Beware of Freelance Beauticians

Hi everyone....
I have a real good topic to discuss with regards to Freelance beauticians.
Has any one of you suffered any loss or damage to your hair after getting a hair treatment recently... I would appreciate bringing up this issue up...very strongly.
Recently, there was this lady who said she has been in Qatar for the past two years....and does home do's and beautifications... (name is confiidential) and she has put up many ads on QL and other adverts that she is an ACE Beautician who does jobs for models, royals, hi-fi class of people...which is never true.
She visits the clients at their residences...but I have had a few friends and colleagues who have menttioned she charges exhorbitant....but does a useless job...damages the hair, burns up the clients hair and creates and real mess up of the whole job. She really doesn't know head nor tail of what she is trying to do. Whilst, doing a straightening, she mixes neutralizer along with salt and apply to your hair....and get your whole hair burnt up.
Anyone, who has witnessed any such scenario...please drop a line in this regard...and I would fervently advise all ...never to get in touch with these type of woman..who not only waste yr time and money...but also a great damage to one's personality.
Beware...and never try to be the next victim falling into such hands ever again.
Dear Abdul,
Its not about showing courage to damage ones hair, its all about techniques and standards how ones hair is treated. Firstly nothing of the previous threads or posts are fabricates, these have and are still happening in reality, and im a witness to them incidences. All what Tanya was trying to say is be more aware when going in for a Free Lancer, make sure you do check her credentials and qualifications before hand, if not its a risk some ladies out there take, for a lesser amount of money and cheaper quality of products, which in turn could cause alot of damage to clients hair and skin, and its not something that we should take very lightly !!!
This thread has so many old user IDs.. ((:
It seems the story mentioned are little bit fabricated. bcoz no one will show courage to damage ones hair or beauty in their premise. secondly, the terms you using to define the work she done is more easy to find that you are a beautician and losses your customer bcoz of such freelancers. It is ur need to stop customer going for freelance and the option is for them to go any parlour instead. Let them work as they have chance.
Dear Tanya,Im glad you have posted this as i know of a person who recently came to me to get details of the Keratin Hair Treatment, and when i saw her hair and heard of her story i got goose bumps. I used to work as a Free Lancer myself, but professionally and academically qualified as a Hairdresser/Beautician and Nail Technician, and now run my own Salon here in Doha. Its really sad that people like you and man more out there trusts and put your fate in some strangers hands to do a good job , and then people pretending to be the best at what they do, end of the day damages the hair and dont do anything to try and at least get it back to some healthy state.When i had seen this ladies hair i questioned her and she said that this so called hi profile beautician had coloured and straightened her hair on the very same day ..................................... no qualified hairdresser would ever do such a thing, after all the hair is very sensitive and should be treated delicatly with care. But i guess some are too greedy for the money and just end up doing a shabby job instead.Next time be careful and be more aware. Cheers.
Hiring a freelance person here in Qatar really means at your own risk with no quarantines.
LPad too much of that Pinoy beer again?..
You should have no worries, you are bald as a full moon. Except you got no craters, rocks or stinky red flags hanging in the dark side, except for the foot prints left over by the American Astronauts in your lunar surface.
Thank you for bringing this up. We should all be careful. There are too many amateurs out there. I know first hand after my last thong wax mishap ;o(
kallivalli what is that link heheheh ;-)
Cant stop laugfing..
Hello Everyone am Chino the best hairstylist in Doha i have PDF certificate from Adobe that am professional just 1500qr and i will made you a super model .. haha (JOKE) ..
also i heard about that from a lot of people ..
First I looked like this:
Then I bought this:
And in the end I look like in my avatar.
i agree Beauty cannot be bought.that advice was only for those who like to put tons of makeup.
i believe simplicity is the best natural beauty.
That pirate barber, surely did a good job in poking your left eye....
Do you know of Any female un-lincensed beautician able to take care of my "boludas peludas"???
I also tried it. Look at me now!
I'm always wondering when people are going to start asking for credentials and references.
Any proper Licensed barber or Beautician do have some kind of former training, in a Cosmetology school.
Anyone could cut or treat any kind of hair, the end results is another issue. The problem in reality, is the people themselves, they don't ask questions or just taking shortcuts.
I do now from my own previous experience in Qatar, the best men hair stylist are the Turks and not the Asians or Indians. As for woman beautician, there is a lot of beauty parlors in Doha, but to find reliable beauticians, specializing in a specific haircuts is very rare to find. Most of them have no formal training, just experience.
Do your work and ask questions, before letting someone else hands butcher your precious hair.
If you choose free-lancers hairstylist, you are risking baldness and serious hair damages.
Beauty cannot be bought. Whatever you get for money only ruins your natural beauty.
dont trust any freelancer beauticians..go to some well known parlour..n dont ever use cheap beauty will effect ur skin .
if she is bootipol i am willing to be damaged...
true Tanya.....I had same exp.A pak Lady used to come home for eyebrows n oil massage.One day she said. she will give new style for my hair n looks n did a shabby hair cut reducing my hair till my neck...i was shocked after seeing the mirror n blasted her n never asked her to come again.
lol linco .
TFS tanya.
Rizks is a victim!