Are you anxious

I just joined and almost immediately I got a message from someone called C00L asking me to join another qatar site. I went to that site to see what it's about and I found a post fro someone who says "Qatar Living members are already anxious about it!"
What's with the dirty tricks? I'm staying here and not headed back there, BTW.
very wise well said ..
What is in Ql, leave in Ql!
What is in Qp, leave in Qp!
To those concern:
Dont make it a habit of gossiping from one site to another. Let's promote a peaceful community in both sites!
ram dear,
it was a general statement, not meant to accuse anyone of anything, esp you.
as is happening right now, its shuttle between Ql and QP.
i know you very well, and i know what you have posted too.
it was a general statement. since you are moderators there, you can make sure of it too. oh how do i explain this?
i just want both sites to co-exist peacefully. it shouldnt be an issue for any member to go to another site to help or enter discussions.then the ones seeking advice and help are the ones who are losing in this craziness.
happy heart
DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home
"mystica and ram
as members of both sites, lets stop passing messages from this site to anothere and vice versa. its not sportive to either site and its not in the right spirit to start comparisons either.
what do you say to that?"
What was that??? is that msg for me ...
Listen han19 .. please go there again .. and if u found that i did this .. plz confirm it .. i don't do this at all .. read my posts clearly .. i'm the one who attacked cool for trying to attack u .. and i went there too and made a special topic named cool .. it was just for u .. and bcuz i won't accept that someone from qp to attack any of QLers as well as no one from QL will attack QPers ...
so please don't point with accusation's fingers to me .. u know me well .. and i wouldn't expecting that .. especially from u ..
thanks buddy ..
Sorry! Can't talk about that but I'll just PM you the details! :-0
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...
How could anyone here say something bad about you?We know that you are always kind,friendly and a peaceful friend.So i cant understand that anyone can do it to you.:-)
I have special case! the admin changed my username for reason! some are insecure enough to accused me of something I haven't done! I spoke to some members of QL and they said, no matter how some people invented things to say about me! they know for sure that someone are just jealous and so they have to create controversial facts about me! perhaps to get an attention! poor thing must have lost sleep thinking about me! ;-) I have no idea what's the jealousy for! hmmmm I wonder! ;-)
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...
mystica is a perfect example who has changed name and come back.
as members of both sites, lets stop passing messages from this site to anothere and vice versa. its not sportive to either site and its not in the right spirit to start comparisons either.
what do you say to that?
hi apple.
happy heart
DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home
moxie, hi there and welcome to QL.
dont get dissuaded by this discussion, we have seen worst storms. have a nice time here. we try to help everyone.
happy heart
DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home
you sure you dont the number of members who have come up with other new nicks :-p
hi cornellian, novita, apple.
i for one feel, if anyone is getting to feel anxious becasue of an online forum, then dude, you need to reassess your priorities.
happy heart
DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home
See ya later Novita, have fun. And don't worry as long as me and gypsy are in the same place there won't be ANY trouble ;)...i promise * crosses her fingers behind her back * hehe
I am off to Garvey's now (second time in 6 yrs) ... for a friend going away party. See you all later. Gypsy ... make sure you behave or you might get smack from the mods :P.
Nah I'll mix up my then and than's and everyone will know who I am. :D
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
you might be mistaken as the spy from the other site lol.
LOL, that's ok Novita I was just joking. I'm actually thinking of coming up with a new name again. I'm tired of Gypsy and I have way too many points. :P
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
Huh? What? U guys sure know how to argue about nothing. Too many words in here for my simple mind :D
Pwaaaah !!!! Gypsy !!!! Wasn't referring to you in perticular. Guilty feeling eh :P. I was referring one of the poster who said she AND HER sister inlaw hate me, post my photos here without my concern, etc etc And come to me at school introduced herself to me and insist that she is not the one who did it (i never pointed my finger to anyone, but i guess guilty feeling always there).
And let's see who bait this post.
What are you talking about Novita! Nobody goes and comes back under different names! I for one have never ever done that. ;)
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
Crazy ppl everywhere. I been with this forum for over 1 yrs ... and you can see the same ppl come up with different name and come back again. Very easy to spot ... same style same language.
Every forum have their own pro and cons ... you can stay wherever you want. But pls stop badmouthing each other.
And as my comment about PM'ing the member here about QP ... i do said that a sleazy dirty trick. No class indeed.
What am I supposed to be feeling anxious about???
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
I maitain a dignified silence. Whatever i say wouldnt make sense to you people. Just let it be. And no, i aint running away from criticism, just resigned to the futility of it all...
Qatar Point will die like Qatar deals nothing else.
what thread? what's the link? ...hehehe...this will be a very long
come visit me and my friend on my insomniacs thread! they are waiting for some male strippers! lol
You're very good in ignoring nonsense people! okay let's move to the other thread I'll call you! okay!
Wow! social worker girl! you're blending in already! you'll survive! you're one of, you know! person like you? I'll just take a deep breath and voila! ;-)
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...
What's the fuzz all about, girl?
You're getting hyper again and only after your birthday?
I suggest you relax and enjoy the hang-overs of your birthday than exchange retorts here...what you think girl?
I'm still waiting for our rendezvous where I will have that H2) on the rocks by the bar with your stella in hand...come on and chill...
Good morning QLers...we having insomniac nights tonight? Still have room for one?
No one is anxious here, at least not me;)
Good morning to you! are you in Qatar?
You don't appreciate both sites mysty when you say that Qatar Living members are feeling anxious. It's on the record so stop lying and stay out of my thread! I wasn't asking you I was asking the Qatar Living members that you were commenting about - their anxiety!
As for you little guitar man I've been going through the posts and it seems like a decent and helpful forum so stop trying to dissuade me with your ineffectual arguments about how horrible this place is. It's my choice and so far I like it!
* enters thread, reads comments of certain posters, bites tongue, exits thread *
Leave this thread, let's go to other thread and have fun chatting there ok?
Both of you, say sorry to me, coz you made me upset!:D
Hi! there, it's more likely anxious, because someone log-in there just to be insulting! fortunately we have a very diligent moderator there who censors all the unpleasant comments. ;-)
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...
for the word 'curious' ?
works for me :o)
They think being rude, makes them feel big!
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...
we r not fighting .. but it seems that some people here in QL have the talent to be rude .. all their job in life is to despise other's matters for no reason .. may be just to feel that they still exist in life .. kinda of "yeah i'm doing something"
They don't! the more is the better! just for example how cool they are! when they meet car accidents they go out of their car and give greetings to each other! voila! no fight! so what's all the fuss?
We're trying to say try to appreciate both sites that gives entertainment and yet people love to stir up problems! and one of them regards herself a social worker? huh! it doesn't make sense!
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...
that exactly wut happened to QL .. .. any one is [removed] any where .. stepping on others in their way .. without rules to control them .. they exceeded all the limits ..
BTW i was not advising u PLUS age is not measured by the days u live .. so u might be still a baby in life's school and i might be ur teacher OR vise versa .. so don't talk about age .. i don't either blame on u but not bcuz of ur age in life .. but bcuz of ur age in QL
Live in peace and have a life ..
Does the admins of both sites do care?
Seriously, for what are you fighting here, Adults?
hmmm! blend in!
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...
Please be original enough to come up with yer own terminology. What applies to the "mystic" one applies to you. I don't need your advice. Again, for those wh are slow catching on or thick, I was invited to another site thru a personal message from this site. First and foremost I find that cheap and low. I found someone, mystica, with a disparaging remark at that site about this site. I posted to find out what members of this website thought. What's my crime?
COOL, I see you're logged on and reading this.
Survival type of attitude!
we'll soon find out!
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...
read this!
Thank you!
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...
wut u don't know is QL has became a barn without watcher which allowed for some pigs to insult other good members and spoil their fruitful time .. and bcuz u r new and u know nothing she was just warning u .. and telling u about the truth .. she is not forcing u to come there .. it's ur choice .. if u want u r welcomed and if not .. u have the right .. Ever heard of don't bite the hand that feeds you.
wake up buddy ... r u in a coma .. havn't u seen the topics here .. people r asking wut is QP and r they related to eacch other or not and if not they were anxious enough about it ..
You are the one telling people at the other site that Qatar Living members are anxious. And I wouldn't have gone if the uncool COOL hadn't sent me a personal message message telling me to go there. You speak of attacking and you immediately atack me. Lay off. No advice please. I can take care of myself. Get it. I look forward to a fruitful time at Qatar Living and I don't need you to spoil it from post 1.
I was just wondering...
i read your post there and it clearly said that we were getting anxious about competition. Where did you get the idea from? I for one, nor nobody i know is really anxious about competition. this is a big enough sea where a lot of fish can survive.
Your intentions might have been noble, but i swear, reading what you wrote there gave other ideas. maybe it was unintended, in that case, please do be careful in the future.
No one's anxious at QL, we're cool.
The subject there was QL vs. QP why compete? Is that clear to you?
As a member of both sites, I tried to make people think that they should not take this as a competition between two sites and yet you're here asking people if they are anxious? try to observe first the situation and if you're going to visit both sites try to be neutral! What the useful and informative in your comments if you're not stirring up situation? Do you know the background? some member here goes there just to be insulting? luckily there's a fairly decent moderator there that edits bad comments! wish you luck! see if you can survive without clashing to anyone. :-0
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...
Thank you!
Stirring up? Pleaze!
Ever heard of don't bite the hand that feeds you.
I comment on joining and getting a personal message to join another site and so I'm accused by you of stirring up.
And you, a memeber of this site accusing people of being "anxious", morale raiser there but here...
Don't ya worry about me, I dont need your advice I can take care of myself.
hmm! new member! with 2 points? already stirring up? What's the big deal? they are anxious! someone log-in there and immediately commented rudely, so the moderator edited all the bad words he uses. here? just wait for a couple of weeks when you get attack? then you can say this again! remember when you get attack with very insulting, sarcastic, nasty words! don't forget to take a picture of the rude comments so even when they edited it you can post it again and they can't edit it anymore then report it to the management! that sites is new and is not been spoiled by bad mouther as yet! We hope not! so good luck ;-0
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...
Yes Sure its them who are anxious to get more and more users then QL.
I had a forum a while back (Its closed now)... I had a section there for Owners/Admins/Super MODS of other sites, just to avoid this kind of thing... When one is at someones place, one should give full respect to them, but still i dont know why ppl do like this... kidnapping users from other sites... this aint good... :(
Extremely anxious. I've already started the Prozac.
Moxie, empty vessels make a lot of noise.
Anxious, my butt!