Ask a Sheikh!

I've had a haircut and a shave, so I'm now looking almost respectable. Tomorrow I'm going to have a chat over a cup of coffee with one of the leaders of Qatari society. I might even see whether my suit still fits.
Anyway, I've been thinking up questions for the past few days, and I've already had to submit a list of questions in advance. Stuff about the pace of reform, education, role of expatriates in society. Fairly predictable stuff. But I'm sure I'll have the chance to ask other questions too, and wondered whether anyone would like to suggest topics?
If you had the chance to chat with one of Qatar's leaders, what would you ask?
p.s. my barber's reply was: 'Will you sponsor my son?'
t_coffee_or_me said some really gud points...
1. Remove Exit Visa
2. Change of sponsor to be made easy
3. NOC on demand without delay
4. Rent.... Make it mandatory for the landlord to put a ceiling on rent so that Real estate office dont charge as they want.
5. Consumer Forum to take care of all consumer related problems
i may suggest to ask the Sheikh if they could implement to increase the salary of all working here in qatar as everybody know living here in qatar is costly not only local residents but with those skilled workers who work too hard so they can enjoy working and living here in qatar.
added to it is to ask if they could make more places to go, visit, and have the enjoyment spending holiday or weekend.
thats all hope it'll help.
Ask him broadly how and where he sees Qatar in 5/10 years time ... and could you then please PM his answer to me, I'm curious?
1. Remove Exit Visa
2. Change of sponsor to be made easy
3. NOC on demand without delay
4. Rent.... Make it mandatory for the landlord to put a ceiling on rent so that Real estate office dont charge as they want.
5. Consumer Forum to take care of all consumer related problems
Good morning all
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
Plans for public transport in the future?
Now, this is a pleasant surprise...well u got it right there buddy,....soon to be present situation...LOL...but hey u shudnt be loosing thats hows things been with u...looked like u became like Casper...the atha patha...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
Well my question would why there is no criteria for school admission and onlt WASTA works!!!!!
Colt -Liquour and drainage .....not bad at all LOL
KSA Why did it sound like a question very close to your heart in present situation .....LOL LOL
How are you?Where is everyone?
ask why dont they plan for a subway or metro train before the traffic becomes too congested.
ask them why dont they reduce the rent
ask them y dont they punish the qataris who make trouble
Can anybody tell me some really good places to visit in Qatar,apart from the places which r already mentioned in Marhaba.
I wud really like to ask why not have more MNC comps here...come have ur setup for sponsor hassles...nothing...and ofcourse...sell liqour outside...without a license...
Morning children...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
Drainage systems???
Labout Laws (the 2 yr deal)
you no me the man with the three B boos babes and beaches
and what are the (true) future plans for it?
"Be strong but not arrogant
Be modest but not weak"
Also city planning, their willingness to relax or alter laws to accomodate changes globally.
I'm sure that half includes you as wel... or maybe you'll be their leader... tank up boys, time to gargle!!!lol...
colt half the apt staff will be stoned drunk ever day you will find planes parking on the cornich
I'd be tempted to ask them about their vision, contingency planning.
On a lighter note, I would ask him why they don't allow us to get alcohol into the country... I mean if you can buy if off the syndicate, might as well allow us to buy if off duty free on arrival... stupid question, but i wud like to know that one...