Article from the National

This 3 page article is probably the most in-depth one I've read yet.
Rescuers lost vital time as floor plans, once found, proved inaccurate and access routes - long, narrow corridors - woefully inadequate. Sprinklers malfunctioned and failed to go off. And although they arrived on the scene within eight minutes of being alerted to the fire, the emergency services were apparently unaware that there was a nursery at the centre of the mall, or of the tragedy that was unfolding within.
Trapped on the first floor when the solitary staircase gave way, the doors blocked by heat and smoke, the adults and children who perished there never stood a chance.
It is testament to the courage of the firefighters - two of whom lost their lives as teams broke through the roof and pulled children to safety - that anyone trapped in Gympanzee escaped with their lives.
The firefighters who died were Mahmoud Haider, 22, believed to be Palestinian, and Hossam Chahboune, 27, from Morocco. Mr Chahboune carried two victims to safety before running back inside and being overcome by thick smoke. All 19 victims died from smoke asphyxiation.
Tarek Bazley, a former journalist from New Zealand, was in the mall with his 2-year-old daughter and 5-year-old son when the fire started. He said yesterday: "At about 11 o'clock the fire alarm went off. It wasn't a very alarming bell. It sounded more like a repeated doorbell and was kind of annoying. I asked a guard who was attending the soft play area if it was something we should be worried about. He said, 'No, no. It happens all the time. Carry on as you were'."
It was only when a member of the public ran through the mall about 20 minutes later, shouting that the place was on fire, that Mr Bazley and other shoppers began to leave the building. He was shocked by what he saw when he did, "We left the building to see huge plumes of smoke coming from the top of the mall.
"We were fortunate enough to have a fire exit near to where we were standing. A colleague of mine who also happened to be in the mall with his wife and children said that the first fire exit they came to was padlocked shut and chained."
Do you really think she meant that?
If yes then you are not a very bright person.
Fire exits are really important not just in malls but to all places including at home. Fire exits should not be padlocked from the inside. Reputation Repair
MM...TFS. Truly those who survived this horror have a LOT to be grateful for. And it is now their duty to come out and tell the public all they know. This is just one way people can not only get some closure but also be enlightened so such tragedies will never reoccur. Keep it up guys!
near the place of the fire? If not, the real culprit was LACK of or NO fire exit in that area.
If my memory is right , Isnt Tarek Bazley a correspondent with Al Jazeera English?...If so then I am surprised at the very little coverge from them.
The fact that people have died due of the fire/ smoke is terrible and my thoughts are with the people who stay behind.
It is sad to read that emergency exits were chained and padlocked. What is even more sad is that i remember a post from 3 years ago on this forum were this was already brought up, with pictures to prove it (padlocked emergency exits). Shame on the authorities for not picking up on this and on ourselfs for not following through on this.
Also, please ask yourself always how prepared you are yourself in case of an emergency both at home as well as in public! Do not always count on others to watch over you! Be ready for the unexpected.
Be safe.
yes, and the coverage of the local papers was pretty bad. On the evening of the tragedy, only the Peninsula had 'some' coverage.
Tarek Bazley, you are blessed!
Love The National.
Maybe it will become a WAKE UP call ... or else another tragedy might happen again. Let justice prevail,,, (if there is)
I don't know how such like this place get (i heard that the kinder garden was working on such a conduction place ) approval from fire authority according to Qatar law each and every place you need a fire approval certificate
Local authorities have not been helpful with their silence either
Fire exit which was shut with chain and padlock? Why do they have such a fire exit?