EAT IT! The Acai Berry Boutique
if i'm not able to wait, cause i need something now and my Nokia E75 isn't cutting it (i miss a true smartphone)...then which would you recommend?
And are there any prepaid mobile internet/data services? or all monthly?
if you want to wait then wait till mid of 2010.. coz thats the time most of the phones are unveiled. like HTC hero, Garmin Nuvifone, google Android based phones...
both phones? or both cell phone companies?
I am only going to get one phone (trying to decide between HTC Hero, IPhone, and Bberry Storm)...
Do Vodafone and Qtel both have pre-paid data plans/mobile internet packs?
and get pre paid
use vodafone and Qtel both.