Is beauty in the eye of the beholder?

By 2020 Olympics •
Found this fascinating article in the London Daily Telegraph about rating the beauty of various peoples.
"British people among world's ugliest, according to
Britons are among the ugliest people in the world, according to a website that only allows 'beautiful' people to join."
The article is from a while ago, but I couldn't find it discussed on QL. It is a bit of the British poking fun a themselves, but it does make some interesting points about beauty and natural perceptions of beauty.
No worries.. Good to discuss again..
Snessy: You made this old codger's day - Thank you :O)
Beauty is identified and appreciated by beautiful people and vice versa.
The life is beautiful for those who are blessed and content :)
Sorry Britexpat. I did I quick search and could not find it on QL. My mistake.
It's usually the mingers who apply for these things, deluded weirdos. Britexpat & Timebandit are hotties, so this article is obviously a load of poppycock :-)
"sorry but it's true" :o)
I'll have you know that I often put Perri Perri sauce on my Blood Pudding to give it some zinnnnnnnnnnnnnnng!
looks like that Villagio girl saw your 'internal beauty' from the question you asked her,
& what she gave you at your cheek / face is 'external beauty' of yours.
But I am not sure.....
Funny Article lol! Well Brit's are famous for plain food and looks :P sorry but it's true!
Haha.. I posted this in 2009 ;o)
Anyway, in answer to the question - Yes! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Otherwise , how else would we all be able to find partners in life ..
yup,am ugly pugly....but even a drop of a british blood i dont!
Last week i asked a girl in Villagio, i want to see your internal beauty, she slapped me really hard :(
Where I did mistake now?
and how can we check the internal beauty?
*starts to unbutton his shirt*
We should refrain from the compulsion of discussing their economy, maths, bath habits, ...., ...., etc
2020 : Try it.
Yes! Internal Beauty Matters alot, Not the External... :)
Monk of course beauty matters...see i have a beautiful pic everyone loves have an ugly pic you must be British :P
why it is flagged?
report the reporter of 'The Telegraph' ?
really matters? :(
don't worry smoke, I have already flagged this one.
I've seen it posted here on QL before think it was by britexpat.
Not on the back of anyone. Saw the article (linked from something else I was reading) and found it amusing. Arabic papers don't tend to print this sort of amusing stuff.
Besides, it's a British newspaper reporting it.
I'm off to supervise the watering of my garden . . .
again a nice comeback....lols
I've seen this before! It's funny. But then I am one of the few who were excepted by by the website ;-)
and why you are back of british/Uk people today ? :(