Arrest of extremist - Riot fears in Bombay

Strange that Indians here complain of "racism", yet the same is being espoused in India....
Bombay ground to a halt yesterday after the arrest of a local extremist leader whose detention, it was feared, would spark a violent backlash in India's commercial capital.
Schools and shops were closed amid concerns that the detention of Raj Thackeray, the head of the far-right Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) — a group that has led attacks against migrant workers in Bombay — would cause a full-blown riot.
Police arrested Mr Thackeray on charges of inciting riots and assault. His supporters reacted by stoning the courthouse at which he appeared. They also vandalised hundreds of taxis and attempted to blockade highways.
Many workers chose to stay at home as 20,000 police were drafted in to Bombay. The city, normally one of the most chaotic in the world, was turned into a ghost town.
For months calls have been mounting for a clampdown on the MNS, which Mr Thackeray formed in 2005 after splitting from the Shiv Sena, a Hindu nationalist party headed by his uncle, Bal Thackeray.
Despite the split, the younger Thackeray has continued to espouse his uncle's central idea: that Bombay and the surrounding state of Maharashtra belong to the local Hindu Marathi community and incomers from elsewhere in India should not be tolerated.
Attacks on migrant construction workers have delayed projects in the city. Mr Thackeray's arrest comes after MNS members severely beat up northern Indians who had been applying to join the railway service in Bombay this week — an attack that drew condemnation across the country.
He later dared the authorities to arrest him, and one of his lieutenants promised that “Bombay will burn” if police made a move.
The Times..
i quit point in arguing!no matter what the world says......JAI MAHARASHTRA!
Keep smiling!
Pheeeww...I am moving to that thread 'India launches Chnadrayaan'. What an achievment!!!
I dream of the even better tomorrow where there will be no casts and the cast based or state based politics in my country.
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Brit: I would call it 'regionalism'(?) or parochialism. simply bcos both parties belong to the same 'race'. If its is based on ultra right wing Hindu factions i would call it 'communalism' or jus plain relegious hatred. Btw, why would it surprise you that there has been racism/elitism in India. It is quite common to complain about racism when its against oneself and support it when it furthers one's cause. Nothing Indian about it.
But whatever it is, it is wrong. Raj Thackerey is just an opportunist trying to build a vote bank. no one is depriving marathis of a job. If they are qualified and capable, they would defenitely get a job.
Saggi: India is one country. There is no separate passport for the state of Maharashtra. To say that an Indian citizen should not be given a job in Maharashtra coz of his place of birth would be against the basic tenets of the Indian constituition and the national identity.
“Live life so completely that when death comes to you like a thief in the night, there will be nothing left for him to steal.”
Better for seems even I am lost
Yes, why are we arguing? This is the act of some greedy politicians and I never ever support it. Even Marathis are there scattered in different states. These politicians are not thinking a bit about them. And to whom we are fighting our own countr people? Sad...very sad...indeed.
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Hell, I am not saying that....'Sole Language or Dominant language ' is the basis of state formation...which, no doubt has created a whole new headache in after years.
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:( :( DonT KnoW WhY PeoplE R ArguinG AbT :((
PeacE N CheerZ Everyone....:(
Yes True abt quota - thats becasue they're not citizens of that country. How many Indian origin citizens of UK replace the original English speaking brits in jobs?
"Maharshtra is made for Marathi speeking people" thats exactly where you are wrong, no state is made for any language speaking people. The state was formed and Marathi was introduced as the language becasue the original inhabitants of the state were Marathis- But Maharshtra is not FOR Marathis- they just happened to be there, just like Malyalees in Kerala etc.
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
Maharshtra is made for Marathi speeking people...not because I say it, it is just the basis of state formations in India.
^Is it written in Indian Constitution that Maharashtra is only for Marathi Speaking people?
This act of the thackeray's can be called Racism at its worst.
Agreed, this is a disease indeed...
[img_assist|nid=52086|title=Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.... Boredom is a choice. - Wayne W. Dyer|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
I was just answering Someonenew, and I have not made any comparison in my first reply. You are true, this has nothing to do with any other country.
Please read the posts above before jumping to any conclusions.
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Sorry duplicate post.
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
Maharshtra is made for Marathi speeking people...not because I say it, it is just the basis of state formations in India. That's it. And surely as I said neihter really I have any issues against anybody, nor the other common Marathi's.
It is pure politics....
[img_assist|nid=52086|title=Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.... Boredom is a choice. - Wayne W. Dyer|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
This has nothing to do with Qatar or any other country.
This is a discussion on Indians not allowing other Indians to work in the same country.
I also agree with Palatao that the issue is more about extremism.
Racism, Castism & regionalism all are more or less same disease....
There is some definite quota for immigrants in UK, US and even in ME. You just can't floak there to find jobs. Which is not the case with inter-state migrations in India.
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Well Shreya Qatar is a bad example. Lets take the case of the Software engineers in Uk then OK. The one's who are not even citizens. So you're saying that they should be sent home becasue there are lots of Brits who can do the same job just may not be as qualified or experienced as them or maybe the shud pay the brits a higher salary coz they are brits and send all the indians home? And I dont agree that Maharashtra is for the Marathis either. Thats just a whole load of bull. Sorry.
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
Please read what I have said about Qataris..
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Saggi: Sorry to say this but this "excuse" of foreigners stealing nationals jobs is used by ultra nacionalists extremists for quite sometime, when that's not the reason than it's because of security. And belive me i do know about this because when i was younger i was part of one of those extremist movements but later i stopped hating and leurned about peace and love.
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
I still say this is not racism. Racism is, what I understand, is differentiating on the basis of skin color. We have more serious issue in India and it is Castism...
[img_assist|nid=52086|title=Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.... Boredom is a choice. - Wayne W. Dyer|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
someone new ur point is noted.............dont repeat the same again
kiddiiiiiiiiing are WRONGGGGGGGGG
If qatary/UK/US citizens claim the same......then wat do you say Racism....ryt?
I applaud your standing up for your country / state, but to me it reeks of racism.
"In fact you and ur husband is taking up the oppurtunity a Qatari family could have had" WRONG Someonenew, we are not taking their just can't. There are these movements like Qatarisation to serve better for them. The fact is Qataris are so less in number that they can't do many jobs on their own. So, they are just hiring us.
And yes, surely there is politics in the name of such issues. But, again why the politicians are there for? Don't worry, common maharashtrians like us do not have any issues against our own countrymen. Just wait for a day or two and it will all go with the
[img_assist|nid=52086|title=Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.... Boredom is a choice. - Wayne W. Dyer|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
I'm sorry, but like I said, I've been trying to read up and it seems that Shiv sena is aligned closely with BJP also and both have their own agendas..
As I said in my previous posting, he seems to be not only against those from outside the state, but also pushes a very hard pro Hindu line..
Racism is descibed as :
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
Therefore , we can play with semantics all day, but to me it reeks of racism, elitism, and any other ism you may call it.
I will now exit stage left and leave those more knowledgable on the subject to comment further..
Exactly Alexa, and these people complain of racism in the Middle East!
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
Exactly Alexa, and these people complain of racism in the Middle East!
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
Please try to understand Brit, language has been accepted as the sole or dominant criteria in the basis of state formation after independence. So, Maharashtra is basically for Marathis. It doesn't mean that no body else is allowed in the state. And in Mumbai you even can't think of that as it is an economical capital of India.
But at the same time think, why so many people are migrating to Mumbai? It purely because of the political condition of their own state. The states like U.P. and Bihar are economically backward due to their own politicians. Why a Marathi in Mahrashtra should suffer because of them?
And agree with Svelte, this is not people need to understand the defination of racism before commenting.
[img_assist|nid=52086|title=Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.... Boredom is a choice. - Wayne W. Dyer|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
well i thought india is one country, migrants from other state are considered outsiders???
then why do people shout when someone working for 12-15 years is asked to pack his bags as his position would be given to a local Qatari who is actually a citizen of this country?
india is the most racist country in the world i suppose, where racism is not just limited to caste, color, religion etc but also to people from different states of the same country, amazing country....
Saggi..their ideology.......Bulllshhhhhhhit
one of his first demands was .. boards of all commercial establihment should be in Marathi..but traders rejected his demand.
then when one of his relative started cable tv business he instigated his followers against other cable operators his reason was they are showing hindi programms.
maharashtra politics is dominated by CON, NCP, BJP & Shiv get a foothold he desperately trying to create hatred in the minds of people.
I spent the last hour or so trying to research this issue on the internet..
It seems to me that not only is Thackery against people migrating to work in Bombay (Mumbai), but also against non-Hindus (Christians, Muslims), and to Bengalis, who he regards as Bangladeshis.
From this IMHO, he is advocating extremism and racism.
I am no expert on the matter, but perhaps some other Indians may be able to shed more light on the topic.
I still disagree saggi. The migrants of are still not at fault. Look at teh US of A and UK and ME. Millions of Indian Migrants have taken up the jobs of the locals and study in their schools and UK has gone easier on the skilled workers migration. Lots of Indians are taking up seats of british, american and arab children they could use to educate thier children. In fact you and ur husband is taking up the oppurtunity a Qatari family could have had. Are u parasites? I'm very offended by what you just said. Thats not the way to think.
I'm sorry I'm totally against reservation based on cast/race etc.
Are you telling me the locals of Maharashtra have not benifitted from the migrants? What abt the real estate boom? You know how much a piece of land in Mumbai costs now? All I can say is that what goes around comes around, if they're not getting jobs its probably coz they dont deserve it.
I had to type this out twice since the internet connection konked off!
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
dunno about the political intent behind the whole fiasco.....i was just going by their ideologies.
i still say we are indians.but that does not mean injustice.equality everywhere.that's the motto!
Keep smiling!
Saggi..You are totally wrong in this matter. What Raj Thackery's MNS have been doing is Pure Politics nothingelse..They are in the line of old Shiv Sena..
to be in the news and limelight they have to do something different.
For your kind information they are not fighting for poor job less marathis
as someonenew said job should be given according to the qualification and experience.
In another thread you were mentioning about WE ARE INDIANS...
that's exactly their point,da.migrants are swelling up in the city...not just in jobs....everywhere.....accomodation,schools,colleges and even taking up the seats that can be to get the locals a proper education.where will they all go?the land is theirs.....they were accomodating till now.but now the parasites have begun to eat up the host in entirety!and now they have begun to retaliate....
Keep smiling!
Well saggi I disagree. I think jobs should be given on the basis of merit and experience and not on the basis of whether ur a local or not. The reason why a large percentage of the locals are jobless is becasue they are either not qualified or experienced as the migrants.
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
can somebody please tell thse people that there's only ONE race in india????GAWD!!!get a life,people!we have different religions,agreed.but that's not at all the issue's just giving the rightful rights to the ones who deserve it.what's wrong in that????
imagine what'll be the attittude of an englishman if the irish/french/scottish/whatever-ish were to come into england by the thousands and usurp all the available jobs....what more,even conspire to kick out the presently working englishmen and get their jobs as well?
if y'all say,"what's wrong with that",i'd say y'all are all angels!i know i'd get very irritated for sure!
Keep smiling!
hullo!hullo!please don't confuse racism with this news!india has only one whites/blacks there!
Keep smiling!
india itself is a predominantly hindu nation and the maratha community is a hindu community too.they were the locals in mumbai b4 the migrant's just like saying the english of england,the irish of ireland or scottish of scotland.....this is maratha/marathi of maharashtra.the word 'hindu' is just added there to spice up things.
Keep smiling!
Sorry, but as the story says, Thackeray states that Bombay and the surrounding state of Maharashtra belong to the local Hindu Marathi community and incomers from elsewhere in India should not be tolerated.
This to me is racism or even a type of Xenophobia.
It has no place in a country like India..
well actually it's not racism,brit.there's too much of influx of migrant workers into the state of maharashtra that a huge percentage of the locals are either jobless or are forced to move elsewhere in search of jobs.political parties like MNS and ShivSena are only fighting for their right to jobs within their can't be classified under racism as such.
it's true to a certain extent.mumbai has more of migrants than locals and it could getting bugging to many who feel deprived of their rights.
Keep smiling!
britexpat - Don't know how true is this story as My wife is in Mumbai right now (staying near the Regal cinema)and never mentioned about this morning when she called me.
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me