In Baghdad, a different kind of nightmare commute,0,150989.story
Sounds about like my daily drive to work...:(,0,150989.story
Sounds about like my daily drive to work...:(
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You can't teach experience...
I report to work 0700 tomorow Novi
I'm a day shift guy now...
Not sure if that gonna be good or bad though...
You can't teach experience...
Why industrail areea sux
It's understandable
Just that my way to work...:(
It's cool though
I get over it
You can't teach experience...
Vegas, my weekend finish, back on the road tomorrow.
Bajesus ... you also on the pills? What did Vegas do to you ???
I blame it on.....drum rolls please.... Denmark!
Your right the rest not that bad....
But industrial area is pure heck...
And that's the way I have to go to work...:(
Hope you had a good weekend...
You can't teach experience...
You know...for the summer when its hot...
They digging pools???
Carzy huh
You can't teach experience...
And whats up with every traffic circle has a crane and blocked off???
The industrial zone is pure heck...Don't go without a jeep...LOL
Your funny man...
You can't teach experience...
Actually ... driving here after 5 yrs on Qatar road is not that bad. I have a problem driving back in Indonesia. Too many becak, bikes, motorbikes, cows, goat on the street. I still coping better on Doha / Qatar road than in Indonesia.
Bajesus ... somebody have passed the germ of 'SARCASM' to you. Well done !!!
Whats wrong with you people! have you been to the industrial area? the roads there are in perfect condition and the driving is amazing! you should go to Dubai or Kuwait where the roads are dreadful in comparison! oh no, we mustn't bash Doha now! our roads are so spacious and there are giant craters just welcoming you to fall into them! and dont forget roads with dead ends, they are just so much fun arent they??
You can't teach experience...
You can't teach experience...
make sure you take your tablet before bed time.
I'm switching to days and have been up forever so I can sleep tonight...
And I just switched to decafe so "have a heart"
Thats from a movie I bet no one can guess...
Actually Iwill have the full cafine coffe inthe morning
I think maybe I will miss nights???
You can't teach experience...
You can't teach experience...
The guy had at the QL trip...
Better than pringles
I'm gonna get fat
FFC had them and squeggiess...
You can't teach experience...
You can't teach experience...
Do you Vegas?
You think Vegas is crazy....
You can't teach experience...
If you cant beat them ... join them
This dude ran me off the road...
I followed to the light...
Got out
The two of them shaking and just stared straight...
I saw how ignorant they were and just thougt...
I said...You know...can you please use the blinkers God gave you
They just stared straight scared as heck...
I kinda felt bad after...
Anyways...Its not worth it to get mad cause it never gonna change...
I'm just gonna go with the flow...
You can't teach experience...
You and me been her for quite many years now ... i think Vegas still try to recover from the cultural shock.
Yes the road in Doha is absolutely dangerous. Take it easy if you get the flashing light. And make sure you not loosing your temper and showing 'F' sign with your finger. The local took that as a very serious offence.
I know the Baghdad is bad...
But my point was...
I can see this happening to me here in DOHA...
If I don't learn to calm down....
And just blow off these idiot drivers...
I've gotten outta my car too many times already to confront idiots...
And I know ifI keep it up...I'm gonna get trouble
So I will just try to mellow and take my time...
And when I'm run off the road, pushed over in a circle...
Or got the flashing lights...I'mjust gonna stay calm...
Anyway... I will try...
You can't teach experience...
wont trade any amount of money for my husband to work there.
You can't teach experience...
ah man what an article
Baghdad is in bloody mess. and foreigners by any chance are not that safe or welcome.
You can't teach experience...