Been offered position from QTel Need Advice

Been given offer at QTel wondering what those in Doha think if this is workable...
Package is as follows:
· Basic Salary QR. 11,500 per month
· Housing Allowance (Single) QR. 3,300 per month
· Transport Allowance QR. 1,000 per month
· Supp. Housing Allowance QR. 660 per month
Total QR 16,640
What can I expect in living costs, food, clothing, electric
Apartment, internet, cable, etc.
I am considering for a Section Head post. Could someone advise me if QR 30,000/mth (inclusive of housing) matches the market rate in the Gulf?
Thank you very much.
any inputs on QTel as place to work ? Also can anyone suggest salary range that i should be looking at with 8 yrs of experience.
Carlie - I'm also here in the states and getting ready to take a position with Qtel - drop me an email if you'd like to discuss further. [email protected]
It is an analyst position, from what I have understood. They won't pay that much to an analyst. They don't pay well in general, this is why they have trouble contracting people as perm. Also I seriously doubt that they will agree on more than 3500 for housing allowance. They have brackets, you know.
I would have assumed a basic salary of around 16,18 k for that job.... rather than trying to increase the basic push for fully expsensed housing or a minimum of 6000 per month housing. If they do not agree I would say dont do it. Also I would look at asking for around 1500 for the car allowance at a minimum.
Can confirm that Qatar is not cheap by any stretach of the imagination, though can be fun if you can afford it.
Ask for at least 6000QAR as the housing allowance. You won't beable to find a place to live below that price.
Busines Process Analyst for BPO Office...responsible for implementing business processes to achieve their KPI's I guess email is one of them? :)!
The housing allowance is shocking - you'll only get a roof over your head if you share an apartment with somebody. A decent flat costs at least QR5000
Your basic salary is ok. Housing allowance is fair although I'd want more considering the state of the real estate market. Check who pays the utilities. Internet costs are here
You should go for satellite television and you will pay a monthly subscription (depending on the package) of between QR 130-300.
Qatar is expensive, by the way.
Good luck.
The package looks ok I suppose for associate level staff though, if you can tell me what the job is, I can really give you some feedback.