Apple unveils faster, more powerful iPhone 4S

The processor is faster, which helps run smoother, more realistic action games. It’s also a ‘world phone,’ which means that Verizon iPhones will be able to useable overseas, just as AT&T iPhones already are.
The new iPhone also comes with new mobile software, iOS 5, that includes such features as the ability to sync content wirelessly, without having to plug the device to a Mac or Windows machine
Yeah you will find some nice guys in Qatarliving trying to sale it at 6000/8000 Qrs.
not impressed. i will be getting a samsung galaxy s2
dont care
price not yet known.....
how much is the new one?
nothin impressive, it is duable core and 7 time faster then i phone 4 in graphics but why people will pay that much for the same design, they should have come out wid some design change
all the better to go for 4 than 4s.
The price of Iphone 4 will be going down again...haha
And everybody expected the iPhone 5. What a disappointment!
Something hackers will be busy with for a time. One day the news will say Iphone 4s iOS5 jailbroken. PWNED
my galaxy s2 is much faster than the new modded iphone 4 (s)