Attention aux téléphones mobiles!!!!!!!

Faisons attention surtout pour les enfants et les gens pressés.
Ne jamais utiliser le portable branché.
Le 16 Avril passé, le service d'urgence de l'Hôpital St.José (Brésil) a reçu un jeune de 23 ans répondant au nom d'António Ferreira Moita.
Motif :
Choc électrique grave pour avoir mis son portable à l'oreille pendant qu'il le chargeait! Résultat: Il était mort!
Conseil :
Ne jamais utiliser votre portable pendant que vous le chargez.
Lisez l'histoire.
Le 16 Avril, la personne citée ci haut chargeait son téléphone portable à la maison, quand du coup ça a sonné et en prenant précipitamment l'appareil branché sur la prise électrique, quelque seconde après, il a été électrocuté et projeté par terre.
Les parents sont venus rapidement à son secours mais ils l'ont trouvé inconscient, avec un faible battement du coeur et les doigts brûlés.
Il a été amené rapidement au service d'urgence de l'hôpital St. José mais hélas!
Il était déjà mort en route.
Le téléphone portable est une invention très utile, mais il peut se transformer en objet de mort si nous ne faisons pas très attention.
N'utilisez jamais le portable branché sur la prise électrique.
Envoyez ce message à vos proches.
Jouons à la prudence et surtout sensibilisons nos enfants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vrai ou faux ? Prudence oblige.
Meilleures salutations
mx1o0o, DHW, thanks for the translation
I was expecting Frog's help
english is not my language!!!!
I required the assistance of altavista:
THIS MESSAGE IS IMPORTANT, READ IT: Especially let us pay attention for the children and people in a hurry.
Never use the connected portable.
16 April, the emergency service of the Hospital St.José (Brazil) received a 23 year old young person answering in the name of António Ferreira Moita.
Reason: Electric shock low register to have put its portable at the ear while it charged it!
Result: he died!
The Council: Never use your portable while you charge it.
Read the history.
April 16, quoted person Ci high charged her portable telephone at the house, when blow that sounded and by precipitately taking the apparatus connected on the electrical connector, some second after, it was electrocuted and projected by ground. The parents came quickly to his help but they found it unconscious, with a weak beat of the heart and the fingers flarings. It was brought quickly to the emergency service of the hospital St. but alas! It had already died on the way. The portable telephone is a very useful invention, but it can change into object of death if we do not pay great attention.
Never use the portable connected to the electrical connector.
Send this message to your close relations. Let us play prudence and especially sensitize our children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Truth or forgery? Prudence obliges.
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
Never not to use the connected portable. 16 April spent, the emergency service of the Hospital St.José (Brazil) received a 23 year old young person answering in the name of António Ferreira Moita. Reason: Electric shock low register to have put its portable at the ear while it charged it! Result: It had died! The Council: Never not to use your portable while you charge it. Read the history. April 16, quoted person Ci high charged her portable telephone at the house, when blow that sounded and by precipitately taking the apparatus connected on the electrical connector, some second after, it was electrocuted and projected by ground. The parents came quickly to his help but they found it unconscious, with a weak beat of the heart and the fingers flarings. It was brought quickly to the emergency service of the hospital St. but alas! It had already died on the way. The portable telephone is a very useful invention, but it can change into object of death if we do not pay great attention. Never use the portable connected on the electrical connector. Send this message to your close relations. Let us play prudence and especially sensitize our children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Truth or forgery? Prudence obliges. Better greetings
***sorry for the translation, the translator i used is not that good***
./`I don't wanna waste another day-Keepin it inside, it's killing me./`
About a brazilian who had an electric shock that caused his death when he answered his mobile while it was being charged.
./`I don't wanna waste another day-Keepin it inside, it's killing me./`
plz translate that for us
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
welcome to QL
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
ur right
i guess u r new in here
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
english please
any translations or is it only for the French?
Je pense que je l 'ai pas fait bc de fois , mais je me rappelle l'avoir fait au moins deux fois le dernier mois :D j'espere que tout le monde va faire plus attention. Ce ''Portable'' si je pouvais m'en debarasser lol. Merci FDM
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise