BAN on children at STATE MOSQUE - ENFORCED!!

By kingmalik87

Many Qatar residents have been dismayed to find that there actually is a place in Doha that prohibits the presence of children.

Surprisingly, that place is not a five-star restaurant, but Qatar’s new state-of-the-art Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab Mosque, also known as the State Mosque.

The merits of the ban, which technically has been around for months but is just now being enforced.

Source :

By anonymous• 9 Nov 2012 23:17
Rating: 4/5

I was thinking that this ban is enforced during only big gatherings, i.e Jumuah and Tarawehs prayers.

Last week, I went to State Mosque (AbdulWahab Masjid) with my spouse and 2-years old daughter for an Isha prayer. They didn't allow my wife to enter because of my daughter. What is funny was the fact that there were only 20-25 people (it wasn't even 1/5th of a line) whom some of them were employees of the mosque.

Anyway, I decided to not go this mosque until they allow kids. There are plenty of Mosques here in Qatar that allow kids, Alhamdu lillah.

By JamQat• 27 Jul 2012 11:05

some kids seriously have no manners. i don't blame 'em, though; they take it from the parents.

By insanityOO7• 27 Jul 2012 08:18

"..he more YOU are an example, the better. It's not about teaching your children. It's about SHOWING them the right way!.."

Very rightly said..

By stealth• 27 Jul 2012 04:54

LP, better you bother about your own kids than of others

By anonymous• 26 Jul 2012 21:39

KR, YOU may be able to teach your children that way, but - how many have no clue about "history"?

By Knight Returns• 26 Jul 2012 21:33
Knight Returns

To me, the origin and propagation of different religions are nothing but lessons of history like other happenings in the past and should be taught as such. Iam sure the child will understand what he has to follow.

By anonymous• 26 Jul 2012 21:19

insanity, the less you teach, the better. The more YOU are an example, the better. It's not about teaching your children. It's about SHOWING them the right way! And if it's done in the right way, they will follow you. If it's done with force, it will turn into the opposite.

By stealth• 26 Jul 2012 19:50

generally the kids follow their parents. no need to force feed them

By anonymous• 26 Jul 2012 18:01
Rating: 4/5

I think the Baha'is have the best system. They teach their kids about all different religions, (I guess as they believe the prophet after Mohd came in 19 century Iran) and then at 15 or 16, can't remember which they can then decide if they want to be Baha'is. At that point I believe they have to sign a document stating that is their choice. Plus no death penalty for apostasy either.

By insanityOO7• 26 Jul 2012 17:58

"..If a son becomes a cricketer just like his dad then so what, ..."

The point is that most probably his son became a cricketer because children see their parents as role models and want to emulate them

"...his father will not say he will burn in hell for eternity if he does not follow the same path. If that same son became a lawyer, something heis father knows nothing about I'm sure his father would be pleased....."

Is it brainwashing to tell your kids not to smoke as you may get cancer ??

By insanityOO7• 26 Jul 2012 17:48

"...moza, it is dangerous to let children grow up with a free mind and entitle them to choose. They might choose not to follow their parents' religion. .."

There is difference between teaching something to your kid and forcing him top follow certain things blindly.

It is a myth to think that you can force someone to follow a religion throughout life; Even prophet nu'h alaihessalam's son did not convert to Islam though he tried his best.

So the point is that it is our duty to teach right things to kids ...however we can't force them to follow what we teach...because even if they follow something out of fear once they become adults and independent then they can stop following the same...

So it is not about brainwashing it is about positive influence....and people are and will always be influenced by their parents by the society by the media etc. and none of this is considered brainwashing

By anonymous• 26 Jul 2012 17:47

Of course we teach our kids and so do the schools, but it needs to be a critical education. Teaching kids there is only one religion and one truth is disingenuous and scaring them with hell if they do not follow the true path is a psychological beating.

Your examples are not very good. If a son becomes a cricketer just like his dad then so what, his father will not say he will burn in hell for eternity if he does not follow the same path. If that same son became a lawyer, something heis father knows nothing about I'm sure his father would be pleased.

If we flip your sample and say a son decided to become a Buddhist, his Muslim father would be most upset and some would call for his death. So For many their is no choice and that is the abuse.

By insanityOO7• 26 Jul 2012 17:40

"...Following the religion of the parents is quite simply brainwashing or could even be considered child abuse...."

If a cricketers son becomes a cricketer he is not considered brainwashed

If a film stars son becomes a film star he is not considered brainwashed

If a politicians son becomes a politician he is not considered brainwashed

But if a muslims son becomes a muslim then how come he is considered brainwashed ??

By insanityOO7• 26 Jul 2012 17:37

"...Following the religion of the parents is quite simply brainwashing or could even be considered child abuse...." please enlighten us whether in your opinion we need to teach kids anything at all OR we leave them to grow on their own like trees and just provide them with their basic necessities ??

What should be taught to children and what should not be taught...kindly elaborate

By anonymous• 26 Jul 2012 11:45

Pray (24 X 7 X 365) in your heart

By hapy• 26 Jul 2012 10:11
Rating: 4/5

I banned my kids to go to mosque long time ago. Bad Muslim. But the truth is that my kids who used to pray quietly, after a while started the same things the rest of rowdy children did.

I dunno why some of the parents think there job is only to transport kids from home to mosque. Most of these kids are busy playing outside the mosque, climbing furniture, are sitting at the back and talking to each other. When i mentioned this to one of the "pious" muslim who asked me, why i am not bringing my kids anymore, he felt very offended and said, kids did this even in Prophet s.a.w time and he did not ban them.

By anonymous• 26 Jul 2012 10:01

Following the religion of the parents is quite simply brainwashing or could even be considered child abuse. Young minds should be encouraged not steered down only one path, teaching them their is only one true faith, (whatever that may be) teaches them that all others are wrong and therefore leads to the discrimination and hatred we see in the world

By emy007• 26 Jul 2012 09:25
Rating: 4/5

the kids disturb the prayer and we dnt know to whome we should listen to quran or to their noise and specialy their moms nt asking them to be quiet, they r just jumping here and their, if their moms teach them how to stand next to them and listen carfully to Imam then this ban won't exist. last two days i was in the mosque for taraweeh and some kids were there juming and screeming and the prblm their moms nt talking to them and once the imam finishes 2 Rakaa the men started knoking at our wall to keep quiet them they sent them out.

I agree that the prophet SAW never ban kids from prayers in mosque but those kids used to come to learn how to pray and the current ones r coming becoz there is no one to take care of them at home, and if their moms having attention to teach them they would have make them stand next them and leave them in the back to play with other kids .

I should blame parents for this decision of ban.

By anonymous• 26 Jul 2012 09:13

moza, it is dangerous to let children grow up with a free mind and entitle them to choose. They might choose not to follow their parents' religion. But since the only true religion is Islam, they must be forced!!

By anonymous• 26 Jul 2012 09:10

Obviously, insanity, the children in question (of Muslim parents) are NOT taught the basics of your religion. Otherwise they would not behave like monkeys. So, whose fault is it?

By stealth• 26 Jul 2012 05:15

well the problem is the disturbances that the kids create especially in the womens side.

By shisha202• 25 Jul 2012 21:58

Are we talikng about taraweeh?. In state mosque for none of the prayers the children's are allowed, i can understand if the younger ones are not allowed for taraweeh since its takes more time, its difficult to control the children the reason why i never attend taraweeh in mosque as i dont want my child to disturb others, but what is the point in banning children from normal prayers?I just dont understand that.

By insanityOO7• 25 Jul 2012 21:55

"..Isn't it better to let children grow up with a free mind and then let them choose what they want to believe ..."

Children have to be taught good morals, values and beliefs right from childhood. For muslims islam is the right way hence it needs to be taught since childhood. Also children have impressionable minds and if we don't teach them the right thing they may grow up believing the wrong as right.

By anonymous• 25 Jul 2012 21:40

Isn't it better to let children grow up with a free mind and then let them choose what they want to believe rather than forcing them to follow the beliefs of their parents. In that way the ban is good.

By Elegance• 25 Jul 2012 19:48

Azamat..With your kind of attituide, may God bless you with enough prosperity to be able to afford royal boxes in Movie theatres and chartered flight with only beautiful ladies around..

By azamat• 25 Jul 2012 19:34

Good news indeed (although I don't visit mosques). Hope they ban kids from movie halls and airplanes next.

By MarcoNandoz-01• 25 Jul 2012 17:54

I presume that the Mosque's admin's have thought about it and they have vaild reasons for putting the ban in place.

By stealth• 25 Jul 2012 17:24

a fault of a few has created this scenario. dont blame the authorities. There are some other mosques as well where kids are off-limit in Qatar.

By Translator• 25 Jul 2012 17:21

I used to pray taraweeh at Aspire, a beautiful mosque. Few sisters turned the place into a make shift crying babies hall. I want to know, do they actually pray well when their baby is crying their lungs out?

By fluffy123• 25 Jul 2012 16:31
Rating: 4/5

Too many parents allow their children to run havoc in the masjid. Too many have I gone to the masjid during Ramadan and the kids are running around shouting and jumping during tarweh. They leave messes because the parents let me eat and drink

By insanityOO7• 25 Jul 2012 16:21
Rating: 4/5

I feel as they can inculcate islamic value sand beliefs since early childhood; in fact I have heard some narrations regarding hasan & hussain radhiallahu anhu which goes as follows:

In one account it has been said that the Prophet's prostration took longer than usual in his prayer. People came to the Prophet and asked, "Were you receiving a revelation or order from Allah during prostration?" Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) replied, "No, my son Hussain had climbed onto my back; I waited until he wished to come down."

I dont kno how authentic it is...i think sister Fathimah can throw more light on this....but what i mean to say is that we should not discourage children even if they commit small naughty things ..IMHO.

By Knight Returns• 25 Jul 2012 16:13
Rating: 2/5
Knight Returns

Couples who have infants or toddlers possibly cannot keep their children at home alone with nobody watching over them as many don't have full time maids.. they have to bring along their children.

By Elegance• 25 Jul 2012 16:02

Dont they have a Mom and baby area with soundproof glass all around?

By Elegance• 25 Jul 2012 16:01
Rating: 3/5

My child who is a special needs child loves being in church listening to music and raking in the calm atmosphere. My first daughter used to create mini-havocs running around the church about 12 years back...Now she sits like an angel in the same place.

But generally moms care the least about how their kids behave in public. Their body language looks like they encourage it..

By FathimaH• 25 Jul 2012 15:58

when we discussed this topic previously, that what I find really really hard to understand is why prevent children of even seven years, who are clearly old and matured enough to pray, from entering? Unruly kids, etc I can understand(though it must be said that the Prophet never banned children from entering masjids,ever!) but kids who are actually there to pray are being denied entrance too.

Anyways it appears this "ban" is only in the ladies section cos little boys are allowed in the men section.

Oh beautiful as it is, there are happily plenty of other masjids in Doha that we ladies with kids can go pray in this Ramadhan.

And I guess it goes without saying that if anyone knows their kids are going to act badly and disrupt prayers, then they don't need a ban to be enforced in order to know that it's better for them not to bring their kids to the masjids!

By shisha202• 25 Jul 2012 15:58

Translator my little girl learned Surah fathiha while accompanying her father ,but i agree to your point that there ARE parents who doesn't care ,but is everyone like that?...for sure not.

By anwarindoha• 25 Jul 2012 15:56

If you dont teach them,and let them go with you and adopt culture.Do you think then how they can learn?

By anwarindoha• 25 Jul 2012 15:55

Just Think before you act.

By Translator• 25 Jul 2012 15:50

Anyone saying that this will prevent the children from the opportunity of learning prayers is fooling themselves. Prayers in mosque are not simply praying. Moreover, I am waiting for one to defend all those mothers who bring their infants, are they also learning prayers? They start screaming the second the prayers start, and their mothers cares less.

By Translator• 25 Jul 2012 15:15
Rating: 2/5

I support this decision. The place is not a playground for children while their parent do their prayers. I decided to change my mosque for lack of behavior of these little so called angels jumping and screaming behind prayer lines.

By anonymous• 25 Jul 2012 15:14

Let the children come unto to me

By MarcoNandoz-01• 25 Jul 2012 15:14
Rating: 2/5

Many parents who bring their kids to the Mosque consider the masjid to be a playground for them. They do absolutely nothing as their kids run, yell, scream, and generally go around irritating everyone in the masjid. Clearly, this cannot be tolerated.

By anwarindoha• 25 Jul 2012 15:08

No one have rights to banned anyone for entering in the Masjid!!!(specially childrens),they will be future incomers.

Think for your judgement day then make decision..

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