Arab women use bottled racism for whiter skin

A phenomenon is sweeping the Middle East as Arab women seek whiter skin and use lightening creams that promise beauty, love and success for those who "suffer" from olive skin.
As women in the West compete for a year-round copper glow and pages in lifestyle magazines are devoted to self-tanning lotions, in the Arab world beauty is defined by the paleness of a woman's skin.
"White skin is the dream of all women, especially in the Gulf," added a blonde television presenter, describing how people "suffer" from olive skin.
Skin-whitening has long been a tradition in Asia and Africa, but has taken off commercially in the Middle East with certain brands ruthlessly advertising fair and lovely skin, which has been slammed as "racism in a bottle."
And while beaches may be teeming during the summer months, many women go to great lengths to shade themselves from the sun, particularly in the villages of Egypt, Morocco, Syria and Tunisia.
For example, they cover their bodies up for weeks on end before a wedding, striving for what is deemed to be an ideal alabaster skin-tone.
"What is rare is expensive," according to Hassan Ahmed, a professor of sociology at Cairo's Ain Shams University.
"Since in Egypt, like in the rest of the Arab world, olive skin is the most common, we prefer white skin," he told AFP.
"Racism in a bottle"
Television adverts for the various creams deliver a simple message -- that whiter skin is the key to a more successful life.
Each ad has a similar theme: whether she wants to be a dancer or a doctor, a young woman's olive skin is an obstacle. But after using the cream she clinches her dream job, earns the recognition of her peers or gains the attention of the man she wants.
But despite the popularity of some of these creams, the ads have been criticized as racist.
Two groups on the social networking Internet site Facebook condemn the brand, one using humor: "Fair and Lovely Cream is racist but I still use it." The other is more harsh: "Ban Fair and Lovely, racism in a bottle."
Habiba Hamid, who created one of the Facebook groups, told AFP that whitening creams "exacerbate and capitalize on the kind of racism which privileges lighter skin over darker."
"If the products themselves aren't banned, any form of advertising for them should be. They are clearly racist adverts."
But companies defend themselves against such accusations, saying that the product responds to a market need.
"I love you…despite your olive skin"
The attraction of white skin in the Middle East cuts across class lines.
Salwa, from a wealthy family and educated, well-traveled and sharing many Western values, was told by her boyfriend: "I love you despite the fact that you have olive skin."
Marwa, a 19-year-old Egyptian, works for a hairdresser in the poor Cairo district of Bulaq al-Dakrur, and is spoilt for choice in her quest for paler skin as cheap blends share shelf space with brand-name products.
Lightening creams are available in many forms, from unregulated brandless bottles to prescription creams aimed at treating acne scars and removing blemishes.
Dermatologist Rihab Sobhi says she has had to treat damage caused by the use of non-prescription skin products including lightening creams.
Patients come to her requiring treatment for everything from marks and scars on their skin to allergies caused by the creams or even burns.
Some whitening creams contain bleaching agents that are dangerous if used at high levels or too often, said Magda Abdel Samie, a Cairo beautician. "If used incorrectly the creams can cause skin conditions that take a very long time to treat."
there's no whitening products in my dresser nor in my vanity bag/purse(whatever they call it)...I like my skin tone...
Aha Britexpat, so are you saying that it's the men who want fairer skinned women!!!
If that happened, the marriage rates would plummet:0)
Personally I have never used a lightening product on my skin and I have used the same moisturiser brand for years. I think the white make-up efffect looks awful.
Women, let your skin breathe...ditch the bleaching creams and foundation!
"Hues" to say what I really meant..:0)
lol QT
I second that
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
All women are saying they are happy with their tone, but will go out and get tanning lotions, bleaching creams, foundations etc etc..
She turned white as a corpse...after eating it. LOL
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
I don't need any whitening cream or lotion, i'm happy with my skin tone...thank you.
Baby oil/Dove/Nivea/jergens body lotion are the brands I use and that's enough for me :-)
You said dude, but it's how the women thinks is in question here.
A good husband is healthy and absent.
A healthy man is a successful man.
Japanese Proverb
"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches"-- (Proverbs 22:1)
just to even the tone all over would be nice. It's kinda weird when you see your arms and face nicely brown tanned and the rest of your body have a lighter skin tone...
hahahhaa, yes dont u worry your pretty head about my tan...all is under control.
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
now I feel relaxed and have less things to worry about
Good morning my dear kelliandra.
hehehe, yes I even have a tanning bed!! So winter shall not have the best of me!!! teehee
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
good morning. I admit that your tan is wonderful. try your best to keep it as it is. You will have some difficulties during the winter:)
i think arab women look fantastic in their natural skin tone
"Living with fear isn't living at all"
Britexpat, unlike you, I dont consider finding my nose in my soup as seasoning. :P
Plus, I dont think Cat Woman Jocelyn Wildenstein would appreciate the competition.
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
The tan is fine all over.. Why not work on the eyes and the nose instead.. Take a leaf out of Michael's book...
LOL...she must have had an extreme makeover...although I find people who are considered "ugly" by today's hollywood/bollywood standards usually have very nice personalilties. Anyone else find that to be true?
"If at first you dont succeed,redefine success"
...and here I am working so hard on my tan!!!
I just dont get it...kellys, do you think my tan's nice? Iv been trying so hard...:P
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Nothing changes if one is born ugly in the first place. No matter how much make-up, you're still ugly. So, be happy & accept the fact.
Of course if you have the money, then cosmetic surgery is an answer but not all. I read a story once of a woman who went thru extreme cosmetic surgery. When she got married & had a child, her happy life crumbles b'coz her husband started questioning why the baby was ugly. He couldn't comprehend where the ugly looks came from. The wife finally confessed abt her extreme make-over.
The lesson learn - genetics......
this is a big buisness which women are victim...just be yourself...
There must be something psychologically wrong with people who go to these extremes. "Self-hatred" I think is the word for it. The plastic surgeries are sure to follow. There was an article about a week ago in the Gulf Times that mentioned how the Qatari men prefer fair-skinned women....even the dark Qatari is definitely not helping the problem. My question is do the men use these creames too? I guess thats why Michael Jackson feels so at home in, but really on a serious note, One of the names of Allah is AL MUSAWWIR, the one WHO creates and then fashions things to HIS liking. So who are we to complain?
Its unexplainable..In the West, women use Sun beds and even spray on tans to change their hue..In this region and Asia, it is the creams..
Human nature I suppose to be want to be something you are not meant to be, but regarding creams, the marketing people have a lot to answer for.
Why are you posting news article in this forum?
I mean, it is a forum, F-O-R-U-M. If I want to read news articles, I know where to go.
abu i have to agree with you. if i listen to my hubby i will never buy any make up. LOL
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
This report captures a glimpse of the truth. A lot of womens in the gulf go beyond using creams & do chemical peeling. No wonder dermatologists in Qatar are competing who gets the latest & state art equipments.
again. let us not mess with the nature
indeed alexa ...
Just to let you knows guys, my mum think i am ugly because since i live in the gulf for the past 7 yrs my skin getting darker ... :)
Amen to that Abu, sometimes I think the world would be a much better place without Vogue or Cosmo!
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
That's so sad, I feel really bad for those women who think they should have a different skin tone (whether lighter or darker) in order to be more successful and considered more beautiful. Though I must say, I'm loving my summer tan :D
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield