Background Checks for housekeepers
By anicholson18 •
I will be in Qatar in April and I see a lot of adds for people seeking certain housemaids I will be needing a full time Arab/English speaking one is there agencies I can go through to get one or if I hire one from an add will I be able to perform a background check.
thanks for the number I appreciate it and Molten I will start there pay at $350 usd a week I guess that's equals to 1273.825 a week I hope im right
You may hire one from companies that have this service available. One such company is Qatarmaids and their contact details are: Phone # 77362999; email: [email protected]. You may not need to perform a background check if you get one from these companies as then they would be the responsible ones to have done so.
Ani, What's your budget for salary ? .......
Both options are open 4 u.