Apple releases new Ipod Nano-Chromatic

Apple releases the new Ipod Nano-Chromatic.
Having bought a new nano 2 weeks ago, I'm not too impressed. Grrrr
Jealousy aside, it looks cute and it's pretty smart. And it's cheaper than the old one!
love my iPod video .. thinking of shifting to the touch .. as mine is getting really old .. nanos are very nice sized pieces .. but with no large capacity ... not telling that i use the full capacity of my iPod .. but don't like to think that i will be in short of storage anytime
you guys really work that hard that you fall on your knees and dont have enough time to manage your meal and get belly bugs ;D
Ahh.. sweet colors! Wouldn't mind getting a new one even if Jobs will release a new ipod gen.
You know, I do have work to do... How do you think we get to be the best? Our people work hard!
then go get walking
I have no idea, Darude.
Ispot did they get the new nano i want to buy my ever first nano pod never used it because i still dont like it.
Are nano freak with a bitter music taste :/
LOL most techies have worked it out, it's becoming a pattern with Jobs get in just before Hannakuh and Chrissy, bring them something better then last year, I'd also heard rumours that people had complained about the last nano, the colour range and size were two of the most common, so knew Jobs wouldn't sit by and do nothing.
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
Miss-cat, I never knew this October thing with Apple! At least now I know.
Darude, you're confusing me with someone else... I could have never said that, I only bought my very first ipod this year (yes, shameful) and, since then, I've been in love with it! So much so that I now own 2, one classic and one nano.
Oryx, he already has one and is not interested in the nano :(
but i need to use the same pc with my itunes on it to update my ipod dont i?
why dont you give your ipod to your hubby for christmas and get yourself the latest edition?
But you told me you never liked apple products :? Cheater
Im pretty happy with my i-pod touch though.. The wifi n big screen make it a much better choice than the nano.. thought its a little more bulkier...
Tsk Tsk,
I thought everyone by now, knew never buy an Apple product this close to October, every year Apple releases it's new generations especially iPods at this time so to get in before Christmas..
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
Poor little Fatty cat :(
cool colors...