Are men supposed to behave like this?

Some of the Social Manly behavior:
1. Men don’t have any emotions. They should suppress their emotions and problems.
2. They are rough and tough and should NOT complain about women.
3. Men are expected to be physically tall, strong, and brave.
4. They are supposed to protect and provide women.
5. They are supposed to make sacrifices, even sacrificing their lives, to protect and provide women.
6. They are not supposed to have weaknesses or vulnerabilities. They must not show feelings as these would make them appear weak or vulnerable.
7. They should always be willing to fight their way and defend their woman/family. They should not withdraw from a fight.
8. They should not have any feelings.
How many of you expect your man to behave like this?
Do some men think its an oppression?
Mr. Paul do I need visa to come to visit you?? hehehehehe
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
Men should be like The Maximus (Gladiator) The General who become a slave, the slave who become a gladiator who lived, breathed and fought for the loved one. He is Patient, Humble, Courageous, Dignified, Intelligent and Fair and most importantly he is a stallion in bed (winks).
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
FS: I don't call it opression, i prefer to call it a dream for any woman
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
Hmmmmm....I guess u askin tooo much FS:)
I'm a gentleman.. I willing to protect any woman of the female persuassion.. PM me your vital statistics and contact number in complete confidence..
gentleman...Guess theres not many of us in QL is there ?
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
It is always the lost that need my guidance
Why on earth would a man sacrifice for a woman if he has no feelings for her in the first place. This description is more for a robot than a man. Except for the taller than me part and the 'he should not complain about woman (wife ?) - for obvious reasons that he should rather discuss it with her first - that is all I expect.
i would say this is 51% accurate no more!!
No time to read the replies yet but OP :-
Some of the Social Manly behavior:
1. Men don’t have any emotions. They should suppress their emotions and problems.
- Nope. My friends are honest and straightforward and they have emotions too, only thing is they react differently. Eg. a friend and his wife lost their baby - wife was crushed and took a while to get on with life. He, on the other hand appeared to get on with life almost immediately, back to work etc. But I could see that he was actually badly affected by the loss, only that he focused on his job responsibilities and thus, it didn't show very much. So to those who cannot read him accurately, they will misconstrue his reaction to the tragedy.
2. They are rough and tough and should NOT complain about women.
- Ho boy... so they think. But what's the point about being the "strong, silent type" while complaining about women to their friends etc and whining left right and centre, except to what is the root of their perceived problems? If they communicated clearly, things can be worked out.
They have to complain, one way or another, to get it off their chest. Everybody does. If we keep negative stuff inside, it will just fester to blow up another day, most probably with seriously damaging consequences. Might as well nip it in the bud when it happens, air the problem and find a solution.
3. Men are expected to be physically tall, strong, and brave.
- Physically tall - not necessarily. Define the rest of the above. Strong in physical strength? not necessary. In character - to me, yes. Brave - physically? not necessarily. In character - to me, yes. Most of the time, brains win over brawn. It's better to be smart than just strong.
4. They are supposed to protect and provide women.
- Yes, but also subjective. Not necessarily physically or materially.
5. They are supposed to make sacrifices, even sacrificing their lives, to protect and provide women.
- How nice. But also subjective. Sacrificing life - not necessarily dying physically to protect. Could be sacrificing things they like, etc. Works both ways for men and women. Everything works both ways.
6. They are not supposed to have weaknesses or vulnerabilities. They must not show feelings as these would make them appear weak or vulnerable.
- Nope. It makes them human. ... Err but having said that, please don't bawl like a baby at the sight of a needle or blood. Show weakness ok and willingness to improve. NB: Show weakness in private - but this doesn't mean "me, myself and I" like some granite heads. Show weakness in private with friends or trusted family who can help be mirrors to show how to improve.
7. They should always be willing to fight their way and defend their woman/family. They should not withdraw from a fight.
- Yes, but also subjective. Be smart about it and not necessarily fight immediately. Sometimes, need to fight immediately, depending on the situation but most times, no. Planning and executing strategy better. Ensures as far as possible that defense is strong. Withdraw to prepare if necessary, for a while. It doesn't matter if you look like a loser in the short term if you win at the end of the day.
8. They should not have any feelings.
- Disagree. They will have feelings whether anybody likes it or not. Just a matter of how crazy they turn out to be - like tragedy of the Aussie dropping the 4yo daughter over the bridge and other examples of nutcases - emotional men who cant handle life and cop out - mentally or physically - and cause others to suffer.
How many of you expect your man to behave like this?
- Nope. As above.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
women desires for too much... even someone brings her moon, for example.... she would never be sincere or satisfy to her man... what to do then...
'Men are expected to be physically tall, strong, and brave'....
yes,men are tall, strong and brave, at least more than women...
no prob, ksarat. i,too, was playing with the word "grounded". cheers!
Umm say what time? I can come hang with you guys for like an hour... holla at me!!!
Well how about Burger King just like good old times, ughhh sorry McDo...You can Pay...wouldnt want to disappoint u...shall I call Rayyz... :P LOL!
lol Colt...
Stop talking crazy and go make us some Tea... :-D
I was just joking on that stalking comment...
So take it easy...hey you got to get used to my sense of humour... !!!
who perfectly fits in Your male roles....
Females have to wake up and come out of their long dreams (20 years, I suppose) to see the real world and accept the truth!
“Sultan Abdullah Sulaiti explained that there many kinds of violence by women, and they were not necessarily physical in nature.
Subjecting a partner to mental and physical violence torture was also a kind of violence. The tendency on the part of some women to try and control their husbands was no less than violence.
Mohammad Hosseini, such cases were not normally reported by men. Many men preferred to suffer in silence rather than report such cases to the concerned authorities”
stalking you ksarat16? why would i do that?
At the end it is men who framed these roles in love of women folk who happen to be our mothers, sisters, daughters and willingly or unwillingly wifes. So they have to live with what they have chosen...
When I said that...Women need to be grounded...I never said anything abuot Grounded as in grounding your child... truly need to know me to make such a quick conclusion eh honey...what you freaking stalking me... LOL!
Anyways i meant was you should be strong enough to hold the woman so she doesnt break down and gets carried away with emotions get it...or something like that I meant... :P
Physical — athletic, strong, brave.
Functional — breadwinner, provider for family
Sexual — sexually aggressive, experienced, heterosexual. Single status acceptable;
Emotional — unemotional, stoic, for example, the proverb "boys don't cry";
Intellectual — logical, intellectual, rational, objective, practical,
Interpersonal — leader, dominating; disciplinarian; independent, free, individualistic; demanding;
Other Personal Characteristics — success-oriented, ambitious, aggressive, proud, egotistical; moral, trustworthy; decisive, competitive, uninhibited, adventurous.
Please define this character in detail.
Social manhood is not naturally gained, but has to be granted by society. Society does not accept a person as a ‘man’ unless he fulfills certain conditions of roles or expectations of society, referred to as ‘male roles' this is more prominent in our country...rather male dominated socities..
i will have to disagree.
i think it is better to say, Men are expected to have more control of their feelings. such that, if their lady is driving them crazy, he can remain calm and patient enough to see her through her crazy moods.
i think when women are feeling low, they expect their men to feel for them. it is one of the major complaints of women, when men don't feel anything about anything!
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
I am sure even if she will get the above list as referred by FS, you are an incomplete man.
You could never satisfy a woman.
Read This and comment please
“Sultan Abdullah Sulaiti explained that there many kinds of violence by women, and they were not necessarily physical in nature.
Subjecting a partner to mental and physical violence torture was also a kind of violence. The tendency on the part of some women to try and control their husbands was no less than violence.
Mohammad Hosseini, such cases were not normally reported by men. Many men preferred to suffer in silence rather than report such cases to the concerned authorities”
nope... unless you value most the people enough to be doing like that.
For a change I am talkin for men
Poor men :(
Meano women :/
Listen to Many..Speak to a few.
4. They are supposed to protect and provide women.
Cool all men are pimps
Anyone got a fuzzy hat?
>and surely must be strong enough to keep the woman GROUNDED... <
ksarat16, you may ground meat and pepper but not your may also grind to the beat of the music if that's your thing. but i reiterate, Women are not to be grounded...pathetic thing to say...
But sadly..the result is that men are far more prone to heart attacks and stroke. Their life expectancy is some 5-6 years less than women, worldwide. Similarly, the social construct of manhood makes them NOT to complain about women, even if their women are causing them serious hurt!
why is my name here :/ you (*&%&$%^^%#%^&*%^()&
Emotional side is good in pvt..not in
Emotions what the heck is that? never heard of that word before..
romantic movie heero...
The uber feminist answer is No they shouldn't and I should not find that behaviour attractive or encourage it.
The real answer - Yes please, loves it.
Hmmm... a few points notable but not all...I mean come on even for a guy like DArude, he also has an emotional side...lets not talk about Khanan we all know that he is with the wife on the phone more whenever he is out partying with you see surely there has to be an emotional side to every man, simply for a reason...
The man must have a sensitive side to understand what the woman goes thru at times...being a woman...and surely must be strong enough to keep the woman GROUNDED...
Men surely must possess and frankly speaking ... every man does possess is for the woman to understand this simple point and adhere and respect and cater compromisingly to each of the individual partner's feelings from time to time for a Happy Ending!!!
Yuckkkk, I sounded so Gay in this write...!!! :P:P LOL!