Are you positive or negative person

Straight Arrow
By Straight Arrow

Some people will say of course I am positive my temeprature is always hot, some will say no I am negative I never feel heat, any how I do not want to turn this to a philosiphy lecture or a mathmatics lecture which deals with the signs +ve and -ve, but I will speak from personal prespective which many people understand and agree with it.

1. A positive person

 is a person who always try to high light the good things so that his/her family should follow, and high light the dangerous of the bad things to stay away from them.

2. A negative person

is the person who never want to admit or agree that there things that are bad or good.

He/she has no border between good or bad, they say it is all relative.

The real question is why these people say it is all relative?

I guess the most suitable answer is:

Because these people came from an environment or a place where there is no borders between good and bad.

Who say it is all relative is like if they are saying there is no difference between wet and dry, or no difference between day and night.

Also those who say it is all relative have a lack in the common sense, and might cause more troubles in the place they live.

Can we say that a criminal is the same as an inosent person?

Can we say that the teacher who spends time and effort to deliver the best knowledge is the same like a lazy teacher who does not care of the quality of the knowledge?

If I will continue to write on this topic I will need days, but I guess the idea is reached.

So let us all be positive people and always remember the border between good and bad.


By Straight Arrow• 8 Aug 2011 03:33
Rating: 4/5
Straight Arrow

That the open minded person is a person who put things in the right places, when I say positive person I refer to the person who introduce ideas that flourish his/her community like fighting prostitution, drugs, bribery, cheating,...etc.

A negative person to me is a person who says that is normal to have prostitution, drugs, bribery, cheating, ...etc.

Of course there are ways to define a positive and a negative person.

A very important point is that the positive person provide solutions for a problem and take precautions to eliminate this problem in Future.

By anonymous• 7 Aug 2011 09:14
Rating: 3/5

I don't see how a person's definition of good or bad makes them a positive or negative person.  In general someone who see's the shades of grey is considered to be an open minded person, and an open minded person is generally considered to be a positive person, and someone who only see's the world as black and white, good and bad, is a closed minded person who is generally seen to be a negative person.

By timebandit• 7 Aug 2011 07:49
Rating: 4/5

Well in that case I shall answer you SA. I did not assume you were talking to me prior to asking for clarification on who you were addressing. I was simply commenting on your thread as an interested party. I read what you had posted initially, and I considered that your post was not accurate.I challenged your definition of positive and negative people. Your response seemed defensive and in no way informed. I was unable to understand what you were trying to say, and thus accused you of babbling because you were unintelligible.Please give the source of your original post so that I can see if I can get the gist of things from there. Was there a source or is your definition of positive and negative people your own interpretation?

By Straight Arrow• 7 Aug 2011 07:31
Rating: 4/5
Straight Arrow

I hope you are doing well today

By anonymous• 7 Aug 2011 07:28

Oh yeah, and by convention electrons are really bad. They have a negative charge!!

By anonymous• 7 Aug 2011 07:20

Day and night are not opposites! Some people work at night, and some people sleep during the day. And for some day and night are the same. So who is positive, and who is negative?

By timebandit• 7 Aug 2011 06:44

Are you talking to me SA?

By Straight Arrow• 6 Aug 2011 13:12
Straight Arrow

Thinks that when you speak about a specific thing then you are speaking about them, why?

By timebandit• 6 Aug 2011 09:46

SA you are babbling

By Straight Arrow• 5 Aug 2011 17:02
Straight Arrow

Is that those people who does not have a border line between good and bad things belong to the group of un natural people.

The un natural people who do not have common sense, also these people who do not to agree that there are difference between basic good and bad things are considered un fair, do you agree?

By anonymous• 5 Aug 2011 09:37
Rating: 5/5

 some persons are natural and others unnatural in their looks and behaviour

besides positive and negative, have you heard of someone being rational or irrational, or some persons being even, odd or even prime...some characters are imaginary, the ones in stories.

but, hey...are we talking about numbers or people??

well, we are not numbers that we would have the exactly the same 'property' always. most of us actually are a mix of all these all depends on the situation and the state of our minds during that time.


By nomerci• 5 Aug 2011 05:36

One man's treasure is another man's, it all dpends on....YOU.Oh, and one should not judge other people...generally. Or religiously, as in SA's case. Or should I make that "islamically" ?

By britexpat• 5 Aug 2011 03:30
Rating: 4/5

Definitely negative :o(

By myson67• 5 Aug 2011 03:05
Rating: 5/5

agreed with you, somehow i also classify myself as negative person just because i am well cautios but not to say not positive angle of me. but always to see and consider worst case scenario before you can take it positively. it works well on me. a too positive person can end-up wasting time if they see everything can be accomplised without considering the failure factors or other possible obstacles.

By Alumnar• 5 Aug 2011 02:51

I'm off to sleep before my common sense goes into hybernation and my pessimistic side starts arguing about something which makes NO sense!

Good night SA and a blessed Ifthar to all muslim QL'ers :)

By ingeniero• 5 Aug 2011 02:50
Rating: 4/5

well in my casethinking negative first.. then shift to positive as soon as i realize.. but it depend upon the situation mostly.. ppl i like, i think about them positively.. while whom i don't like.. i take their every action as negative.. don't think much about me.. you can't judge me ;)

By Alumnar• 5 Aug 2011 02:44
Rating: 2/5

Just ask yourself this: 'Is the glass in front of me half full or half empty?'

It is always half empty for a pessimist.

'Even if 2 things are exactly opposites, it does not mean they are equal'... SA, what are you on about? If 2 things are opposites, they can NEVER be equal!

I would like to share whatever you have been on...!!!

By Straight Arrow• 5 Aug 2011 02:39
Straight Arrow

Can not distinguish between good and bad.

Also will see every thing is normal.

How can we say that a student who study hard and get good marks is the same as a student who does not study and get low marks?

The positive person put things in the right places and thinks positively, have common sense.

By Straight Arrow• 5 Aug 2011 02:28
Rating: 5/5
Straight Arrow

There is always border line between god things and bad things, even if good and bad are opposite each other, the same goes for

Day and Night

Positive and negative

Each has a special function which does not contradict with each other, even if two things are exactly opposite this does not mean that these two things are equal.

Can we say that a pen which is usable for writing is the same as a pen which is not usable for writing?

By Vegas• 4 Aug 2011 15:30
Rating: 4/5

I'm positive at home in with a beer in hand...3 hours to positive time...

By anonymous• 4 Aug 2011 14:33
Rating: 2/5

By timebandit• 4 Aug 2011 14:11
Rating: 2/5

Very scientific MisterX

By MisterX• 4 Aug 2011 14:09
Rating: 5/5

Nike says:  Just do it.

Negative thinking: "No, I can't"

Positive thinking: "Yes, I can" (eventhough not tried it once)


By anonymous• 4 Aug 2011 13:56

There's a slight possibility TB ;P

By timebandit• 4 Aug 2011 13:55

Hummm.... so the OP could be inaccurate then?

By anonymous• 4 Aug 2011 13:53
Rating: 4/5

I think many generally positive people class themselves as negative because they think that looking at the possible down sides of things makes them negative, when in fact it just makes them smart.

By timebandit• 4 Aug 2011 13:50

It turns out I am as well Pilgram, much to my surprise.

By anonymous• 4 Aug 2011 13:45

Yay! I'm a positive person. :D

By timebandit• 4 Aug 2011 13:40

I cant find an official definition, but I did find a test to find out which you are:-

By timebandit• 4 Aug 2011 13:30

Hummm... time to look for the official definition

By anonymous• 4 Aug 2011 13:27
Rating: 5/5

I would say that positive and negative are the exact opposite of what you say Straight Arrow.  A negative person is one who only see's things in black or white, good or bad, and tries to make everyone live by that overly simplistic logic.  A positive person is one who see's all the colours in the spectrum and realizes that there is no such thing as wholey good or wholey bad, and believes in live and let live.

By timebandit• 4 Aug 2011 13:21
Rating: 5/5

I disagree with this. I class myself as a negative person because I am cautious, will always look at the disadvantages of doing something before looking at advantages, and will always look long and hard for possible problems. I work best with a positive person so that there is a good balance between us. A positive person will often overlook possible problems and try and proceed having only considered the positive side of things.

Basically my interpretation of what a positive person is, and what a negative person is, differs from yours.

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