Best device for Skype

By desertmoon •
Hey everyone..I'm looking for a device with a biggish screen that can be used to make Skype calls .It should be very easy to use (i want to gift it to my non tech-savy mum ).Can you guys suggest anything ?Ipod screen is too small but the camera is good.Ipad would be unnecessarily pricey since she will only use it for skype.So anybody got any suggesstions?Thanks everyone
So easy and small to use...
my mum really has to strain her eyes to figure out the little icons/ she gets frustrated ...i want something extremely simple for her that she won't even have to think twice about using...I know if i buy an ipad i might feel bad if it isn;t being used to its potential ..decisions will call you inshallah
Your mom's just like mine. A total techno phobic. Mine will not even try to learn hence it's pointless. I spend a fortune as a result having to call her, specially when my sis is not around to help her get online. Hope your mom does better though, Insha Allah.
Ps: speaking of calling, where are you?answer your phone,habibthy. =D
many are suggesting IPad is Samsung Tablet..I dont think I will be able to take an entire TV for her ..sorry...Any other suggesstions welcome...Mimi you mummy is an inspiration ...extra hugs for her
Is there any one using Samsung Smart TV for skype or Facebook, how is it?
I am planning to buy one for my Mom.
Try to use the Samsung Smart TV but the cost is high but its perfect to use for skype and other applications.
Ipad 3, the Best Choice...
Iphone or ipad take it from a 20 year mac user. Ipad is fantastic she can watch films tv shows or listen to radio or even get recipe apps also access latest news on youtube. A new ipad will have latest operating system released last week.
this way he can play games and chat on skype with me
most phones donot support the video in skype...there u can just make calls but not vdo calls,so u HAve To go for ipads or tabs.go 4 older versions on shops or second hand ones from here at qatarliving...i saw one tablet just for 400 sumthing at the electronics here...not a popular company but i guess can fill ur purpose...the ppl at these elctronic stores also give very good advices...
Check this out... Eugenie Bitar, 100, from Lebanon is not your ordinary grandmother. Sitting behind her laptop she makes video calls with loved ones abroad that she hasn’t seen for several years. Bitar said today’s technology and internet is a gift. “There isn’t anyone older than me, however there are many younger ones in this village,” ... Read More
My mom is 78... Was intimidated ... she took computer classes and my brother spent time with her and dad to get them use to basic computer needs like email and Skype, so no one is to old to learn, so come on, iPad or galaxy tab 2 will be so easy for her once she sees all the cool apps. Don't under estimate her.
If u need the best go for IPad ,need an average one go for samsung galaxy tab 2.
If not get a wifi /3g enabled phone and install skype in it.
my mother in law has an ipad and she makes very good use of it MashaAllah ....she does all the things you mentioned mum on the other hand is a bit old school ..all this gadgetry and fancy shmancy really intimidates her ..i want her to have a device with just one big SKYPE icon if that is she can talk to me /kids day or night and not feel left far away from her kids /grandkids ...
I pad would not be just for Skype, she can download I books and read a lot of free books by unknown authors, that have all categories, such as cook books, etc. have a open-mind. My mom loves it. I am sure your mom would love the iPad. She can play games etc.
Just sayn....