Battered for being born a girl

This literally made me sick to my stomach when I heard it on the radio last night. My son is 3 months old and I feel bad if he scratches himself with his own fingernails much less could I hurt him myself! I can't imagine putting cigarettes out on him or biting him!!!
When will women finally be equal and valued in all societies for who we are, not what gender we are?
a big role.
In some countries, it's cultural. It doesn't happen in our country. Thanks a lot.
It's not going to happen so long as women contribute to the situation.
I'd like to think someday TB. But probably not in my lifetime or my childrens. :(
An article on sex-selective abortion in Canada, for those of you who say I didn't mention the West:
Birth numbers suggest female-fetus abortions more common in Asian-Canadian communities: study
By Derek Abma, Postmedia News April 16, 2012
* Story
* Photos ( 2 )
Newborn babies rest at a hospital in the northern Indian city of Lucknow in this July 11, 2009, file photo. A Canadian Medical Journal study suggests that Indo-Canadian mothers may be aborting female fetuses more than other groups, particularly for second and third babies.
Newborn babies rest at a hospital in the northern Indian city of Lucknow in this July 11, 2009, file photo. A Canadian Medical Journal study suggests that Indo-Canadian mothers may be aborting female fetuses more than other groups, particularly for second and third babies.
Photograph by: Pawan Kumar , Reuters
A study showing that South Korean- and Indian-born women in Canada have an unusually high proportion of boys born as second babies is shining a spotlight on the issue of sex selection through abortion.
The study, published Monday in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, looked at all non-multiple births in Ontario between the years 2002 and 2007, which totalled 766,688.
It found the ratio of boys to girls was generally about 1.05 to one for mothers of all ethnic backgrounds on their first births.
This ratio stayed fairly consistent in subsequent births for mothers of most origins.
However, significant variations were found among mothers born in India and South Korea on their second children.
Indian-born mothers were found to have more boys to girls at a ratio of 1.11, and it was 1.2 for South Korean-born mothers.
That ratio fell back into a normal range for South Korean mothers after their second children. However, for Indian-born mothers, it rose to 1.36 on third babies and was at 1.25 for births beyond that.
murder, at least to me. But if it is medical advise (meaning as prescribed by an honest-to-goodness doctor), then let it be.
The time limit for an abortion in most countries is 24 weeks Flor (and that's only for non-medical reasons), amino-centsis should be performed no later than 20 weeks. So I'm not suggesting the revision of any law.
As for people without access to proper medical care, the chances of a severely disabled child living are pretty slim without proper medical care.
My limited knowledge is there is a specific period of "legal" termination or abortion but knowing the "would-be" condition of a child will be out of the prescribed date. So it would be what, "terminate-as-you-would-know"?
And for the "poor" people who would have no access to proper medical procedure not to conceive babies?
Once the child is born flor, there's nothing you can do, you have to live with the screams and cries and do your best to get through each heart wrenching day.
However there are ways now to be 100% sure before birth of any birth defects your children will have. If I was told before my son was born that he would be severely disabled and live a short (or long) painful life, I would have considered an abortion.
your neighbor with that child? Sound-proofed their house or dispose the child????????
You prefer to terminate conception of children with possibility of birth defects??????????? Just asking!
Excuse me?
MM - For me your viewpoint is being selfish. Think about it.
Sometimes you have to rise above being just yourself to being someone you never expected to be.
BlueBull would you want to live in extreme pain 24/7? Would you want to listen to your child screaming day and night?
I'm sorry, but I could not do it.
If you're so selfish as to make another human being live like that, than so be it, but I couldn't force another human to live in pain.
MM - Just because the child was screaming day and night doesnt make her a candidate for not existing. A case in example is that of little Juliana who has Treacher Collins sydrome, which caused her to be born without a face.Please go to Youtube and look for her videos. Trust me it's shocking and you would need a strong heart to just watch the life of a family which is torn by conflicting emotions.
At the same time, its very touching to watch outsiders judge special children as being a burden to their families emotionally as well as financially but they are darlings to their parents just as normal children are.
BTW, after seeing baby Falak's case, I would prefer people getting unwanted child aborted than to subject them to such myseries.
These social problems have a financial angle which is much more important than social angle. Why will any father want to have a child who means nothing but a life long financial burden? It may sound inhuman, but it's an on ground reality. The only solution is to make female have stronger financial positions in the society. Eg. the parental property should be distributed equally between male & female children. Daughters & son in laws should be share equal responsibility of looking after the old parents as the son & daughter in laws.
Well it's true that some children born with birth defects live long fruitful lives, there are also many who don't. We had a neighbour in Canada who's severely handicapped daughter screamed night and day and lived in constant pain. I don't think I could put my child through that. The emotional strain would be too much. And that's not even getting into the financial burden of having a child with special needs.
Fact is, you can't stop abortion because there will always be a "what if..." scenario. clearly dont!
lol define normal
flor1212: really? and I thought you were much smarter than that :D
but for this particular case, the guy is already a drunkard and even before the case of the child killing (or torturing), he used to beat up his wife already.
So the circumstance that the father is a drunkard should be a mitigating circumstance. And I wonder why it is being avoided in the discussion, what's the bias?
Again, I ask, will a sober man do such barbaric actions? Will a NORMAl (SOBER) person do such thing?
And even if he was a "drunkard". People have the choice to drink or not. And if they choose to drink, they have the choice to drink only as much as they can handle.
So, there is no excuse.
She used the word "drunkard", but to me there can be NO mitigating circumstances for this type of action..
I see MN...well be careful because when you say you will tell someone to do something it means you are forcing or ordering them. You would have to use words such as suggest, advise etc.... which is fine. You can take someone's advice and choose whether or not you want to use it.
what about the "trigger" side as Tinker acknowledged, if the father is NOT a drunkard, would he had done it that brutally?
MM always mentioning the word "torturing", again is such actions be done by a sober man?
In this particular case, was being drunk not a factor? A main factor?
MT: Tell as in advice. No forcing. As a mature woman she is free to make her own choices..
Well I guess I am lucky that none of my family who love me would ever force me to do such a thing. Thanks God.
snessy : I will not only tell her to keep the baby, but aslo give her all the support and protection she needs.
Tinkerbell - Shukaran AlJazeeran :))
Snessy and Tinkerbell - TFS :)
So very true BlueBull, my aunt was asked if she would like to abort her baby when they noticed something wrong, she refused and when she had her daughter who is severely handicapped, the doctors gave her 5 years at the most, this beautiful little girl turns 40 in a few weeks :-)
MM - Many children born with physical defects live a long a fuitful life.
MN: If a close female family member who is unmarried has been raped and is now pregnant, would you still tell her she must keep the baby? Knowing in some cultures she will now be an untouchable...
What if the child is going to be born with serious birth defects?
And only if the woman's life is at risk. Otherwise she gotta stick with baby .
So you're ok with abortion, as long as it's right away, in the case of rape or incest.
Well thats what ''medical care' in my post above means. However, thats not even the point,the point is defenceless baby needs special protection since it cannot stand up for its own rights.
It's a pill, but it doesn't prevent conception. It aborts the embryo chemically.
MM - Isn't your 'morning pill' a medical instrument?
MN - lol why? because I agree with letting a victim chose what is best for herself?
What proper medical care can ensure that the woman will not get pregnant? If she wasn't on contraception than conception can still take place. The morning after pill would just abort the fertilized egg before it can implant itself in the uterus.
Britexpat - I agree with your line of thinking.In the instance of rape and even incest, proper medical care can ensure that a woman will not get pregnant. Abortion punishes the unborn child who committed no crime; instead, it is the perpetrator who should be punished.
I think standard practice now Brit is to give rape victims the morning after pill, unless they refuse to take it.
Rape is a totally separate issue. IMO , the termination should take place at the earliest
I cannot imagine carrying the child of the man who raped me. Honestly I think it would drive me to suicide.
MM - You are really generous. Thanks for your permission. Now we only need to fix a time :))
Global numbers of people wanting to adopt? In many cultures adoption is not an option and is openly discouraged. I know here in the UAE they are trying to change the locals mindsets against adoption so that they can start taking on the many abandoned babies we have here. I also know that in Korea adoption is not acceptable, especially if the child is mixed-race (which most are).
I honestly think that with so many American families alone in need of adopting a child,the global numbers would be much higher.
Why BB? This is my thread, and I'm fine with this discussion taking place on it.
Sure, adoption is great if you're a healthy woman having a healthy baby. However if you're a drug addict or an alcoholic, or having a child with disabilities, than adoption is not an option. Those 1.5 million families don't want anything but perfect, healthy babies.
MT and MM - Your rape argument doesn't hold any ground actually. Do you want to have a meaning full debate on it? Lets fix a time on QL,open a seperate thread and we can debate it meaningfully. Let me know what you think of my proposal.
MM - Think about this - Adoption is a viable alternative to abortion and accomplishes the same result. And with 1.5 million American families wanting to adopt a child, there is no such thing as an unwanted child. Why cant we promote ADOPTION as an OPTION?
LOL. I love how men feel the need to tell women what to do with our own bodies. Is it because you can't bear children yourself that you feel the need to tell us how and when to do it?
Easy to say all this but just imagine it closer to home if any of your loved ones was a victim of rape. YOu would really expect or worse force them to have a child they didnt feel mentally or emotionally stable enough to care for????
MT: you need to take a trip to the madhouse.
BB, many people will disagree with you as to when life begins. It certainly isn't at the moment of conception. At the moment of conception there's not much difference between a fertilized egg and a cancer cell. Perhaps you could argue that it's at 6 or 7 weeks when you can detect a heart beat...but even then the brain and the rest of the organs haven't formed, so is it really alive then?
In my opinion a child is not a child till it's developed enough to live outside the mother's body on it's own (roughly around 26 to 28 weeks), before that it's an extension of the mother's body.
tinkerbell10: that's right.
NM: I respect your view point on how it's ok to kill somebody (because to me a fetus is somebody)
MM. Mercy killing. Will never pull the plug on somebody..
Exactly NM. I cannot imagine forcing a woman to bear a child that she doesn't want. Carrying one I desperately wanted for 8 1/2 months was difficult enough, much less one I didn't want.
Children also deserve more than parents who don't want them.
MM - Since life begins at conception, abortion is akin to murder as it is the act of taking human life. Abortion is in direct defiance of the commonly accepted idea of the sanctity of human life.
madmen can still feel pain.
Just because he does those things doesn't mean he's not aware MN.
Miss Mimi: one of my friends has a brother who was born mentally challenged. (Mad) he peels off his own skin, bites off his own nails bangs his head on walls. So really don’t just assume they are all aware,.
They are, but in a different way.
Marco, yes, true. And there are problems with abortion. There are people who abuse their right to abortion, simply because they are too stupid to take precautions.
Still, I am FOR abortion, as there are,IMHO, cases that warrant abortion, such as rape.
At the time a fetus is created, it is the woman's responsibility to care for it. It is also her right to decide what to do with it.
Abortion is not a great or easy thing. But sometimes we have to chose the bad for the worse.
We can like it or dislike it, this is what it is.In many places.
Most people on this site would say that it is ok to put someone out of their misery MN. If a person is in a coma or a vegetable with no hope of recovery, than yes, I think it's ok to kill them.
And madmen are self aware.
because you use ur own judgement and decide what you think will be best for you and your potential unborn child. Rather make the decision when it can feel no pain than wait until it is born and realise it was the wrong decision. Now you would be dealing with a child's life and future.
Miss Mimi : A madman is not self-aware. There are people born with mental issues they can't feel pain so it's ok to kill them? Because they are not AWARE!
nomerci : that exactly my point. If you don't know the answer of the fetus, then why give yourself the liberty to decide on its fate by ignorantly assuming it will have good/bad future. Simply because YOU DON”T KNOW.
A fetus is not self aware, nor does it feel pain or even possess most of the things that make it human until around 24 weeks. That's why a woman can have a miscarriage during the early stages with no real harm to her. The female body is designed to self-abort in times of great stress, starvation, trauma, etc.
it is not a child its potential parent you could be doing something it it's best interest.
MN, NOBODY can ask a fetus if it wants to live or not. Therefore your question is moot.
And what about the murdered child? Who asked the child if it wanted to be aborted or not?
Abortion is a difficult issue and there is no black or white answer. I believe it's better to have an abortion than to bring an unwanted child into this world. I've seen what happens to to many unwanted children (including the one in the article).
If you don't like abortions, than teach your kids how to avoid them, but don't make that decision for everyone else on the planet.
Agree 100% Tink.
Of course it is not the child's fault...but is it the woman's fault that was raped to feel these possible negative emotions??
The child may not have the best environment and care because of the circumstances.
I believe if this was the case, and certainly if it happened to me(God forbid)...I would expect the right to do want I want with my body without being judged.
Guess you really wouldn't know unless it happened to you.
MT: Was it the child's fault someone rapped his mother?
Two wrongs don’t make a right MT.
NM - Do you think rape victims should not be given the right whether or not to bring a child into the world with such negative feelings and emotions attached to it??
NM - Shukraan AlJazeeran :)
Blue Bull, and I wish India and its people the best of luck accomplishing this. Godspeed! :)
Nomerci - Debates like these are required no matter for or against. It's hard for people from outside to judge the intricasies of such issues or even to recommend constructive solutions. It's better done at the national level which is impacted.
I can tell you guys one thing, in India we have multiple organization both NGOs and Government who are trying their best to prevent these occurences but the problem is with the private hospitals who do illegal business of abortions and with parents who kill their female infants. There is no excuse for such deeds but how does one manage unless their is a complete change in the way these people think and act.
I think we as a country are aware of the evil andd we will get rid of it.
Sadly, this is still quite common in the Sub Continent and China..
People think that a fetus isn't human. Therefore it’s ok to abort as long as it’s not being done on the basis of female discrimination (So male fetus can happily glide down the toilet) it shouldn’t upset anybody.
Abortion is murder because it is the premeditated deliberate termination of a human life. We as a human were once a fetus therefore a fetus is human and should be afforded the same right to life that WE ARE.
ok, good.
tinker...and then? We wipe our tears away...and then? Anything changes?
Not as long as things continue as they do here on QL. See, people are much to self absorbed to actually get off their arses and DO something.
Have there be petitions in India against this? What have people DONE after seeing this movie?
Poor little tyke.. May she rest in peace. I hope "Farooq" is handed out much worse treatment in jail, so he can understand what he did.
"Unicef report said sex selective abortion by unethical medical professionals has grown into a Rs 1,000-crore industry" - This also need to be tackled by the government..
Agree NM.
QS, what a shame. :(
well said nomerci
MM, I guess, regular abortion on the later stage is only allowed for medical reasons, due to mother's health and life threat.
In case of this family, it was a pure homicide for the reason of "wrong" gender of the baby.
I think as long as there are people defending,explaining away, excusing such things, people who feel offended when such things are pointed out ,especially by those not belonging to the same society,people who try to steer away from the subject at hand by finding other ,sometimes somewhat similar occurrences, as long as all that happens, things will not change.
It is really simple, just forget about yourself for a while, forget about your pride, your self righteousness, your hatred, dislike for other cultures, and take care of the topic at hand.You KNOW it is wrong.
After this is solved, you can go and take care of the next thing...what ever that may be.
I don't know why they didn't get a regular abortion QS. You can find out the sex of a child at 16 weeks and there is no time limit for abortion in Canada....
I know such case of infanticide in Canada.. infanticide of unborn baby, which doesn't make it more excusable.. The family is originally from the ME. They had already 2 daughters. Father obviously wanted a son. So once the wife got pregnant next time, as soon as they could figure out that this is a girl again, the wife, according to her husband's order, intentionally provoked a miscarriage, in the later stage. I suspect they did it even twice, until they knew, that this time it's a son.. It's not only a pure infanticide, it also puts in real danger health and even life on mother.
It's not ideal MN, but it's better than torturing her and killing her later.
Murder her early on and get rid of the unwanted. Good advice.
Marco, yes, it is. BUT, we are talking here about killing/torturing a child BECAUSE it is GIRL.
Yes, I agree with you both MM & MN. Just sad that only girls are aborted...
I'm fine with abortion if it prevents things like this happening. I would rather the poor child been aborted than tortured like this.
snessy: but isn't it the mother's right to abort the child if the parents feel they can’t financially support the child.? It’s her body her choice.
I think women should stand up and fight for this.....if its directly hurting u or no, go ahead
In the predominantly Asian areas of the UK, the hospitals/clinics refuse to tell the sex of the baby at scans due to the high number of abortions when parents find out they're having a girl. So sadly, this is still happening even amongst the more literate and not so poor.
BlueBull : Very well said. Can't be any worse than abortion. Doesn’t really matter if the baby is 1 month old, or 4 weeks old fetus in the womb. In the end of the day Murder is murder.
Much better BB, thank you for staying on topic.
Tinkerbell - Shukraan AlJazeeran :)
Miss Mimi - The curse of female infanticide is a result of complex societal norms and traditions evolved over hundred of thousands of years in countries all over the world. in my opinion, its the perception of the prevailing liabilities and constraints which come with a girl child. I think it has a lot to do with the financial liabilities related to dowry, family honour related worries related to society and a sense of female children not being able to contribute to the family overall as much as a male child at a practical level. These negative perceptions make a girl child far less valued in these parts.
Moreover, this situation is compounded if there is illiteracy and poverty. I think it's one of the major ills comparable to medieval plague and needs to be cured by all means.
Hope my post passes your scrutiny for alignment with your OP ;)
so sadddddddddddddddddddddddd.
UkEngQatar: Sounds very interesting ( : I have always taken an interest in the Hindu theology.
Visited many lots of Hindu shrines when I went to India. Including the Osho temple ^_*
QS, I know! He's almost 4 months now. :)
This thread is about female infanticide. There are cases of female infanticide in the West, which is why some provinces in Canada banned letting people know the sex of the baby before birth. However the cases you guys are posting have nothing to do with female infanticide. If you would like to actually contribute to this discussion, rather than just trying to be bigots, than find cases of female infanticide in the West to post.
UkEng - Hindu Mythology makes a very good reading. But one needs to have the patience to understand the nuances. Otherwise it looks very controversial.
MM.. already 3 months.. time is flying!!! :)
The idea of one woman having many husbands makes most men feel inadequate,not least her husbands.Little wonder then Draupadi is one of the most popular and controversial heroines of Hindu mythology.A woman who knows her mind, speaks her mind,refuses to be cowered by her husbands, asserts her will and admonishes them when they fail her. She is, in many parts of India, a goddess, worthy of sacrifice.
wait let me tell u Diane was unstable
BlueBull: if it's not Asian / Muslim or Arab it's definitely isolated and irrelevant.
MN - No, she was from Far West. But her nationality is immaterial.
lol BB TFS
MM - It has got to do with the parents killing their own.I thought some might find it related.
BlueBull: Was Diane Downs Asian / Arab?
"who was not willing to accept her children" both female n male
What does that have to do with female infanticide BlueBull?
My sis just gave birth to a baby and reading this post has certainly dampened my spirits. Yes whilst majority of the perpetrator's violent actions may have been alcohol fueled, his hate for women though seems inborn.To think this century old practice is still being carried out, despite all the progress women have made in the world today, is certainly flabbergasting!
Hope he somehow gets the death penalty, and I can only take solace in the fact that at least now the lil one is at peace and in a far better place than her abuser!
One of the most shocking incident was involving a mother of 3 named Diane Downs who wanted to be with her boyfriend who was not willing to accept her children.In the 80s Diane Downs shot her own 3 children and covered it up as a hold up. Check out this complete story on Youtube.
Cases have come up of several brothers sharing one wife. sum get drunk n get laid with any x y z
yawns! enjoy your day miss-Mimi.
MN, why are you so desperate to prove that this isn't a case of female infanticide?
That's already happening UK. In China and India there has been a huge increase in kidnapping and human trafficking of women to try and meet the demand for females. There are even reports of polyandry already happening in rural areas of India, Pakistan and China. Cases have come up of several brothers sharing one wife.
This, of course, makes things even worse for women, as many aren't in these situations by choice.
MarcoNandoz-01 said Miss Mimi : I understand that ...
Miss Mimi : I understand that and I’m not naive not to notice the Appling numbers of female infanticide going on around the world. However my point, unless proven mentally sound this doesn’t make for female infanticide crime. Just because it's so rampant and happens everywhere doesn't mean this one must be of the same nature or follow the same pattern.
"Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save.
Now would you be nice enough as to point out where I have shown any indifference or prejudice towards female infanticide? pz think your comments through before posting them next time.
Miss Mimi : your day dreaming.
MM if this continues then they might not be enough women to go around. I can imagine the worst, these societies will have no choice but to allow Polyandry.
Your comment dismisses all of the poor girls that are tortured and killed every day just for being born girls.
Miss Mimi : don't discuss me , discuss my comment. Different people have different perspectives/opinions/approaches in life Takes all sorts to make a world.
and a few civilized society on colours - black n white :)
I know UK. Many just abort the child if it's a girl before it's born. Although that's preferable to what this poor little girl went through.
Just talking about extreme now MM, That gender selection is now being done is some societies even before the fetus is born!
the world is full of mentally unstable ppl u can see killing happening all over
MN, do you just disagree for the sake of disagreeing. Or does the sheer amount of prejudice you carry around in you make it impossible to see the world for what it really is?
Miss Mimi: (-: oh really! so can a madman say about his murdered son. “I killed him because he was a boy”. Bottom-line he is still a madman.
MN, the father said he killed her because she was born a girl...what more evidence do you need?
Yes...BG he can not have the mind of a civilised human being. In any case he deserves to be punished severely for this crime.
TB, in India perhaps it's is now only found amongst the poor and illiterate (a sign that things are changing for the better). But in China and other Asian countries it's not just among the poor. I cannot understand how you can hate a child, your child, for the gender it's born. :(
Miss Mimi : I understand that and I’m not naive not to notice the Appling numbers of female infanticide going on around the world. However my point, unless proven mentally sound this doesn’t make for female infanticide crime. Just because it's so rampant and happens everywhere doesn't mean this one must be of the same nature or follow the same pattern.
and in the west black n white :) - no this isnt a discrimination
In Asian male dominated societies the discrimination by a few sick people and torturing their own blood and flesh is due to the gender discrimination that makes them do these kind of horrific acts.
If the society as whole starts demonizing the gender discrimination, then these kind of horrific acts will recede and eventually diminish.
either ways both the parents are mentally unstable the texas and above posted one
MN, the woman in Texas didn't kill her child because of the sex it was born. This man tortured and killed his daughter, just for being born a girl. Millions of female babies have been killed and are still being killed just for being born girls. Do you not see the difference or are you that bigoted?
n asia was rich if not looted by the so called powerful
arent we discussing abt the killings in india n world wide those were my 2 cents
Miss Mimi : in order not to demonize India, you just demonized the whole of Asia lol.
Let's just be on the safe side and say, such things happen everywhere, including USA Texas.
Stop trying to change the subject BG.
n the killings in iraq n afghanistan go unnoticed or ?
True UK. I don't want to demonize India. This sort of thing is sadly present in many Asian societies.
The problem is not only in India, I think it is evident in most male dominated societies from Mediterranean to the yellow sea!
Miss Mimi: What we think doesn't really matter much. Buttom line is, there are no medical records presented in this article to either prove or disprove his mental status.
I agree Flor. The mentality in rural India needs to change. And part of changing that would be getting rid of the dowry system.
the root problem? If they could change the tradition in India about the disadvantage of a woman against man in marriage, this mentality will also be gone.
No he doesn't deserve to die. He deserves to be locked up for life. Preferably with a 300 lb room mate who enjoys putting cigarettes out on his head.
MN, an estimated 50 million baby girls have been killed in India. I don't think this was an isolated incident. This is the result of the sheer disregard and a culture that doesn't value females. Not post partum depression.
will say about this? The man doesn't deserved to die if convicted?
I Agree with BG, could be a mental issue.
In a similar incident from 2009 a woman from Taxes shocked the entire world when she brutally murdered, dismembered and ate her newborn child.
She was later said to have been suffering from some weird of Post-Partum Psychosis backlash or something.
I cannt believe there r such miserable people in this can someone be so inhuman...this man surely deserves capital punishment...
Hitler too was mentally unstable
Yeah @JohnDoe.....because Hitler was such a drunkard.
The alcohol probably assisted in letting him lose his temper, but it didn't make him hate women or beat his wife and child flor. Yes I drink.
TB, perhaps this is a sign that things are changing. The more stories that come out, the more people are horrified, the more punishments that are carried out against b@st@rds like this, the more people will realize that it's wrong and perhaps society will change. (wishful thinking on a thursday?)
This story has made me so angry. The father should get the death sentence (hopefully the most painful death possible) and to a degree the mother should be punished for manslaughter as she stayed with him after knowing he has put cigarettes out on the baby's forehead and had bit her!
Poor little girl...heaven is clearly the best place for her in this situation.
poor child!!! this is not right!!
the alcohol has something to do with it. Now if you will concentrate on the "being a girl" issue only, then I understand, you drink, right?
I just pray that this man is punished hard to an extent that none else would dream to think daring such inhuman act.
I hope the authorities lock this sick man away and the law punishes him with the toughest of the punishment available under the state law to set an example for the others, in the Male dominated society which gives more importance to the male being than the female being!
the report says that the baby's father was a drunkard too... only a man out of his senses could inflict such torture...
Being a drunk didn't make him hate women flor.
not a drunkard?
All I can think, as bad as it is, would that it would have been better if he'd just killed the poor girl quickly when she was born, rather than torturing her like this.
I hope he rots in jail with someone who enjoys putting cigarettes out on him. :(
LL good question
This is just news that makes you sick to your stomach who woud do such a thing ,if i see this guy i will hit him with my car and go to jail
What if he doesn't have balls?
mentally unstable
read tat in todays paper and felt really sad for the poor lil gal ! :(
May her soul R.I.P - Ameen !
All such b*****ds devils should be stonned to death !
Such things happen all over the world and by and large neither we can control nor can any amount of discussion bring any change where it matters. Not saying it is not alright to feel sympathetic about such incidents. Just want something positive or neutral to be posted/ discussed once a while amidst so many sad and bad stories/topics early in the morn.
Hang the fcuker by his balls !!