Be Aware Of false classified ads
Hi all
please be aware of a classified from a malaysian company posting jobs for Date entry home typist its a SCAM
This Internet Based company says you can work from home making lots of money with them just typing ad's up. What it ends up being is a scam/ploy to get all of your personal information and at least $100.00 of your hard earned money. They claim to be legit and even give you some international phone & fax numbers. To top it off they even give you 'fake' other employee's e mail address' so you can check with them about how great this job/employer is. These other 'employee's' do not exist. DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY MONEY!!! YOU WILL NEVER MAKE ANY MONEY FROM THIS COMPANY, NOR GET YOUR 'DEPOSIT' MONEY ($100.00) BACK!! YOU MAY EVEN GET YOUR ACCOUNT EMPTIED OUT AND PERSONAL INFORMATION STOLEN!! PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!!
Please read the below messages..... Then you decide......
Data Entry/Home Typist Job Sites
You can see the above advertisement all of free classifieds website. Please don't believe it.
SOHO TALENT INTERNATIONAL, Kuala Lumpur, 50670, Malaysia.
i know and for them to send a scam from different countries thats so sick, i wish there was a way for them to be tracked down. i feel sorry for people who are so eager to work that they get misslead by such scams
I can't believe that there are still gullible people out there who fall for this type of scam - if it sounds too good to be true and you have to pay up front for it then it's got scam written all over it.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
Sick how people can do that! Why dont they track the bastards and put them in jail?
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