Anyone else an expat newbie?

This is my first expat experience. Love the huge learning curve, the people I meet, think everyone should do this at least once in their lives...or more. Some days it's been difficult giving up everything I had but I've always been a glass half full person. What do you love about it, any advice you can share? This is also for experienced expats too
Thanks tweety bird. Was worried about going home and feeling coming back may be just too hard. Will try remember what you said chook
I may be blonde but I am wise
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a job in Kuwait in 1978 and had to get the atlas out to find out where it was!
Only lived in the UK for 3 years since.
"Make a difference or make way"
24 years expat. still going strong
9 yrs expat ... Qatar is my 3rd placement and been here for nearly 7 yrs.
Am expat for over 2 years now, its been fantastic experiences. Good or Bad loves them all.. just can't get enough.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
snowy owl - This move is our first experience as expats. I have been here a little over 9 months now with my family and it does get easier. At first we were all excited to be here and to start our new adventure (the honeymoon phase) and then all of the little differences that at first we thought were quaint started to be annoying and we did make the mistake of comparing life here to life at home. But a few months back we went "home" only to realize that our home was now in Doha. We enjoyed our trip but like all vacations it was good to get back home and home is here. Since that trip everything has been easier and we all have settled in and are enjoying our life here. I agree with everyone above, now that we are over the "hump" this is the best thing we could have done at this stage in our lives.
So be prepared for some real highs and some real lows before you settle in and this becomes your home as well. I wish you and yours all the best.
it just made me think... to learn whatever u can in the new place u r in.. than cribbin about how bored u r in the entirely new place..
Aunt Polly... quite interesting to see the various things u have learnt from ppl from the countries you visited...
I too am an expat newbie.
Quite scary isn't it? leaving everything you know behind for a new life!
i have been here for 3 years now.
I feel that we have an opportunity to learn things here, that we never had back home- like learning new languages, new sports, learning to be less xenophobic and seeing some very friendly people like the Filipinas. I learnt to smile without inhibitions from them.
From the Qataris , i learnt about not taking life too seriously.
Learning to take things easy and letting god take care of things over which one has no control over is what i learnt from the Qatari people.
i hope to practise it when i go back to my native country too.
I visited LEbanon , since i was here.From the Lebanese i learnt to have fun.
To take care of nature, to make a small garden in whatever little spot you have , spread a little happiness around.
I went to jordan too and from the jordanians , i learnt friendliness again.
once they learn that we are new, they go out of their way to make us feel at home,I guess that is hospitality.
I visited the UK for a short time, and from what i could observe, i learnt how they never wasted time or money. They did their shopping in small baskets , and not in big trolleys like we do over here.
Also i noticed, how most of them read things, if they were on the bus or on the tube, people were reading.
These are the things I learnt from being in foreign climes and hope to take back with me.
Aunt Polly
kelly u have been here for 35 yrs???? well do u think u r a newbie then? hehe...
am an expat for 35 years. is that considered newbie?
since u say u r a half glass full person.. check out for the positive side of this country... make some frenz... and i am sure u will love ur stay here... well making frenz.. now thats where u need to work a lil bit.. and QL will be helpful in that... hehe...
Ahhh, the definition of blunt can be taken either way...personally am never....well almost never am being rude!!
For me I guess, I was at the top of my career etc etc and in this modern world, your job is part of who you are and a was a housewife, doing very well at both but now a part is missing. I guess that is what the crux of my initial posting was about. How to go beyond that in another country without all the comforts of home
I may be blonde but I am wise
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well blunt as in rude.. Or just very clear?? lol
I'm starting to notice that in every culture it is better to be just polite conversations. I just have a hard time holding my opinion in.. and am quite clear about what I believe. Although I don't think I am rude about it.. I hope .......
Living in England has partly taught me the positive side of being controlled. As I had always thought it was for bores! (lol see I just can't help it)
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
Yeah PH, can agree and can assume we would do that in any social setting I guess! Been a victim of that myself! Well, not the american part but for myself being blunt, open and honest.....something I have learnt poorly that is not part of this culture!
I may be blonde but I am wise
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I wonder what if one can sometimes be too friendly? I know in england people look at me rather odd when I use typical american friendliness (which seems superficial at times) in trying to get to know people. I've learned to be a bit cautious and make a gradual and polite slog in order to gain friends here.
Well thats a lie. I still haven't learnt the art yet! But I plan on practicing.. lol
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
I did that when I first came to england from America. I kept comparing the two countries.
What I realized is that every country has good and bad. And I love the learning about new cultures and ideas. Realizing why the english complain about the weather so much!
My husband and I are really excited about the challanges we may face in Qatar. And are looking forward to jumping over the hurdles that all expats face. And also enriching our own perspectives about the world.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
I agree... thanks Alexa, word to live by really
Darude....had a friendly always??? Thats against human nature! Just thinking and reading back on thread posted here
I may be blonde but I am wise
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good advice alexa, i guess after 12 years you seem to have perfected it...
I would also add dont compare to where you came from, because i did this occasionally and it drove me nuts..
Thanks Darude. Have already been doing that as I come from a multicultural place its natural. I, and my kids are learning arabic and practise it, a national friend dropped off some english books about the quoran (sp?) so I can learn more and we also try to say thank you in whomever is there in their mother tongue. I'd admit it's getting confusing remebering which is which!
nadt.....glad to hear it gets easier
I may be blonde but I am wise
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Thank you snowyowl....i hear it does get easier.....and 6 months later i can say its is getting a bit easier...
respect their cultural values
and represent yours at the best.
be friendly always.
Hey nadt. So hear you there and can I say welcome to the club
I may be blonde but I am wise
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Im a newbie too...and trying to get used to it. I have the same feelings too, days where i just wanna pack up and go back to my familiar life, days where i love the experience of being in a new country...I guess we have bad and good days where ever we are..
So where have you guys been?
can you suggets THE one thing that a virgin(oops can I say that?) needs to learn/ have? I just got my drivers lic after the biggest hassle! Thats kinda important!
I may be blonde but I am wise
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last 23years
and Alexa i beat you there :D