bad driver, fast drive….what are you?

By loveless143 •
I drive a full option car…so driving slow (less than 80) is not my things unless there is radar…what I don’t understand those who drive 30mph on fast lane. Dont they know that there is a slower lane?....Watch out for a white car out there on the could be me????
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i stick already,thats why we have a wealhty family,how about that?no need to work and suffer rigth?
no comments!
its our family bussiness for your information.we are manufacturing a huge quantity of sports balls in 3 different countries here in why i hide myself with a silly name like yours.
just think for a new nickname,then!
good luck!
im not!
look at the others before me.wake up ur mind guys.if you dont want me to get back to you or anybody else,dont be such a genious to educate me.period......i rest my case..
.Community Guidelines
1)Do not use swearing or strong language in your posts.
2)Do not create topics or posts that criticise, bully or insult other Qatar Living members, and do not flame (e.g. provoke other Qatar Living member into arguments) or impersonate other people.
now that's a tough act to do rizks LOL!
nothing annoying for what ive say,if you want to critic me,go on!dont be such a genious,do whatever you want to say and everybody will do about that?
No SMN...
it doesnt have a pole but hav a hump in the top in which i sit and dance....:)
rizks, does your full option camel have a dancing pole with it? ;p
you go first and stay away LOL
you comments are as annoyin as you! if you dont know to comment in a decent forum... please stay away...
full option car has toilet at the backseat :D lol
I have a Full Option CAMEL.
Mine is the full option Lada..especially imported all the way from Togliatti, Russia.
It took 3 months to ship finally it is here.. yipee
jack, i think that means having to be an ass on the road all the time hehehehehe
Whats full option got to do with Speed?
thats what we called friendly mammal...GL..
dont be personal.i think you making attention on this thread,about what i have posted in car section,analyze 1rst what you have say there,before you type a comment.and now you are complaining me?what kind of thinking that you have?learn to understand sister.salam..
I'm a speed driver and I get irritated by the slow cars. If they don't move out of the way when they notice me in their rear view mirror, I make sure they see me passing by :) with a big smile and wave :)
taking care of other dirvers....:)
"(The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.)"
LoLzzz :D
your full option ..... :-D
1000 comments on this thread,impossible, even if this thread get hijacked.
unless you're inviting for coffee meet which was in hot topics for more than 1 week, also not sure if it reach 1000.
back to topic, 80 is already fast for me (kids at the back seat) so i stick to mid lane.
selling_balls, i think you need an Anger Management asap...
your emotions are out of control. in every your post you abuse someone in an ugly way...
MOD, please pay close attention to this member. He's being a member for only 2 days, but managed to insult and to abuse so many QLers.
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
bit** in the road...get life you bu** your manner in the road...
I drive same like you with full option and high CC, and can't be drive under 80KM,I know your point but your forget the manner in road, respect to others.
I made a bet with a friend regarding this matter…just to see how many people actual care! I wanted 1000 comments but few will do….
Bn in QR for xxxx years, the driving has gone from bad to worse… I think people have forgotten that they have indicators in their cars half the time m left wondering if the person will turn right or left…
What about giving ways……
People honking b4 the green right….worse of all parent!!!! Cars have seat belt…..use them….
N those driving while talking on mobile, what is so freaking important that cant wait……
Be safe on the road….to tell the truth m one of those scare driver out there who just bought a new car…I love my car and yes I love speed but I love life more……..
Again to those slow drives please stick to your lane…..I hate seeing them almost bn run over by crazy drive…..middle lane is the best!!!!!!!
What's a full option car ?? Is it like my KIA ?
Don't u thinkg the "son of dogs" comment is a bit harsh. I give u it's a sensitive subject but still common!
LOL,....are you still alive?
Thks 4 wishing me dead……driving fast does not imply careless driver…m pretty good in obeying the law but what pisses me....those driving slow on fast lane…..dont worry for those worry slow driver out there...will be gone very soon.......
A driver, untagged.
Hey fast driver, Do you know, there is signs with speed limits for the fast lane?
I guess you got your driving license by digging a hole in the sand or some camel assers....
Graduated from Xavier Institute for Higher learning.
have fun till your bones are crushed
MD could have a reference to a slogan on a rock T shirt, a big biker with flame skull head I have seen "Drive Hard, Die Fast", Practically this is very true, because the risk is all there. While most of us go for defensive driving, this one in particular take s a short cut to the world under.."Sir, welcome to my nightmare"
at least share yer blood after crash!
you are son of a dogs wife,you will know what you are saying,when your hands and legs is amputated.hope you dont have family with you in the car,when you are driving...R.I.P.,soon!
loveless, are you by any chance a drag racing buddy of!?!?! coz the way you brag about your wheels clearly shows how IRRESPONSIBLE you are on the road.
loveless, I am so sorry. I didn't know you are a beauty from Africa. You are right. Let's have fun in the roads and in the streets. May you live long.
sometime after roundabout or signal sometime they will come to 1lane that doesn mean that they are bad driver or they dont know the lane rule,u r harsh,and magic dragon doesnt used this words this not good
Ok, Ok. It worked. It should have been shocking.
Harsh yet true!!!
Everything's gonna be alright!!!
loooooooooooooool MD...
but anyway... not really nice wish..
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Your attitude has to be condemned. You are irresponsible. I hope you die soon.