Beware of SMS fraud

Consolidated Gulf Co. (CGC), the Nokia partner for Qatar, cautions people against unsolicited messages landing on their mobile phones or Emails. CGC advises people not to respond to any such SMS or Email which is reportedly claimed to be sent in the name of Nokia UK or anywhere else informing them about winning some money. These are fake claims and can be used to extract money from customers.
CGC said in a statement: “There were reports of some people receiving fake SMS allegedly in the name of Nokia UK informing them that their mobile no. won some money. These SMS or Email claims were fraud and could have been sent by unscrupulous elements from abroad out to make money. We advise public to be vigilant against such fraud and call CGC-Nokia Careline at 4910666 for any queries. All CGC Nokia offers, promotions, products and services are clearly communicated through official channels and the media.”
i receive lots of those every year
.........haha........i got an SMS from Nokia UK few months back that i have won a Land Cruiser VX.......and the funny part is.....Land Cruisers dznt come in VX model.........hehehe........not atleast in Middle East :p ............
funny CGC is now coming up with this alert...these sms were popping since ages now...i recieved one atleast a year & half back..!!
but one is really foolish to respond positively to it...! :D
"Before God we are all equally wise ' and equally foolish" - Albert Einstein
Always remember
1. If it sounds too good to be true, that's just what it is.
2. If you didn't enter a draw, you will not have won it!