Belated Happy Birthday UKengqatar..:)

By Formatted Soul •
Sorry Missed to wish you yesterday!! I hope that you had a wonderful day!!
You're always wished Much happiness and good health
No matter what the date!
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Be lated Happy Birthday Ukeng.... :)
Half a century vintage masterpiece
any slower than that and I'll fall asleep... please somebody pinch me.. :(
tinker can you say that again..but this time slowly
Thanks Choco..Please advise if there are any places in the Old Peoples residential home that you are in? Coz to join your club I must live also?..:)
jack you sound excited.. :P
Jack please consult with Da to organise a party for me..Two things are must one Da will provide which is camel milk you can provide the other things..:)
Happy Birthday UK... We need party!
will leave a lizard inside too so you dont get bored sitting there in alone in darkness
Ok Da but this time remember to poke some air holes in the box :/
i brought a big box so i can pack you in wrap you in ribbon and present the box to UkEng as his birthday gift.
Happy Birthday you old codger
And welcome to the club :D
Thanks WK..I bet ya having a grand time back home..I bet you have many soney kuris there?
thanks Hms
Happy Birthday!!!
Thanks nomerci..:)
Happy Birthday!
happy birthday though beleted.
Arien you words are promising but other jealous people want me to retire at my tender age :(
Uk no no no. hold on tight and stay young mate :)
Going for the lebanese look i see eh UK? :P
Thanks for the compliment Smoke..Incase you did not realise that was shine was from the excessive gel on my new hair not the shiney head..:)
Ukeng obviously i needed the shades coz there was too much light bouncing off your polished head :P
Arien..Thanks buddy... At my age you dont call it fun getting older is no fun matey..Thankyou never the less..:)
Thanks Lovemee..
Thanks Tinkker.. Yes you can but only a peck on the cheek..:;)
smoke you saw me..But why did you have the sunglasses on so late at night?
Was nice to meet you and Mrs Smoke..:)
Belated wishes Uk.. hope u had fun.
be lated happy birthday UK...
Yeah i've seen him recently...however he's still bald :P there's no change in that.
FS, that I have to see... ;)
Brit and uk..stop flirting
anyone seen Uk recently...he calim to have a image transformation?
Britexpat..Its contacts mate..If you ever need anything no problem will sort you out too wink to the man in pink!
I'm the same, but where do you get one at this time of the year ?
First of all thanks to all for the belated Birthday wishes which are kindly accepted..
Now incase you did not read my Goodbye Thread update yesterday to realise that I had already wished my self happy birthday.
Yes Britexpat..Just turned 50 yesterday but feel like 30
brit, don't get too excited, it's nothing tangible.. just wish him happiness and all the best for him and his family.. from one good friend to another..
We are all waiting ....
brit, do I have to? :P
belated Wishes.. hope you had a memorable birthday.....
Please elaborate ...
Happy Birthday Ukeng!
needless to say, you already know what I wish for you... :)
Happy Birthday you old fart...
Hope you had a great time and the presents were worth the wait..
Belated b'day wishes UKengqatar :)
happy birthday UK...wish many many more bday to come
Happy birthday again UKEng!!! :)