Attn: PROFIES in IT/EXCEL – question!

I want to ATTACH scanned pdf files to my Excel sheet to refer them. Not to LINK, as a Hyperlink, not to INSERT as an Object, but to ATTACH, so that I could send whole Excel sheet with the attached pdf files by e-mail.
Is that possible to do?
If not, can I do the following:
-Put Excel sheet and all pdf files in separate Folder
-LINK pdf files to Excel sheet
-Zip the Folder
-Send it by e-mail
Would it work for the recipient of this e-mail? Would he be able to have pdf files linked to Excel sheet on his side?
Thanks a LOT!
but i do need to link them. Database will grow every day, and pdf files must be kept separately from the Excel sheet, otherwise it will be a big mess.. It's ok.. I just will need to do it twice: on my computer and the comp of another person. thanks!
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
QS... there still is another solution if you dont want to link it to the .pdf or if you are having difficulties then there is another way but a little complicated.
what you could do is just insert a picture instead of the pdf file where the ID card against the name then the image of the ID card can be also be seen..
if you want to do it this is how
since you have scanned it in .pdf we need to make a jpeg out of it if you can scan the id to a .jpeg instead of a .pdf then follow the 2nd part. else u need to do the part 1 ..
Part 1 ..-> open the .pdf file -> press "alt" and "print scrn" keys together(printscrn is on the top almost right side at the end of the "f" keys)
->press the windows key and "r" together-> type "mspaint" and enter
->press 'ctrl' and 'v' key together-> you should have you screen shot-> trim it accordingly and save it as a '.jpeg' file ->
Part 2..
-> in the xl sheet select insert picture-> select the location of the '.jpeg' file and voila...
I think there is no need to specify it, just click the arrow in Look in and browse for the created folder and choose the pdf file..
"better to somehow embed the pdf files in the excel spreadsheet."
that could be too..
I'll try the ways litteratuer and blackbeard suggested.. see how it works.. if not, i will link all pdf files to Excel sheet at home tonight, right on the recipient's laptop.. i think it will be easier... :)
thanks guys!
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
yes, so relative paths would work instead, but i don't think you can specify that in excel.
better to somehow embed the pdf files in the excel spreadsheet.
yeah.. the directory files will be different from different machine since the directory adds the profile name.. let say for me C:\Documents and Settings\blackbeard\My Documents as for you it would be C:\Documents and Settings\tallg\My Documents..
Ah, that would make more sense blackbeard. Is it possible to use relative paths in excel rather than absolute? (i.e. ./pdf/file.pdf rather than C:/pdf/file.pdf)?
tallg, as I understand, QS means the pdf files are linked.. so that means if she zips and the receiver unzip it to his computer there will be an error since there will be changed in directory.. What I can suggest QS is this:
1. create a folder in your C: or D: drive and name it as pdf or name whatever you like.
2. then copy all the pdf files (scanned ID) to the folder that you just made.
3. now, create your link (your excel -> C:\pdf)
4. after completing your links, zip/rar the pdf folder (on step 1).
5. send the excel file + the zip/rar file to your friend.
6. tell him to extract the file to the drive where you put them. (C:/D:) if he has no drive D: then you should make the folder on C: drive only (it should be identical).
7. let him test if it works.
have a nice day.. ^_^
why don't you copy each ID scan onto its own worksheet, and then have a cover worksheet with a link to each one?
"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day." Withnail & I
So just email him the excel file and the pdf files. You can send multiple files in one email, can't you?
Or your solution of putting all the files in a folder and zipping it up and then emailing that would also work.
yes tallg, but these pdf files must be linked to the Excel sheet.
Ok. Example. I have an excel sheet with the persons names. And I have scanned ID for each name, in pdf format. Now. I want to link each name to his ID. It is ok, it’s not a problem. Now. I want to send by e-mail this Excel sheet and the linked scanned ID. So that when the recipient will open the Excel, he will be able to have links to the pdf files ,i.e. ID of each person, exactly like on my side. is that possible?
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
I can only make out that you want to send the xl file and pdf file.
I can tell u different ways
1. send the pdf file and xl seperately by email
2. insert object will embbed the .pdf file into the xl sheet and then viewer can double click the pdf icon and then read the pdf contents
3. If you want the contents of the pdf file to be displayed in the xl sheet, it cannot happen unless you have a pdf editor or simply type what you show in the xl file
4. if you want to reference the pdf file in certain parts of the xl file then you can do the same as insert object..
as 'tallg' put i could'nt understand the issue exactly..
Not sure I understand exactly what you're trying to achieve.
You just want to send someone an excel file and some pdf files at the same time?