Biggest ever daytime fireworks in Qatar

Chinese artist Cai Guo-Qiang uses explosives normally used by army as anti-missile decoys to light up the skies.
An art display that is being billed as the biggest ever daytime fireworks show has taken place in Doha, the Qatari capital.
The event is the latest in a series by Chinese artist Cai Guo-Qiang, the artist who creaked a work for the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics.
The artist, who is based in New York, has spent nearly two months in Qatar creating a series of works, which use explosives normally used by the military as anti-missile decoys.
The cost of the display has not been revealed, but it was funded in full by the Qatar Museum Authority.
Al Jazeera's Joanna Blundell reports from Doha.
So, thexonic, you missed the Sebastao Salgado show and the exhibition of Dutch Master's paintings?
Sport, sport, sport... that is all Qatar is interested in. Oh and daytime fireworks. There must be a reason why this was the biggest daytime firework display ever. No other country would waste their money on such a poor show.
In last 3 years there has been nothing impressive or entertaining happening in Qatar other than the Doha Tribeca Film Festival. Once upon a time there used to be concerts and what not, where did all of that go? 2011 was the most dead year in terms of festivities. No offense but getting someone from Glee, a Filipino comic and Sisqo from his grave... those are not exactly events, what happen to the event companies that got Tiesto and Paul Van Dyke, "actually famous people internationally in 21st century"
it was everywhere right - minus the fireworks that is
There were fireworks? ah yes, it was advertised EVERYWHERE..;)
What was so special in this? Why waste of money?
@ timebandit
Thanks very much :)
Sunday 18th
The firework display will fill the whole of the Cornice, and is not to be missed. But get there early because the traffic is a nightmare.
like the colors :)
@ Timebandit..When is national day? where will the fireworks be?..I passed the corniche today and saw all the seating..Was wondering what it was't been here that long so excuse my ignorance
Why? With so many other things money could have been spent on. It wasn't even that impressive.
I am looking forward to the big firework display on National Day. Now that is worth every penny.